How to save cyclamen at home - what to do with a dying flower


Cyclamen belongs to the well-known polychromes of the family Primrose. At home, it is preferable to grow Persian or Alpine violets. They are decorated with beautiful large buds and, under favorable conditions, bloom all year round. A beginner grower may have difficulty caring for this species. Failure to comply with elementary rules can lead to the death of a flower.

Why cyclamen may disappear - reasons

Most often this is due to illiterate care. The main causes of the problem:

  1. Liquid on sheets and tubers. In this case, they wilt.
  2. Non-compliance with the feeding regimen. A large amount of humus leads to decay.
  3. Finding a flower in the bright sun. At the initial stage, yellowing of the leaves occurs. If the conditions of detention are not changed in a timely manner, then cyclamen will begin to die.
  4. Low humidity in the house, drought is very harmful to the plant.
  5. Placing a flower in the cold or in a draft. Parts of the plant freeze and die.

European variety - alpine violet

On a note! Another reason why cyclamen disappears is the appearance of harmful insects.

When cyclamen can be saved, and when it's too late

Why cyclamen does not bloom at home and what to do

Before you save a flower, you need to understand how damaged it is. It is advisable to save the flower only at an early stage of the development of the disease. It is important to correctly identify the cause and eliminate it urgently.

How to reanimate cyclamen at home

What to do if fuchsia does not bloom at home

First, you need to develop a program for its restoration: to completely review the conditions of the flower and conduct an external examination of the plant.

For salvation should be prepared:

  • new capacity for landing;
  • pre-sanitized nutrient substrate;
  • any drainage material;
  • purchased pest control products.

Healthy looking cyclamen

What to do if cyclamen withered

To save the flower will help increase the level of humidity in the room. Resuscitation can be done using a nearby water pan or a heavily moistened sphagnum.

Treatment of yellowed leaves is performed as follows:

  1. All damaged aerial parts of cyclamen are removed. Wounds are treated with any disinfectant.
  2. The tuber is removed from the substrate and also disinfected with greenery, manganese or charcoal.
  3. The flower is left without land for a day in the fresh air.
  4. The new soil is preliminarily calcined in the oven or abundantly watered with a weak solution of manganese.
  5. After transplanting, the plant is left in the shade for 2 days. So that cyclamen does not wilt, and the leaves do not begin to turn yellow, watering is practically stopped.


Properly performed procedures will not allow the flower to turn yellow and disappear in the future.

How to save cyclamen dying from pests

Cyclamen dies, what to do? First of all, you should inspect the entire plant. At the first sign of pest damage, emergency rescue measures are required.

How to reanimate a cyclamen plant attacked by pests? Spraying the plant with a special soap containing insecticides will allow you to easily overcome the invasion of aphids and various ticks. Processing is carried out on the surface of the sheet.

Tick ​​damage

It is also recommended to use funds Fitoverm and Agravertin. They are great even for indoor use. They should be used every two days until the pests disappear completely.

How to save a heavily flooded cyclamen

The plant is very fond of water, but when overflowing, the root can rot. It should be urgently transplanted into new soil. Further watering is carried out along the edge of the pot.

On a note! Root watering will damage not only the leaf plates and the tuber, but also the death of the flower.

When transplanting, all areas with signs of decay should be cut off. Charcoal treatment is used to disinfect sections. Revive damaged parts better with Previkur. Planting in new soil should be carried out only after the root system has completely dried.

Excess moisture

Cyclamen disappears - what to do if it freezes

Another reason why cyclamen withers is the content of the plant at the wrong temperature. It is urgent to create a plant comfortable conditions. For healthy growth, he needs a temperature of + 15 ... +17 degrees. He feels great on the balcony or loggia. But when the temperature drops, it should be brought into a warmer room.

Important! All frozen parts of the plant must be carefully cut and feed the flower with any complex preparation.

How to care if cyclamen was saved

Grandiflora Pelargonium - home flower care

After carrying out all rescue measures, the flower needs to create comfortable conditions:

  1. The plant should be in a sunny place.
  2. The temperature in the room should be up to +17 degrees.
  3. Watering should be carried out only after the topsoil has dried.
  4. For rehabilitation purposes, the plant should be sprayed with a weak solution of Epin.
  5. Feeding should be done twice a month. It is recommended to use phosphorus-containing preparations and potassium fertilizers.

Well-groomed plant

Advice! Fertilizer dosage for a “cured” plant should be halved.

Properly creating the conditions for cyclamen, you can admire a beautiful flowering plant throughout the year. Responsible implementation of all rules will prevent the negative impact of diseases and pest attacks.
