How to water violets - rules and features of watering


To violets pleased cyclical flowering and bright flowers, you need to know how to properly water these delicate plants. It is important to maintain a balance: do not overfill, but also do not leave the plant without enough moisture. Watering violets is a troublesome business, but if everything is done correctly, the plant will always thank with bright colors its petals.

Proper watering of violets at home

Before you water the violets, you need to consider the influence of a number of environmental factors. Do not forget about the structural features and functioning of the root system. Adequate saturation of the flower with nutrients and moisture depends on it.

Watering violets is a troublesome business

Features of the root system of violets

Few gardeners, especially amateurs or beginners, take into account the fact that the root system of violets has a short-term functioning. Mature roots after a while are replaced by new ones that appear from the subordinate branches.

In turn, the subordinate roots, having fulfilled their purpose, also die off. With a certain cyclical nature, the entire root system of the flower goes through a period of complete renewal.

Along with the death of old roots, flower aging occurs. During this period, it must be strengthened to prevent the death of the plant.

Additional Information!To rejuvenate the violet, its ground part must be cut and rooted again in water or in the ground. This is the main condition for the plant to please with constant, abundant flowering and bright colors.

What intensity of watering do violets like

Experts recommend nourishing the plant at the same time.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how regularly it is necessary to irrigate the senpolia. Multiplicity of watering for each flower is individual. It depends on many factors.

Factors that affect the intensity of water consumption

To understand how to water violets in a pot at home, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • air temperature;
  • natural light intensity;
  • humidity - this factor will vary depending on the time of year;
  • substrate - the drier it is, the more regularly you need to nourish the violets with water;
  • flowering - during this period, the plant needs more moisture;
  • bush age;
  • development of the root system - if the roots are completely braided by an earthen lump, this leads to quick drying of the soil.

For reference! It even matters what the pot is made of. In plastic, moisture lasts longer, and in a clay pot it will quickly evaporate through the walls.

Negative consequences of improper watering

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Lack of moisture or its excess, badly affect the state of violets, leading to gradual death:

  • Excessive moisture - the roots die off, spots appear on the leaves. This occurs due to the fact that water stands in the ground, not missing nutrients.
  • Flooding of the organs of the flower at the top watering is the decay of the growth point.
  • Water falling on leaves when watering from above - the appearance of spots of brown and yellow.
  • Lack of water - leaves wither and fall off.
  • The use of too hard liquid is the appearance of a yellow-white crust on the upper soil layer.
  • Rare watering - space forms between the ground and the walls of the tank.

Incorrect watering leads to slow dying of the plant

Excessive flooding can cause mold on the ground. Because of it, the soil passes air worse, and the roots cannot fully "breathe".

The main methods of watering

There are several watering methods. You need to know which one is suitable for room violet, so that it feels good and fully develops.


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This is a classic watering method that can be used to care for violets.

Attention! When top watering can not be put on a watering can spray. Watering leaves is strictly prohibited.

The essence of the method is that the water should fall only under the root or be absorbed by the earth along the edges of the pot. It is best to use a syringe without a needle, a watering can with a very narrow nose or a syringe. The fluid must be poured until it appears at the bottom of the pan. Her excess is removed after 20 minutes.

When top watering is forbidden to pour water on the leaves

Through the pallet

This method is recommended for use in the cold season. Water is poured directly into the stand of the pot until the soil stops absorbing it. After 15 minutes, the residues merge.


The technique is used for young violets. Several pots are placed in one drawer. A capillary mat is placed at the bottom. It is a piece of non-woven material that is saturated with liquid and holds it for a long time.

Plants that stand on a mat gradually absorb water from the roots. This method is preferred in that the flowers constantly receive moisture. The method reliably protects against drying out of the soil.


The method is suitable for those who are forced to leave their homes for a long time. Thanks to the use of the wick, the liquid will flow for a long time to the flower drop by drop.

The wick is lowered at one end into a container of water, its second end is inserted into the drainage hole in the flowerpot. If the flowerpot is small, you can use a plastic glass. Water is poured into it, a container with violet is placed on top, but so as not to touch the liquid. The wick is in the water, and rises into the drainage hole.

The wick irrigation method is one of the most suitable, it makes it possible to saturate the plant with moisture for a long time

For reference! As a wick, you can use a regular shoe lace.


This method of watering is known as Texas. Flowers really like him, but the gardener will have to spend time and effort to create the conditions for his organization.

Holes are made on the sides of the pot at a height of 5 cm from the bottom of the container. Perlite is laid to the level of the holes, and earth is on top of it. A container with a flower is placed in a ditch, liquid is poured to the holes made.

You can not heat the holes with water, so as not to block the roots of oxygen. Using this method of irrigation, it is recommended to choose soil from fibrous peat.

Seasonal Watering

The intensity of watering violets depends on the time of year. Based on weather conditions, temperature and humidity level will change.

In winter

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In winter, violets need peace, because the frequency of watering should be reduced. In the cold season, the use of top dressing is excluded, and the abundance of lighting is reduced. Recommended watering frequency from 1 to 3 times a week.

Additional Information! If a plant begins to rot, its roots can only be transplanted. New land and a minimum level of humidity will help the violet recover. You need to know whether it is possible to spray violets with water - no, there should be no liquid on the leaves.

In summer

In summer, the frequency of irrigation depends on the temperature in the room, ideal for violets is an indicator of 25 ° C. At this temperature, you can water the flower every other day.

If the room is very hot, daily watering is allowed.

In the heat, the flower should be watered at least every other day


Characteristics of irrigation water

In order for the violet to grow well, in addition to the correct irrigation technique, you need to select the optimal water parameters for it. The value is hardness, acidity and fluid temperature.


Regardless of the time of year, you need to water the flowers with warm water. The use of cold liquid will lead to diseases of the violet and its decay. The ideal temperature is 35 ° C - 40 ° C.


The acidity level should be neutral - from 5.5 to 6.5 pH.


The fact that the water is too hard will indicate the presence of white coating on the ground and on the walls of the flowerpot. To reduce the hardness index, vinegar is added to boiled water (1 tsp. Per 1 liter) or citric acid - 5 crystals per 1 liter.

Such water can be used no more than 1 time per month.

Is it possible to use boiled, tap water

Running water definitely does not fit this indoor flower. It contains chlorine, a high concentration of mineral elements that have a destructive effect on the plant. When boiling, on the contrary, all useful substances disappear.

The ideal option is to run water through a filter. The main thing is that there is no silver in it. If there is no filter, the running water must be left to stand for a day. During this time, chlorine will come out of it and the concentration of minerals will decrease.

Water for irrigation must meet certain characteristics


How to water at various stages of development, transplantation, rejuvenation

Features of watering violets, at different stages of their development, are presented in the table.

During and after soil changesDuring floweringRejuvenation period
Immediately when changing land, the violet is watered abundantly 1 time. Moisture lasts from 7 to 10 days.
After this, the procedure is carried out no earlier than 7 days later.
When buds appear, the amount of water and the frequency of watering increase. This will provide long and abundant flowering.
In order not to flood the plant, you need to focus on the color of the soil. If it is light, moisture is needed; if it is dark, watering is not worth it yet.
After removing the bad roots and changing the soil of the flower, it needs to be watered. Water pours so that it does not fall on the leaves or in the middle of the outlet.

Tips from experienced gardeners, watering errors

Recommendations of gardeners will help to avoid common mistakes in watering violets and preserve the beauty of a flower:

  • Beginning florists are worried if the leaves are dry on the violet whether it is possible to spray them - no, this is not recommended. If the room has dry air, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • If the plant suffers from an overflow, its solution of 0.02% succinic acid is resuscitated. Another way is liquid vitamin B12 (1 ampoule per 1 liter of water).
  • Pouring water on the leaves is prohibited under any circumstances, as well as spraying on them.
  • Do not leave water in a container under the pot. It must be removed 15-20 minutes after watering.
  • Transplanted violets cannot be moistened in a wick way, they need at least 20 days to recover.
  • Small or young flowers are best watered through a small enema.

Watering violets is a responsible matter. The intensity of growth and flowering of beautiful, exquisite flowers depends on the quality of water and the multiplicity of hydration.


Watch the video: Houseplant Garden w a Water Feature! . Garden Answer (October 2024).