Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Candle - Description


The dream of any gardener is to decorate his plot in a way that not a single neighbor has succeeded in. Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Candle is capable of surpassing everyone in the beauty of flowering.

The hydrangea Magic Candle plant beckoning with its beauty is not capricious and does not require special care. It is able to survive the cold winters. Feels most comfortable located in partial shade.

Origin and appearance

Hydrangea got its name because of the appearance of flowers resembling a candle. Magical Candle translated into Russian means "magic candle." An adult flower is a shrub capable of reaching 2 meters in height. The foliage is dark green, dense, with notches along the edges.

Shrub during flowering

This hydrangea variety was called magical, because inflorescences radically change their shade throughout their life cycle: flowers of a delicate cream color bloom, over time they turn pink, and by the autumn they become saturated with a raspberry tone.

The description of hydrangea magical candle in many publications begins with the delight of the plant during the flowering period. A spectacular shrub was introduced from Japan, where it adorned vast areas of alleys and gardens. A striking sight could not leave indifferent any tourist, thanks to which the flower quickly spread throughout Russia.

Adult hydrangea grows to the size of a large shrub and can quite successfully fulfill the function of a lively and delightful hedge. The width of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. If annual pruning is not carried out, the maximum height of independent growth reaches 3 meters.


The plant looks very contrasted and saturated during the flowering period - dark green foliage in combination with colorful buds creates an irresistible composition. Gardeners are increasingly planting it around the perimeter of their plots in order to enjoy the lush color of this eastern guest throughout almost the entire summer season.

The magnificent beauty blooms from the beginning of summer until the very fall. The flowers are collected tightly in inflorescences, reaching a height of 30 cm. The number of buds increases towards the bottom, so the whole composition resembles a pyramid or a candle.

Additional Information. The annual pruning during the formation of the bush does not affect the number of inflorescences in any way - they do not become smaller. A regular haircut will give a beautiful shape to the green part of the bush.

Open hydrangea transplant

Hydrangea Magic Sweet Summer (Hydrangea Paniculata Magical Sweet Summer)

Landing in open ground is best done in early spring, before the plant has woken up after winter sleep. If there is a need for transplanting in the fall, this can be done after the garden beauty drops the leaves in preparation for wintering.

To transplant Hydrangea Magic, you need to have a special soil mixture that will nourish the plant and prevent the roots from rotting. The hole should be 2 times larger than an earthen lump with roots so that the flower has the opportunity to develop in the process of growing green mass.

Panicled Hydrangea Magic should grow in a sunny area or in partial shade from taller trees or a fence. The absolute shadow will not suit her. From a lack of sunshine, it will not die, but the quality of flowering may deteriorate: the appearance of the flowers will become pale and unattractive.

Landing hole

Planting should be carried out taking into account a number of rules:

  1. Dig a hole in a sunny place or partial shade twice the size of an earthen ball of flower.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the hole. Broken brick or large expanded clay is perfect.
  3. Put the plant rhizome tightly covered with fertile soil mixtures (humus, sand, fertile soil).
  4. It is good to tamp the ground, paying particular attention to the area around the trunk.
  5. Make abundant watering: per hole with a depth of 50 cm, with a diameter of 50 cm, at least 10 liters of water will be required.


Hydrangea Magical Candle can propagate both by cuttings and by sowing seeds.


Hydrangea Magical Moonligh - Description

In order to get a new plant from an existing adult, it is enough to make slices from long shoots with a height of 15 cm.The obtained processes do not need to be kept in water, they are immediately deepened into fertile soil by two buds, not forgetting to regularly feed them with fertilizers and growth stimulants.

Note! Until the cuttings are rooted, drying of the soil should not be allowed, which will provide abundant watering. For winter, young sprouts in the garden are covered with spruce branches or mulched with a thick layer of hay.

Seed cultivation

After gorgeous flowering in place of fallen petals, you can find small-sized seeds. If you collect them, dry them in a dark, dry place, and then harden at a temperature of + 5 ° C for 24 hours, you can get many new plants at once.

Important! From non-hardened seeds, plants will appear that are not able to winter in harsh conditions. They will be more susceptible to typical hydrangea diseases and more susceptible to lack or excess of sunlight.

Prepared seeds are spread on cheesecloth moistened with warm water. It is advisable to place germinating seeds near heating appliances or in another warm place. Be sure to make sure that the gauze does not dry out, but always is wet.

Sprouts are planted in the open ground after the appearance of 4 true leaves, but only if a sharp change in weather is not expected in the coming week. Otherwise, it is better to wait for temperature stability and plant plants a little later, without risk.

Hydrangea Care

Hydrangea Paniculata Pinky Winky - Description

Hydrangea magical candle does not require special growing conditions and infinite state control.

Hydrangea in pink

Observance of simple rules suitable for many other plants will allow you to enjoy the flowering of a magical beauty without any special difficulties.

Watering mode

Watering the soil should be infrequent, but very plentiful. One irrigation per week is enough, but the amount of water should be quite large - 25 liters of water are required per adult bush. If the climate is arid, the soil around the flower needs to be mulched to prevent the upper layers from drying out soon.

Top dressing

Fertilize hydrangea Magic Kendl in three stages:

  1. Spring fertilizing involves nitrogen nutrition. Bird droppings or pellets bought in a store are great for him.
  2. In the summer, potash mixtures are used, allowing you to bloom violently and brightly with a bewitching shrub.
  3. In the fall, minerals are introduced that allow wintering to be carried out without damage to health.

During flowering

During flowering, magical hydrangea should not be transplanted. Bright candles, pleasing to the eye, require a sufficient amount of moisture. Therefore, when the first buds have blossomed, it is time to increase the amount of watering to 40 liters under one bush twice a week.

Additional Information! If the flowers are planted in the country house, where the owner gets at best once a week, sheltering the soil with mowed grass, hay or decoratively treated bark of conifers will save him from drying out.

During rest

When in the fall, hydrangea Kendl has already thrown off the foliage or has not yet blossomed it after a winter sleep, you need to be careful when watering to prevent root decay.

Decorative mulch


After a snowy winter, watering should be resumed after the soil has processed all the melt water. When the top layer began to resemble dry earth, you can start watering, after first plowing the area around the bush.

Winter preparations

Panicle Hydrangea Magic Candle is not afraid of frosts down to -30˚С. All plants of the first year of independent growth in open ground require additional insulation from covering material, mulch or spruce branches.

The same applies to adult plants planted in regions with harsh winters. In this case, both young and adult shrubs should be covered every year. The basal territory also needs to be covered with a layer of grass, fallen leaves or compost.

The dream of any housewife is flowering plants throughout the summer. Hydrangea is the best choice for those who seek to ennoble their plots with stable long-term flowering of the bush. Without complicated care, she will perfectly revive any landscape, will cheer up every day and give a good reason for pride in her garden.
