Abelia large-flowered: home care and methods of reproduction


Abelia is a plant from the family Honeysuckle, which can grow in a garden or apartment. There are more than 15 species and hybrid forms, differing in size and description of appearance.

Main types

Despite the variety of species, not all of them are intended for growing at home. Some of the varieties are able to reach 2-3 meters, so they are used as hedges and garden compositions. The following species and hybrid forms are most popular.

Appearance of Abelia

Abelia Korean

In the natural environment, Korean abelia grows in the countries of the Far East. It does not have decorative varieties, so only its wild-growing form is found.

Important!The variety is characterized by high frost resistance, which allows wintering in the open ground of the Moscow region and regions with a temperate climate.

An adult plant grows up to 2 m. The leaves are ovoid in shape, their length is 5-6 cm.

When abelia blooms, the plant will be densely covered with large flowers of a pinkish tint. The aroma is strong and pleasant, it remains at the whole stage of long flowering. As a result, places of compact growth are literally shrouded in a delicate aroma.

Abelia Grandiflora

The abelia of grandiflora grows to a height of more than 0.5-1.5 m.

Flowering occurs at the end of spring and ends by the beginning of autumn. Flowers can have shades from white to pink. A characteristic feature - flowers, tubular, collected in panicled inflorescences at the tips of the shoots.

Oval leaves with a smooth surface are painted in saturated green shades.

Abelia Grandiflora

Abelia is large-flowered

This is a hybrid form. Young plants have pale pink shoots and small pointed leaves. Abundantly growing white inflorescences are located on a shrub for a long time.

The varieties most loved by gardeners:

  • Francis Mason is a compact shrub with yellow leaves.
  • Abelia Edward Goucher is a variety combining red and purple hues.

No less popular varieties:

  • Little Richard is a dwarf plentifully flowering variety.
  • Abelia Kaleidoscope is an evergreen compact plant with bright multi-color shades.
  • Confetti is a shrub that grows in height no more than 1 m. Flowers, like leaves of different shades.
  • Mosan Abelia - white inflorescences with a pleasant smell resembling a mixture of lilac and jasmine. Winter hardiness is good, the plant is able to tolerate frosts up to −15 ° С.

Today, new varieties with golden foliage are also offered to flower lovers. "Keats gold", "Super Gold", "Little Gold" - even those who have been cultivating this culture for a long time at home or on the site can impress with their appearance.

Abelia: home care

Abelia is a shrub that is unpretentious in care. It can be grown by beginner gardeners. But in order for the plant to please with long flowering and good growth, it is necessary to create conditions close to the natural zone of its growth.

  • Humidity
Indoor rose: home care and methods of reproduction

Abelia flower can be moistened with a spray only on hot summer days. In winter, spraying is not required.

Important! High humidity can cause the plant to rot.

  • Lighting

The best place to grow indoor or garden variety is a well-lit place or partial shade. Planting in the shade or under open sunlight is not recommended.

  • Temperature

Caring for a plant at home involves observing the temperature regime. The optimum temperature is considered to be 20-25 ° C.

  • The soil

When growing aromatic abelia and other varieties, slightly acidic soil is used. The plant responds well to fertilizers, so compost or humus is added to the soil.

Abelia Landing

  • Watering

Abundant hydration is required in the spring and summer. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter it is minimized.

Breeding methods

Yucca: home care and plant propagation methods

Propagation of the plant is possible in two ways: cuttings and seeds.

  • Cuttings

Cuttings remain after spring pruning. Rapid root growth is observed in light soils. Tanks with seedlings are transferred to a warm room.

  • Seeds

Seeds are sown in mid-winter. Shoots appear quickly enough and are rapidly growing. Care for them is necessary in the same way as for an adult plant.

Growing this plant is a simple and interesting process. The plant has a long and beautiful flowering, therefore, often acts as a decoration of the garden and landscape compositions.
