Cumbria orchid: care and maintenance at home


Orchid hybrids, which are deliberately bred by breeders and are not found in the wild, are collectively called cumbria. This is a trade name of a large genus, in the selection of which varieties such as oncidium, miltonia, odontoglossum, brassia and many others were used. Plants are distinguished by their attractive appearance; they are mainly used to decorate the interior of residential and office premises.

Main types

Available plant varieties differ from each other in the shape, size and colors of the buds. The most common varieties are cumbria Colmanara, Nelli Isler, Mix, Multitonium, Beallara and Burrageara orchid.

Cumbria Bartley Schwartz

Cumbria Colmanara

In the process of creating an orchid of artificial origin, Colmanara was attended by representatives of just three genera. As a result of the crossing of multonia, odontoglossum and oncidium, a beautiful and undemanding flower was born, which received an unusual name. Named the orchid of Colmanar Tropic Jungle. The duration of its flowering varies from one to three months. The color of its petals has all shades from yellow to red.

The plant belongs to unassuming varieties. At the same time, a narrow container with holes through which excess water will flow out is best suited for its cultivation.

Colmanar Orchid

Cumbria Nelly Isler

An unpretentious plant that does not require additional stimulation of flowering. Very fragrant appearance, will not leave anyone indifferent due to its amazingly beautiful inflorescences of indescribable hue.

Orchid Nelly Isler

Cumbria Mix

An orchid of this species is striking in its appearance. Its main differences from other varieties are the structure of colors and elegance. The flowers are colored red and yellow, and the petals are bordered with white and pink.

Cumbria flowering Mix lasts from one to two months. During this period, from 5 to 20 flowers may appear on the stem.

For your information! The older the orchid, the more flowers it has.

Cumbria Orchid Mix

Home care and maintenance

Orchid home care: options for reproduction and planting a flower

Cumbria orchid needs good care no less than other varieties of this flower.

Note! Cumbria is the conventional name for all hybrids of the orchid type.

In order for cambria to feel good, home care should first of all consist in providing the plant with optimal lighting and maintenance at an acceptable temperature. Equally important is proper watering, timely transplanting and top dressing.

Despite all the above requirements, keeping and caring for Cambria orchid is very simple. That is why such a flower is recommended for growing to beginner gardeners.

Home care and maintenance

Watering frequency

Like all other orchid varieties, cumbria is a flower that prefers immersion watering. For this, the plant is placed in a container of water and left in this position for approximately 30 minutes. In this case, a prerequisite that must be observed is that all the liquid must drain from the plant. This is necessary to prevent excessive moisture, which can lead to its death. For proper watering, experts recommend using only purified or standing water at room temperature.

Soil quality

To grow an orchid of this genus, you must first prepare for it a pot with a special soil mixture. Its main components should be the fine-grained pine bark and crushed sphagnum. When falling asleep, the bark must be boiled several times. This is necessary to remove excess resin from it.

The composition must necessarily contain small pieces of charcoal, since they do not allow acidification that occurs as a result of decomposition of the bark. To ensure aeration, you can use pumice, expanded clay or peat chips to choose from. Experts do not recommend adding pieces of polystyrene to the ground, since when watering by immersion, they do not sink, but float on the surface of the water.

Note! For cumbria, soil in the form of ordinary soil is not suitable.


To grow a beautiful cumbria orchid, home care must include proper lighting. The plant needs bright light. In this case, it must be protected from direct sunlight.

Cumbria orchid flowers will feel better on windows located on the western and eastern sides. When placed on the south side, the flower will definitely need to be shaded.

Important! In winter, it is necessary to highlight the orchid with special phytolamps, given that daylight hours at this time of the year should have a duration of at least 10 hours.

Humidity and temperature

This genus does not need high humidity. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary to provide it with a moisture content of only about 35%. Maintaining such indicators is very simple: you can place an open container of water in the immediate vicinity of the flower, or systematically moisten it from a sprayer.

As for the temperature regime, the orchid needs to maintain a temperature in the range from 18 ° C to 25 ° C all year round. Also, during the cultivation of cumbria, it should be borne in mind that this variety does not need daily temperature differences to form flower buds.

Top dressing

For feeding, it is recommended to use a special fertilizer for orchids. Fertilizing the flower is necessary only during the period of growth and maturation of the pseudobulb once every 14 days.

Cumbria breeding

Miltonia orchid: home transplant and flower care options

Most often, the species reproduces by the method of dividing the bush, but it is still possible to reproduce it by children.

Cumbria breeding

When propagated by dividing the bush, the procedure is carried out during a plant transplant. Such actions should be carried out only after the orchid ceases to bloom. To propagate an orchid in this way, you must perform the following steps:

  1. remove the plant from the pot and clean it from the ground;
  2. thoroughly inspect the root system, if diseased roots are detected, they must be removed;
  3. divide the flower into several parts;
  4. treat with potassium permanganate solution or wood ash the places of cuts;
  5. transplant parts of the bushes into separate pots.

Cumbria orchids at home are preferred to be propagated by children. As soon as several leaves are formed on the children, they are separated from the mother bush and placed first in water, and then, when the roots appear, they are transplanted into pots. In addition, it is not prohibited immediately after separation from the mother bush to plant children in the ground.

Orchid bloom

Orchid Vanilla: the main types and options for home care

Orchid blooms for 5-7 weeks. After this, the dried flower stalk is necessarily removed. When caring for a blooming orchid, you must be able to correctly prune the flower stalk cambria. It is important that after a while the flower can continue to bloom or grow children from the waiting buds.

Note! Trimming the peduncle is necessary only when the green branch begins to turn yellow or red.

Possible difficulties

The main problem when growing cumbria, which is faced by almost all lovers, is that the flower does not bloom from year to year. The reason for this behavior in cumbria is considered to be excessive moisture entering the plant during the formation of pseudobulbs. This is what prevents flower buds from being laid. Therefore, in order for cumbria to bloom at home annually, it is necessary to carefully monitor the flow of moisture.

Diseases and Pests

Like phalaenopsis, cumbria is susceptible to diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. The reason is excessive moisture in the root system and substrate. Bacterial diseases can provoke sucking insects. The main sign that the plant begins to die is yellowed leaves. The plant can be cured only by removing the damaged areas of the roots and the content of cumbria in the open system before they grow.

Diseases and Pests


When a flower is affected by a bacterial disease, it begins to become covered with black dots. In this case, resuscitation should be carried out immediately: all affected areas are cut off, and the flower is treated with fungicides.

Pests also inhabit the flower of this genus. The most common are the following varieties:

  • worms - small fluffy lumps of white color;
  • whiteflies - small flying insects of white color;
  • thrips;
  • spider mites.

Cambria resuscitation options without roots

If the cumbria suddenly lost its roots, regardless of whether they rotted from waterlogging or acidification of the substrate, you can try to save the plant. To do this, immediately cut off all rotten roots and leave cumbria without soil for several hours in the air. After that, place in a fresh mixture and provide the plant with at least 8 hours of light day. Moreover, it is often required to be sprayed. Since cumbria will have no support, you should put a stick next to it and tie the plant to it. After a while, young bulbs will give roots on the flower.

Cumbria orchid is a hybrid whose flowers look like stars. This copy has become very popular among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and variety of colors. It is very easy to look after him, which is a big plus for beginners in this matter.
