Ficus Natasha - a description of the flower and the rules for home care


Ficuses are popular indoor plants. They are used to diversify the appearance of the room and decorate the interior. One of the varieties of such a flower is the ficus of Benjamin Natasha. To grow a resident of the tropics at home, he needs to provide the appropriate conditions and properly care for him.

Ficus Natasha - how it looks, to which family it belongs

Natasha is a dwarf representative of the Mulberry family. In the natural habitat, there are more than 800 species of ficus. Among them can be found vines, shrubs and trees. In the wild, culture grows on tropical islands. Here the flower can grow up to 10 meters in height. Homemade varieties do not have such dimensions - they rarely reach 45 cm.

Ficus Natasha

Additional Information. There are many varieties of ficus Benjamin. The most popular of them are Baroque, Natasha, Daniel, Anastasia.

Healing properties

Ficus Natalie is a fairly common folk medicine. Tinctures, ointments and compresses are made from it. The plant helps with gynecological diseases, arthritis and radiculitis. It is believed that during epidemics it contributes to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

Important! Before using ficus for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Name origin history

This ficus variety was named after Benjamin Jackson. He was a famous British botanist at the beginning of the last century. The scientist is known as the creator of a handbook on flowers, which describes more than 500 species of plants.

Ficus Benjamina Natasha - home care

Ficus Daniel - description and rules of care

For the proper growth and development of the tropic, it is necessary to provide proper care.

Temperature and lighting

The bush needs conditions under which the air temperature is kept within + 18 ... +22 ° С. If the room becomes too hot and dry, then the flower may begin to drop leaves.

To put the pot with Natasha should be in such a place that diffused sunlight constantly gets on the bush. With the direct action of the rays, he can get burns. It is recommended to grow the plant on the eastern or southeastern windows of the apartment.

Ficus Natasha on the windowsill

Watering and spraying

Ficus Benj Natasha loves regular and plentiful watering. If the soil is too dry, then the foliage will begin to fall from the plant. In this case, it is necessary to prevent stagnation of the liquid in the pot.

Additional Information. To make the plant feel good, it is not allowed to leave water in the pan - it needs to be drained.

Benjamin needs high humidity in the apartment. If the air is too dry, then it must be sprayed several times a week.


Soil and top dressing

Planting a plant is recommended in a fertile substrate. To avoid stagnation of water in the pot, it is necessary to arrange a good drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone. Soil should consist of turf and leaf land, peat and sand.

If the leaves of the ficus begin to turn yellow, this means that it needs nutrients. Feeding is necessary in the spring and summer during the vegetative period. Natasha needs organic and mineral fertilizers. To do this, it is recommended at least once a month to feed the flower with compost, manure and nitrogen-containing compounds. This process can be combined with watering.

Winter Care Features

Ficus Kinki - description and care at home

With the onset of frost, the pot with ficus must be moved to a room with a temperature of + 13 ... +15 ° C. In winter, reduce the amount of watering and completely stop feeding. If the air becomes too dry due to heating, spraying from the spray gun must be done.


Flower ficus cumila - description and care at home

Ficus Natasha only needs formative pruning. It is used to:

  • to form a standard tree;
  • stimulate the growth of new shoots;
  • give the bush a decorative look.

Flower pruning

The procedure is performed in the spring, because at this time new shoots form on the trunk, and pruning provokes their growth.

Important! It is not recommended to carry out transplanting and pruning at the same time - this can have a negative effect on the flower.

Reproduction of ficus Natasha

At home, the plant can be propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings and aerial layering.

Seed propagation

In early spring, seeds are planted in a moistened sand-peat mixture and lightly sprinkled with earth. A transparent film is pulled on top and left to germinate at a temperature of +25 ° C. After about 1-1.5 months, the first sprouts will appear. At this time, you need to remove the film. When at least 3 leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Seedling seed

Propagation by cuttings

During spring pruning, woody shoots are selected, on which there are at least 3 leaves. They must be treated with a growth stimulant and placed in a container of water. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will give roots.

Harvesting cuttings

Propagation by air layering

The seedling is prepared in the same way as when grafting, but is placed in a container with washed river sand. To create greenhouse conditions, the sprout is covered with a glass jar, which must be removed when the first leaves appear.


You can transplant ficus not earlier than a month after the acquisition. For adult plants, the procedure can be performed every 2-3 years. In this case, it is necessary to choose a capacity several centimeters larger than the previous diameter. A drainage layer spills out to the bottom. The flower is moved from the old pot to the new soil, the roots are sprinkled with earth and watered.

Possible problems in growing - diseases and pests

The main reason why Natasha ficus can get sick is the improper care of the flower. It is necessary to constantly monitor the new plant, since very often it is possible to determine the problem only by elimination.

Causes of yellowing and decay of ficus leaves:

  • excess moisture;
  • poor soil;
  • low temperature;
  • low light.

Improper planting or poor quality soil can cause problems with the root system. This will be noticeable on the darkened leaves. At too high or low temperatures, as well as a lack of nitrogen, the leaves can curl up into tubules.

Note! Sometimes the bush drops its lower leaves. If in the fall this is a normal process, then at another time of the year the phenomenon may be associated with a sharp change in the microclimate in the room.

In addition, Natasha can be attacked by aphids, thrips, spider mites and other pests. You can cope with them by regular treatment of the bush with insecticides.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with Natasha Ficus:

  • He is given to wish a person prosperity and longevity.
  • Ficus in the apartment helps protect against damage.
  • If a woman sees a ficus in a dream, then she will soon become pregnant.

Ficus Benjamin Natasha - one of the most suitable plants for cultivation at home. He is unpretentious in leaving, and even a beginner grower can grow it.


Watch the video: Gardening Tips & Tricks : How to Care for Ficus Benjamina (September 2024).