Terry begonia flower at home


Among the variety of indoor plants, terry begonia stands apart. It has attracted the attention of man for several centuries. A variety of combinations of flowers and foliage are very attractive. Terry varieties deserve special attention.

Flower description

The genus Vegonia unites almost 1,600 species; 125 species and various varieties of hybrids and varieties are used in indoor and landscape floriculture. The list of begonia varieties is very large, which indicates the popularity of the plant and its biological plasticity.

Queen of Home Flowers

Terry begonia - a small shrub with lots of foliage. Asymmetric begonia leaves can be whole or dissected. The edge of the leaf blade is wavy or serrated. Their color is diverse, sometimes foliage is not inferior in color to flowers.

Variety of leaves

Large terry female flowers are collected in inflorescences. Also on inflorescences there are small imperceptible male flowers. There are a lot of colors of begonia flowers. Bright white, red, orange, coral, pink, yellow flowers delight with their beauty all summer. And terry begonia ever-flowering continues to bloom before the start of winter.

Different colors of flowers

Popular varieties

Coral begonia flower at home

Terry begonia varieties are divided into two large groups:

  • bush begonia. It is used for decorative purposes, when landscaping open areas;
  • tuber begonia is the best option for indoor floriculture.

In domestic decorative gardening, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties of begonias:

  • deciduous and decorative;
  • decorative flowering.

For decorative leaf varieties, foliage of unusual bright coloring is characteristic. Flowers on the background of enchanting leaves are almost invisible. Such begonias are used for landscaping, creating the structure of the garden.

The largest number of terry begonias among the last three varieties. Below in more detail about some of them.

Fragrant begonia

The flowers in this series are characterized by a pleasant delicate aroma and corrugated lush flowers. There are several color options:

Red Glory - bright red flowers of this variety are always visible from afar.

Red glory

Sunrise with orange aroma and color. Attract butterflies and bees, enlivening the space of the garden.


White Angelica is a white terry begonia. The flowers look like pink and white foam.

White angelica

Fringed begonia

The flowers are similar terry edges with a large lush cloves. There are many varieties: salmon, orange, red fringed.

Fringed species

Ampel begonia

A popular group of varieties ideal for vertical gardening. A distinctive feature is the long hanging stems. Flowers from simple to terry, various color variations are noteworthy.

Ampel variety


Delicate transparent pink flowers with double petals. Looks great in the garden. Buds are not prone to fading. There is a variety with light orange flowers. It has dark green large leaves. There is an annual and ever-flowering subspecies.

Fiona variety


Perennial begonia. The best option for large flowerpots and rooms. The variety has half-open flowers of red, white, pink, orange flowers.

Sort Queen


Designed to create accents. It looks like the sun has fallen into the garden. Large double flowers of bright yellow color and dark green medium-sized leaves are pleasing to the eye. Grown in spacious pots.

Grade Yellow

Fire coral

An annual variety with very double flowers. Buds with transitions of orange-coral-scarlet color. The effect of a fiery flower is created.

Variety Fire Coral

How to ensure proper home care

For transplantation, a loose, nutritious soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5) is suitable. Such a substrate can be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself.

Begonia flower - propagation at home

Approximate soil composition for begonias:

  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • calcined river sand - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Terry begonias are especially in need of top dressing in the spring and summer. When plants are actively gaining green mass, they need nitrogen, during the formation of buds and flowering - in potassium and phosphorus. The frequency of top dressing is 1-2 times per month.

Note! The best option for begonias is liquid fertilizers containing nutrients (micro and macro) in chelated form.

How to plant in a pot

Begonia elatior flower - home care

A begonia pot is best to choose a simple clay without glaze. Due to the porous structure of the wall of such a pot, air is passed to the roots of the plant and soil acidification is prevented.

Important! Ampel begonias are most comfortable in shallow but wide flowerpots.

The best time to transplant is in early spring. The pot can be left unchanged or replaced with a larger copy. Shrub begonias are transplanted once every two years, tuberous - annually after the end of the dormant period. The plant needs to be updated by rooting the cuttings, every few years.

The procedure for landing:

  1. Carefully remove the roots with a lump of earth from the pot.
  2. Shake off most of the old substrate.
  3. Inspect the roots and remove old, rotten, too long.
  4. Put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, then a thin layer of fresh soil.
  5. Place the roots of the plant in a new pot and cover it with earth.
  6. Be sure to water the flower so that the soil fits snugly to the roots.

Rules for watering and maintaining humidity

The hotter the window, the more abundant the begonias should be. In the summer at least twice a week. To avoid stagnation of moisture, it is worth providing the flowers with high-quality drainage. In autumn, the frequency and abundance of watering is gradually reduced. In winter, during the period when the vegetation stops, the plant needs only three waterings per month, but do not forget to control the soil moisture, otherwise the flower will die.

Begonias are demanding on air humidity, but drops of water from the sprayer that fall on the leaves will cause brown spots. Therefore, moisturizing the air, you do not need to spray on begonia. You can put flower pots on a pallet with wet expanded clay.

Temperature and lighting

In the summer months, begonia is kept at room temperature, that is, at 22-25 ° C. The plant tolerates warmer air with difficulty. In winter, a temperature of 15 ° C is optimal for unfading varieties.

Note! Tuberous begonias of 3-3.5 winter months are at rest. Tubers are stored in sand or peat at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. The substrate is moistened several times during the winter so that the tubers do not dry.

Begonias prefer fresh air. It is necessary to ventilate the room where they are more often. It is worth placing the pot with the plant in a bright place, where there are no drafts and direct sunlight.

Common problems with diseases and pests and how to fix them

Problems with pests and diseases in domestic plants appear when they do not receive sufficient care or the conditions for their cultivation are violated.

The main troubles that begonias owners may encounter are reflected in the table:

TitleSymptomsCauseTreatment methods
Powdery mildewwhite plaque on the leavesdrafts, excessive air humidity, frequent temperature changesfungicides
Gray rotgray fluffy plaque (mold) on stems and leaves, can become root rotlow temperatures, high humidity, lack of ventilationremoval of diseased parts, fungicide treatment
Spider mitethin web on the inside of the leaf, stems, growth pointsinfection from other plantsdamaged parts are removed, treated with an insecticide daily until the insects completely disappear
Aphidgreen or black translucent insects on young leaves and shootsaphids often bring antstreat with insecticide

Home breeding guidelines

The simplest and most affordable is vegetative propagation. Begonia propagated by cuttings and parts of the tuber.

Propagation by cuttings

In this way, any begonia can be quickly propagated.

Act as follows:

  1. In early spring, with a sharp knife, cuttings about 10 cm long are cut from the plant.
  2. Lower leaves are removed
  3. Cuttings are placed in water until the roots appear, or, treated with root, in the ground.
  4. Roots will appear in water in seven days, in soil - in a month and a half.

Tuber propagation

In this way, only tuberous begonias are propagated.


  1. Choose a healthy tuber with 4-7 kidneys.
  2. Cut the tuber so that the kidneys are evenly distributed between the segments.
  3. Allow the slices to dry.
  4. Treat with fungicide.
  5. Put parts of the tuber on wet gauze or substrate.
  6. When roots appear on the convex part of the tuber, you can plant.
  7. When planting, deepen only the convex part. Do not sprinkle the top of the sap until the sprouts appear.

Note! Knowing how to care for terry begonia, you can provide it with optimal conditions. The grateful flower will answer with lush flowering and healthy foliage.

Bright flowers of various shades will decorate the house in the winter, and in the summer - a terrace, a balcony or a seasonal dacha.
