

Sparaxis is a perennial plant from South Africa, capable of filling the garden with a bright riot of colors already in early summer. Each flower combines several contrasting shades, like a small rainbow. Botanical characteristics The genus sparaxis belongs to the iris family. This deciduous plant has a corm root system.

Davallia - home care, photo

Davallia is a perennial fern plant famous for its fast pace of development. She belongs to the family of Davallievs. In everyday life, this shrub is also called the "hare foot" or the "buck leg." It grows in the Australian and Asian tropical zones, in Japan and China, in the Canary Islands, as well as on the island of Java.

How to water a money tree at home

One of the most popular domestic plants in Russia is the Crassula (Crassula), better known as the money tree. Its dense rounded plump leaves are very similar to coins. In addition to decorating the interior, it is believed that a tree grown with love can bring good luck and financial prosperity to the house.

Raspberry Brilliant - frost-resistant variety with large berries

Raspberries are a unique berry. It is valued not only for its sweet taste and bright aroma. Due to its healing properties, it is used in medicine for colds. Such a tasty medicine promotes a speedy recovery and saturates the body with vitamins. A handful of raspberries is a wonderful antidepressant: the copper in its composition strengthens the nervous system and improves mood.

Vaccination of a pear: how, when and what can be done

Vaccination of a pear is a simple and exciting procedure, but it requires accuracy and a number of rules. First of all, you need to take care of the selection and procurement of vaccine material, to deal with the timing and methods of vaccination. An important moment is also the choice of stock, on the quality of which the result of the whole event and future fruiting will directly depend.

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