Bocarneya: home care and popular types


The Asparagus family includes such a plant as a scorpion, or nolin. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of several meters and has a thick bottle-shaped trunk, it stores the reserves of fluid needed by the plant. Thanks to the selection work, a guest from Southern Mexico can be kept as an indoor culture.

Main types

At the moment, biologists have found and described 30 species of this plant.

Bokarneya in wildlife

Some representatives need to be introduced a little closer.

Bokarneya bent

In another way, it is called Rekervata, zero and bent. It is the most common species. The stem of the plant swells down. Under natural conditions, the diameter often reaches 1 meter. Leaves resembling ribbons are located above, they grow in an arc and can twist, reach 100 cm in length and have a width of 2 cm. The color of the plates is dark green. This variety is most often found among domestic plants.

Bokarneya bent

Bockarney Nelson

Another name is blue bergra grass. Young plants have virtually no stem. In height, the variety reaches several meters.

Squeezed bakery

Differs in a squat structure. For young plants, a similarity with bulbs is characteristic. The dried leaves of nolin do not fall, but fall and are pressed to the stem. This feature makes the crop look like a haystack.

Home Care

Cactus Cereus: Popular Plant Species and Home Care

It doesn’t matter what kind of nolin is chosen as a home plant, they all need almost the same conditions, allowing them to grow and develop. Both in the wild and in the apartment, culture has been growing for a very long time. Further, about bokarney care at home.

An important point. Even if it provides more good care, it will not bloom. This is its peculiarity with home maintenance.


Despite the fact that the plant has long adapted to the conditions of life next to a person, it accumulates and economically consumes the moisture entering the earth.

In the summer, nolin needs frequent and plentiful watering as the earthen coma dries up. This culture is not suitable for moderate hydration, even if it is frequent. Excess fluid must be drained from the pan after watering.

Some lovers of home plants use the immersion technique, it is more useful for bokarneya. Constant hydration leads to the fact that the trunk begins to rot, and it is not always possible to immediately notice the problem. For some time period, a strong bark will serve as a framework for softened tissues. If you do not detect the disease immediately, then save the plant will not work.

Flowering nolina

In autumn, the watering rate is reduced with a gradual increase in intervals. As soon as the thermometer starts to show + 10-15 °, water is applied 1 time per month. If the indicator is below + 10 °, then the soil generally ceases to moisten.

Worth to know. Waterlogging for nolin is more fatal than lack of fluid.

Top dressing

The home plant is indifferent to fertilizers, but in order to maintain its health and decorative qualities, it is applied every 30 days during the period of active growth of fertilizing. It is necessary to use special means intended for succulents and cacti, they contain a small amount of nitrogen. Too much of this trace element causes the leaves to become less rigid and lose their decorative qualities.

Cactus Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers are suitable for bokarneyi, they alternate with mineral. You can prepare useful dressing from fresh cow manure, infused for 4 days, and water at the rate of 1 part organics and 20 liquids.

Useful advice. Using preparations for cacti, the concentration of funds is reduced by 2 times, compared with the instructions.


Nolina is able to retain moisture, calmly survives long dry periods and is not afraid of the scorching sun. The plant feels good in dry air masses, and it does not need additional moisture. In winter, after turning on the central heating, a rare spraying of the crown of the barn is recommended, but the procedure is not mandatory.

Accumulations of dust and dirt from sheet plates need to be periodically removed, however, it is not recommended to arrange a shower that is harmful to the culture. It is worth using a damp sponge.


It will be best to feel the flower under bright diffused light, therefore it will need to choose a lit place. Most preferred is the southwest, southeast window.


Lack of lighting leads to curvature and elongation of the stem, so the plant will tend toward the light source. With the onset of winter, the culture is equipped with additional lighting. Choose either luminescent or special phytolamps.

On a note. On dry and warm summer days, nolin can be put on the balcony so that it is warmed up in the sun. Direct rays do not scare her, unlike drafts and rains, which can cause the death of a flower.

Young representatives are transplanted annually, which is associated with a period of intensive growth. Adult plants need a procedure every 3 years or less, depending on the development of an earthen coma.

Nolina: home care and transplant examples

What are the nuances to consider:

  • transplantation is carried out in early spring, in the autumn-winter months, it is possible to disturb the culture only if absolutely necessary;
  • either a “transshipment” technique is applied, or a full one;
  • a week before transplantation, watering the plants is stopped and transplanted into dry soil;
  • too large pots are undesirable for nolin because of its slow growth and difficulties in mastering excess space;
  • choosing a container, take a container having a volume 2-3 cm larger than the previous one;
  • transplantation is carried out without deepening the soil of the thickened stem of the flower;
  • planting containers should be provided with drainage holes through which excess fluid escapes, and the roots gain access to oxygen.

Important! A purchased plant is transplanted with the complete removal of an earthen coma and examination of the root system, which will allow timely disposal of decayed particles. The first watering of the flower in a new pot is carried out a week after the procedure.

Dreamiopsis: home care and basic flower types

For reproduction, vegetative or seed material is used. In the first case, the trouble will be much less than in the second.


Growing from seeds is a long and not always successful procedure; several years will pass before the plant reaches a height of 1 meter.

How to plant:

  1. Germination test by soaking seeds in a manganese solution for 1.5 days. Only seeds sunk to the bottom are suitable for planting.
  2. The soil is chosen light, loose with river sand.
  3. Planting seeds to a depth of not more than 1.5 cm.
  4. Humidification of soil by spraying.
  5. Cover containers with glass or film to create greenhouse conditions.
  6. Place the container on the sunny side where there is good lighting.
  7. Regular airing and keeping the soil moist.

Transplantation stage

The first sprouts appear after 28 days, sometimes somewhat earlier. After the formation of 2-3 leaves, nolin is planted. Young plants need the same care as adults.


Sleeping buds located under a layer of plant bark give rise to processes that appear quite rarely. New flowers get like this:

  • with a sharp knife, make an incision as close as possible to the stem;
  • treat the place of cut with activated carbon powder;
  • give the shoot to lie down for 2 hours;
  • remove sheet plates from the bottom, leave only on top;
  • moisten before planting in "Epine" (growth stimulator);
  • place in the prepared soil under a slight slope;
  • cover the pot with the plant with plastic wrap and make a small hole for air circulation;
  • put the container in a warm place with diffused light;
  • remove the insulation after the first signs of growth appear.

Tip. For nolina, soil intended for cacti and succulents is suitable.

Possible problems

There are a number of difficulties that a lover of home plants may encounter when growing the recurvat flower

Rotting of the trunk

The appearance of soft spots on the stem, lethargy of shoots and decay of the root system indicate frequent waterlogging of the soil, as well as the fact that the liquid enters the trunk. The situation can be aggravated by a low indoor temperature. You need to deal with the problem using the following methods:


  1. Cutting soft tissue to healthy with a sharp blade. Removal of rotten root processes.
  2. Wound treatment with fungicide and activated carbon.
  3. Put soil with pieces of charcoal in a new container to prevent acidification of the substrate.
  4. Watering the plant is carried out no earlier than 5 days after transplantation.

If the stem part has become soft, then the process of decay has begun, which cannot be reversed; it will not work to help the plant to save it.

Foliage faded and small

The appearance of such symptoms indicates increased dampness in the room. While ensuring good ventilation and adjusting the temperature regime, everything should work out.

Bokarneya flower belongs to unpretentious plants, but has a number of differences from deciduous crops, which must be taken into account, providing it with care. Thanks to the spectacular appearance, it harmoniously fits into any interior, the main thing is that the conditions of detention are suitable.


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