How to feed geranium - means for abundant flowering and growth


This plant is one of the most famous perennials. The height, depending on the variety, can reach 50 cm. Bright flowers are collected in large inflorescences and have an unusual astringent smell. For geraniums (pelargonium) it is important to create the right growing conditions. You should know how to feed geranium at different times of the year, what means are best for this.

Symptoms that geranium needs to be fed

The lack of certain substances is manifested in the following external signs:

  • Due to a weakened immune system, the plant begins to hurt. Most often affected by rust, late blight or root rot.
  • Pale, sluggish sheets are also the result of a lack of useful trace elements.
  • The complete lack of budding.
  • Slowed growth of geraniums and obvious underdevelopment of the flower.

Wither species

Fertilizer frequency and dosage

Feeding geraniums can be regular, depending on the stage of development of pelargonium, and urgent. Emergency fertilizer is necessary if there are signs of the disease.

How to water indoor flowers for fast growth and abundant flowering

Mineral dressing is allowed to be applied 2 times a month. Organic - not more than 1 time in 2 years.

During the rest period, it is necessary to significantly reduce the rate of fertilizer application in the soil. In spring, they should be applied once every 2 weeks.

On a note! It is important to comply with the norms of fertilizing the soil - excess can lead to a change and disruption of the development of geraniums.

Feeding geraniums depending on the season

Each season has its own quantitative norms for fertilizer application. After the end of the rest period - approximately in the month of March, the first fertilizer should be carried out.


How to feed fuchsia for abundant flowering

After sanitary pruning, it is necessary to feed the plant with nitrogen preparations.

The introduction of complex funds into the soil is made 2 times a month. At this stage, you can also use water with the addition of iodine.

Advice! The use of special fertilizers designed for geranium will allow the flower to get all the necessary nutrients.

Spring pruning


During the period of active growth and the formation of buds, the frequency of fertilizing increases. For abundant flowering, it is recommended to feed the plant 1 time in 8-10 days.

Autumn-winter period

After flowering, the geranium top dressing must be reduced to a minimum. This is due to the fact that pelargonium begins to prepare for the rest period.

In autumn, land should be fertilized no more than 1 time in 40 days (2 times for the entire period). During hibernation, the flower stops developing and growing. For plants located in open ground, feeding ceases completely, for indoor species, it simply decreases threefold.

How can I feed geraniums?

Constant flowering can be obtained by top dressing with nitrate, phosphate, potash or iodine-containing substances.

How to feed dahlias for growth and flowering

For complex nutrition in the "diet" should be added:

  • iron preparations;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • magnesium substances;
  • calcium.

Example! The use of complex compounds during the active growing season will allow the plant to be nourished with boron, calcium and magnesium.

Ready fertilizers

Feeding preparations may be liquid or dry. Pokon Universal Concentrated Fertilizers, designed for indoor species, have proven their worth. They activate the growth and flowering of geraniums.

Adding nitrogen will help to quickly build green mass and form a healthy root system. However, too frequent nitrogen top dressing will lead to a “fatliquoring” of the species and will not allow geraniums to bloom.

The use of independently prepared compounds will allow not only to balance the concentration of all components, but also to choose high-quality components.

Iodine solution

Geranium iodine is a truly miracle cure. The composition is as follows: 1 drop of alcohol iodine is added to 1 liter of water at room temperature. For one flower, 30 grams of solution is enough.

Pelargonium iodine

Feeding geraniums for flowering with iodine and peroxide should be carried out from the end of spring to autumn. For 1 liter of water, add 1 drop of iodine and 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

Attention! For each fertilizer, it is imperative to comply with breeding standards. An increased iodine content can lead to root burns and death of the flower.

Hydrogen peroxide

Use hydrogen for geraniums should be monthly. For this, 50 grams of the drug are diluted in 2 liters of water. This remedy can not only be watered, but also sprayed with pelargonium.

Boric acid

The use of boric acid in floriculture is used to increase the concentration of chlorophyll in geranium and stimulate the flowering process.

During the period of active development, watering is carried out with a solution: 10 liters of water, 10 g of boric acid and 1 glass of ash.

Boric acid

Milk formula

The method of alternating the milk mixture and watering with ordinary water will allow you to adjust the flowering volume of geraniums.

A milk solution is prepared from half a glass of milk and a liter of warm water.


When sugar water is added to the substrate, it is possible to achieve flowering even in winter.

For reference! Watering with a natural stimulant is carried out 1 time in 7 days.


The introduction of wood ash into the soil will not only form beautiful flowers, but also disinfect the soil.

The ash for this must be diluted in the following proportion: 40 grams are thoroughly mixed in a liter of water.

For reference! This top dressing is applied every 14 days directly under the plant.


Dry yeast bred in warm water will not only help the species develop well, but will also make it more massive and healthy.

The composition is prepared according to the following recipe: 1 g of yeast and 20 g of sugar are added to 1 liter of water. It is necessary to wait for the onset of the reaction and dilute the resulting concentrate in a proportion of 1/5.

Watering means is carried out only in the spring. It is not recommended to perform more than 2 dressings per season.

Castor oil

The presence of ricinoleic acid in the castor makes it possible to activate the protective qualities of geranium. Castor oil accelerates cell division and helps the formation of new shoots. Also, the drug improves the budding process.

Preparation: 20 ml of castor oil is added per 1 liter of water. It is recommended that the flower be watered, as this will avoid burns on the leaves.

Other means

The use of onion husks has proven itself in the formation of inflorescences. The nutritional composition is prepared from 30 g of onion peel and 3 liters of boiling water. You need to insist for 1-2 days.

Before use, the composition should be carefully filtered. Watering is carried out directly under the root.

What else to feed geranium for plentiful flowering? For these purposes, some gardeners use tincture of orange peels. Finely chopped citrus peels are boiled with boiling water and infused for 20-30 hours.

How to water geraniums for abundant flowering at home and outdoors

Beginning flower lovers are often interested in how to water geraniums to bloom profusely? Professionals advise such feeding options:

  • The flowering for geranium for flowering should include 20 grams of sifted ordinary wood ash and 1 liter of warm water. Using this tool will help increase the number of inflorescences.
  • Specialists also use iodine to form a flower mass. This pharmacy drug not only helps the formation of inflorescences, but also significantly increases the number and size of buds. For the solution, you need to take 1 ml of iodine and dilute it in 5 liters of water at room temperature. For a room variety, it is not recommended to pour more than 50 ml of this agent. Fertilizer is applied along the edges of the pot to avoid damage to the stem part and roots.
  • Many beginner gardeners are looking for the answer to the question: how to water the geranium so that it blooms magnificently at home? Often vitamins are used for these purposes. If you feed geranium with preparations belonging to group B, then you can easily achieve a large number of flowers. 1 ampoule is diluted in 2 liters of water and the soil around the root system is shed with this agent. Subsequent procedures are carried out in a month. The alternation of vitamins is recommended: 1st time - B1, 2nd - B6, 3rd - B12.
  • Also for these purposes, you can use a pre-prepared solution of magnesium sulfate. 1.5 tablespoons of this trace element is bred in 10 liters of water.

Plant Miracle Growth

How to water a geranium so that it blooms magnificently on the street? Using for these purposes any organic preparations will allow you to get a quick result. The introduction of manure will not only improve the quality of the flowers, but also help the leaves acquire brightness and juiciness. To prepare in a bucket of water, 1 cup of humus or manure is bred.

Some owners say that it is best to use special fertilizer for pelargonium room. Top dressing is carried out twice a month. In winter, their number is halved.

From mid-spring, any nitrogen preparation is required to be introduced into the soil. It is needed for the formation and growth of leaves, as well as root processes.

On a note! Preparations for home flowers, taken out for the summer on the street, are no different from those that grow in the garden.

How to feed the plant during flowering

To obtain buds, and then pelargonium flowers at home, it is necessary to make fertilizer containing calcium under the plant. You can use a wonderful natural remedy - crushed egg shells.

How to fertilize seedlings of geraniums and young plants for growth

The first fertilizer seedlings are carried out at the "age" of 14-18 days. The use of active biohumus from the Planta series at this stage of development will help geraniums to form correctly. Application to the ground should be carried out once a week. Before transplanting the plants into a new container, a pick is performed.

After the adaptation period, the soil is enriched with saltpeter and fertilizer of the Kemira type. This top dressing is also applied once every 7 days.

Kemira Suite

How to feed geranium with various problems in cultivation

How to fertilize geraniums if leaves faded and whitened? The proven remedy "Agricola" will help save the plant. This fertilizer contains not only the necessary trace elements, but also the humate necessary for geranium.

Agricola for geranium

Attention! It is necessary to breed the drug exactly according to the instructions, otherwise the risk of a burn of the root system is high.

A change in the color of the foliage primarily indicates a lack of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. If yellowing occurs on the lower leaves, then this is a consequence of a lack of magnesium or zinc. If the tops dry, then manganese and calcium must be added to the soil. In this situation, the correct selection of integrated protective equipment will help.

Room subspecies require a more careful attitude than street ones. It is important not to forget that flowering for geraniums is a great stress.

Timely fertilizer


Timely introduction of useful and necessary trace elements will not only help to maintain pelargonium, but will also help it in the formation of beautiful and abundant inflorescences. Gone are the days when the flowers of the house grew independently, almost without human intervention. Modern varieties of geraniums are able to please a very lush flowering, but such an abundance is impossible without proper nutrition.
