Calistegia - planting and care. Description of varieties


Calistegia is a perennial plant belonging to the Vyunkov family. Long flowering, unpretentious care, winter hardiness and beautiful appearance of the buds made this flower popular in landscape design.

Calistegia characteristics: varieties and varieties

Calistegia also has another name - "new fence". This flower is a loach with a long thin stalk, the length of which can reach 4 m. Arched or heart-shaped leaves on long petioles are located on a climbing stem. In almost every bosom, a bud appears on the stem, the whisk of which reaches 5-6 cm. Some species are characterized by large flowers (up to 10 cm).

Terry Calistegia

The plant has many species. Some of them were bred by breeding. The most common varieties are used universally.

Calistegia fluffy

The variety is considered the largest representative of this genus. It was used in the cultivation of new varieties. Such a plant is distinguished by large delicate pink buds with a delicate aroma, but it is most often found in China.

Calistegia Flora Plen

The variety was bred as a result of selection and it was he who was widely used in Russia, which is explained by resistance to temperature extremes. The stalk is long up to 3 m, all covered with large pink buds. Leaves of this mass are swept, covered with hairs.

Calistegia Fence

The flower is distributed in central Russia as a wild plant. On a thin stalk there are arrow-shaped leaves and pink-white flowers in the form of a gramophone.

What does kalistegiya fence look like?

Terry Calistegia

All terry varieties are referred to it. On a long stalk, pink large buds open among the dark green leaves. Often floriculturists call this variety a "French rose."

Calistegia japanese (ivy)

This variety is distinguished by three-lobed leaves, small stems (up to 2.5 m) and a multi-tiered slightly tousled bud.

Planting a plant

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A plant can be planted in two ways:

  • The seeds. It is used extremely rarely by flower growers.
  • Seedlings. The method has several advantages, which is why it is used everywhere.

To decide which method of landing is better, it is worth exploring the features of each.

Seed planting

Hybrid varieties are not recommended to be planted with seeds since such seedlings will not inherit maternal traits. In addition, germination of seeds requires more time and does not guarantee germination. Most often, plow is sold by seedlings.

Planting seedlings

The planting of Calistegia creepers in the ground is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Choose a suitable place to grow a bindweed. There should be a sunny area or a place with partial shade.
  2. Digging a trench. Its depth should be no less than the bayonet of a shovel.
  3. A dug trench is filled with soil with the addition of humus, ash and mineral fertilizers.
  4. Sprouts are planted in a trench in increments of 5-25 cm (this depends on the plant variety).

Calistegia landing and care

It's important to know! The roots of the flower are very long, so they can spread throughout the site. To prevent this, they dig in slate sheets to a depth of 40-45 cm.

Watering and loosening the soil

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In arid areas, bindweed should be watered periodically, but moisture should not stagnate in the soil. Overmoistening negatively affects the growth and flowering of the crop.

If calistegia is grown in southern and temperate latitudes, then additional watering is not required. Powerful rhizomes are able to produce moisture on their own. From time to time, soil in the root zone needs to be loosened. This provides a constant flow of air to the plant.

Breeding methods

Best of all, the Siberian rose Calistegia propagates by rhizomes (not tubers). You need to prepare planting material in the fall. To do this, dig out the rhizome and place it in a box filled with soil. The soil in this box should always be slightly moist, and the air in the room cool.

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In the spring of March, the rhizome is freed from the ground and cut into small pieces. The size of each can reach 5-7 cm. Slices are treated with charcoal or ash. Prepared sections of roots are planted in boxes with earth or peat pots. Planting material needs to be deepened no more than 3-5 cm. Immediately after this, the soil needs to be moistened, but an excess of moisture should not be allowed.

It's important to know! In this form, the boxes must be kept warm until sprouts appear. When the shoots reach 5-6 cm in height, pinch them to form a bush and slow growth. Plants can be planted in the ground by mid-May.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Calistegia creeper is characterized by a long flowering period, so the plant needs fertile soil. During the season, flowers need to be fertilized several times:

  • The first top dressing occurs at the beginning of growth (even before the appearance of buds). Humus and organic fertilizers are added to the soil.
  • In the summer, during the flowering period, top dressing is carried out every 2 weeks. Mineral formulations are best suited for this purpose.
  • In late autumn, ash is added to the ground.

Plant transplant

Transplanting this plant in the summer is highly discouraged, as new bushes will be poorly received. In this case, there is a risk of death of the flower. Transplanted in spring or autumn, new shoots take root and grow.

Calistegia Trimming

During the entire period of growth and flowering, the powder needs to be taken care of, including pruning. All thin shoots and wilted buds are subject to removal. Such thinning makes the flowering plentiful and helps maintain the beauty and freshness of the bush.

Pests and diseases

Calistegia flower is most often affected by the following pests:

  • Spider mite. If the weather is hot, spider mites can settle on the leaves. You can fight them with Aktara or other acaricidal drugs.
  • Slug. To eliminate such pests, the plant is recommended to be treated with insecticides (for example, Thunderstorm). Another important requirement is lime sprinkling.

How to care for a plant during flowering

Terry kalistegiya when growing requires a minimum of time and effort. In this case, the plant actively blooms from spring to late autumn. That is why such a bindweed is recommended to summer residents and beginner gardeners. However, it is still worth following some recommendations. Among them:

  • watering if necessary;
  • top dressing every 2 weeks;
  • periodic removal of wilted buds.

If you take care of the flower, taking into account these recommendations, the liana will bloom continuously.

Kalistegia in landscape design

Winter preparations

Povoy refers to perennials, which is why the plant must be carefully prepared for winter. After flowering, the stem is pruned. Leave about 1/3 of its total length. Some advise to cut off the entire stem, leaving only a small stump. Ground in the root zone is sprinkled with ash. Frost resistance of flowers is relatively high.

Important information! If the region is notable for harsh winters, it is better to mulch the plant with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

Use in landscape design

Many varieties of bindweed plants effectively fit into the landscape design:

  • A hedge with a plow planted along it looks beautiful and original.
  • Stems of calistegia ivy can braid arbors, walls and arches. Due to this, building structures look more attractive and hide from prying eyes.
  • A single planting of several plants can replace a flower bed.

Such a plant is widely in demand not only in Russian gardens, but also in the territory of the post-Soviet space. This is explained by the fact that planting calistegia and leaving in the open ground requires a minimum of effort, while the buds are comparable in beauty to peonies and roses.


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