Phalaenopsis breeding at home: examples of children and cuttings


The homeland of the Phalaenopsis orchid is southeast Asia, and it is also found in the humid forests of Australia and the Philippines. This plant is an epiphyte, as it is often found growing on trees and even on stones. In total, 70 species of Phalaenopsis are known, the flower is popular among flower growers, due to the unusual and beautiful flowering, in addition, the orchid is quite easy to propagate and easy to care for. How to propagate the Phalaenopsis orchid is described in detail in the article.

Methods of propagation Phalaenopsis

In the wild, a plant propagates by seeds or children. Propagation of the Phalaenopsis orchid at home from seeds is almost impossible, other methods are quite successfully used.

Phalaenopsis in the wild

It is enough to observe some important rules, how easy it is to propagate Phalaenopsis.


To propagate the orchid roots does not require any special skills. First, you need to remove the plant from the soil, free the roots from the soil, then:

  • using a sterile knife, cut off parts of the root, 2 pseudobulbs per sprout;
  • sprinkle the cut with charcoal;
  • plant each cut piece in a separate pot.

To quickly get a healthy, full-fledged plant with strong roots, it is enough to spray it twice a day, until these leaves appear.


The easiest way to breed Phalaenopsis is with the help of children. 2 months after the end of flowering, it is necessary to cut off the side shoots that grew on the peduncle. An shoot can also form at the base of the leaves of the plant. It is best to plant when a pair of leaves has formed, and also the aerial roots have grown to 5 cm.

Important! If the baby has grown large, then its deposit can adversely affect the parent plant.

After the cut, the baby is left for a day to dry, then it is planted on a substrate for orchids, a greenhouse is created. It should maintain a temperature of 22-250C.


For this method, it is necessary to cut the stem of the plant, separate it into viable cuttings, cutting off the top. Sections are treated with fungicide. Cuttings grow in shallow sphagnum, moisturizing them and creating an atmosphere of a greenhouse with a temperature of about 260C.

Care for cuttings

Flower stalk

How easy is phalaenopsis propagated by a peduncle? After the orchid has faded, it follows:

  • cut the peduncle under the root;
  • cut it into pieces so that each contains a sleeping kidney;
  • treat the cuttings with charcoal on both sides (can be replaced with activated carbon);
  • put in a small greenhouse on a sphagnum.

Cuttings will sprout quite quickly if you constantly maintain a temperature of at least 250 ° C and sufficient humidity.

You can also put the cut flower stalk in water, in which fertilizers are added. Place it in a sunny place, and periodically spray with Dr. Foley. Thanks to such actions, all sleeping kidneys will wake up and the children will grow up.

Home breeding conditions

How to plant an orchid: examples in a pot and at home

Propagating Phalaenopsis at home is difficult; proper plant care will help minimize risks.

Important! For reproduction, you should choose only healthy strong plants.

Compliance with the temperature regime, the necessary humidity and a large amount of ultraviolet light will help in the cultivation of orchids at home and their reproduction.

Air humidity

The ideal air humidity for Phalaenopsis is 70%, deviations can be from 50% to 80%. When humidity is less than 30%, the probability of flowering plants decreases, or the orchid ceases to bloom at all.

Aerial Orchid Roots

When spraying a flower, there is a chance of contracting fungi of various etiologies. To maintain the necessary humidity, create a constant source of moisture near the plant, it can be an open reservoir, for example, an aquarium. In addition, another great way is used:

  • pour gravel into a deep pan;
  • put a pot with a plant on top;
  • Fill the pan with water so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot.

Attention! Phalaenopsis is afraid of drafts, even from the air conditioner.


In addition to humidity, a constant temperature should be maintained in the room, then the orchid will bloom regularly, remain healthy and delight with its beauty. It is best to maintain a room at 280C. Permissible short-term decrease to 160C and increase to 320C.

If the plant does not bloom, then it is possible to stimulate the appearance of the peduncle by lowering the air temperature to 120 ° C for no more than 2 weeks, then raise it to 200 ° C. An orchid will tolerate a higher temperature than a low temperature.

Flowering time

If you do not comply with the conditions of orchid, then the plant may not bloom at all. Subject to the basic rules, Phalaenopsis will bloom at least once a year, depending on the variety and conditions of detention, and more often. Flowering itself lasts at least 2 months, maximum flower stalk pleases its owners for six months.

Options for jailing kids

Hoya propagation by cuttings, rooting and transplanting at home

Growing flowers is simple, for example, orchid propagation by children is the simplest thing. When separating the baby from the mother plant of Phalaenopsis, the orchid can be severely damaged, therefore several important rules should be observed:

  • if the baby is separated from the peduncle, then at least 1 cm from the stem should be left;
  • separating from the roots, it is necessary to check the presence of roots in the child;
  • when separating the layering from the sinus of the leaves, it is necessary to capture 1 cm of the mother plant.

Important! In any separation of the cut, the area should be treated with activated carbon.

Further care for children

Description - home care, propagation by leaf and cuttings

In all cases, regardless of the method of separating the baby, the shoot must be placed in greenhouse conditions, maintaining the necessary temperature and humidity until a complete root system is formed. To root the plant, use moss, which helps maintain the necessary moisture, while avoiding excessive moisture.

Flowering Phalaenopsis at home

After the formation of strong roots and a pair of real leaves, the orchid is planted in a pot in a permanent place.

Possible breeding errors

When propagating Phalaenopsis, it is better not to use the method of root division, in the case of this variety of orchids this is the most unsuccessful method.

If the orchid is sick, it is better not to use the plant for propagation. Although in some cases a unique instance can be saved using the method of reproduction in water.

Important! If the instrument is not sterilized and the orchid sections are not treated, the plant will die.

It is not difficult to take care of Phalaenopsis, but the plant is very demanding on the conditions of detention. With the right approach, you can grow a whole greenhouse of unique orchids at home. The Phalaenopsis flower, propagation at home which is quite fast and simple, very beautiful, flower growers adore it: professionals and amateurs.
