How to transplant a fern - what kind of earth and pot are needed


Indoor fern is a very popular plant among gardeners. It is often used to create decor in the interior. Great for decorating balconies, loggias, offices, living rooms, conservatories. Growing ferns at home requires certain rules to be followed. The flower is unpretentious, but if the requirements for the composition of the soil are not met or care is insufficient, the plant will not be able to take root.

Houseplant fern transplant

A fern growing at home requires regular transplanting just like any other plant. The procedure should be carried out according to the rules, which include choosing the right time and leaving after the transplant. Before the event, you need to prepare a suitable soil and pot.

Fern cultivation at home

There are several reasons why a plant transplant may be required. Most often it is necessary to improve its condition.

Why do you need to do this?

Transplantation of fern growing in the apartment is carried out annually. The procedure is necessary so that the root system begins to grow as quickly as possible. In addition, the soil in the process of plant growth becomes scarce - over time, it must be replaced.

Important! The soil needs to be changed every year if the plant is young. In the process of growth, land replacement can be reduced to once every three years.

How to transplant indoor fern at home

Soil for gloxinia - what land is suitable for a flower

Fern does not require special care, but in the process of transplanting, a number of rules must be observed.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Preparing the soil and pot.
  2. At the bottom of the tank, drainage is laid out with a layer of 2 cm, for this, expanded clay, gravel and small pebbles can be used.
  3. A layer of earth is poured on top of the drainage and leveled over the entire surface.
  4. The seedling is located on the surface, the roots are carefully leveled.
  5. The roots are sprinkled with earth.

At the end, the plant is watered with water at room temperature.

Rules for planting ferns

Ground for spathiphyllum - what kind of land is needed for a flower

Transplantation is useful for ferns not only in terms of rejuvenation, but also for reproduction. There are three ways to plant a flower:

  • disputes;
  • dividing the bush;
  • growing seedlings.

Transplant procedure

It is important to note that it is impossible to grow fern from a spore. The most suitable way is dividing the bush.

A step-by-step instruction on how to plant fern at home is as follows:

  1. The plant is removed from the pot, looking for a separate outlet with leaves, which is located next to the roots.
  2. The sprout is cut off with a knife, capturing part of the plant.
  3. Landing is carried out according to the standard scheme.

The rooting process is very slow, in this regard, young seedlings often die.

When can a fern be transplanted?

In order for the procedure to be painless for the plant and bring results, it is important to know when to transplant garden fern, as well as indoor fern.

The best time is spring. The plant will have enough time to take root before the winter period.

Attention! If you transplant a flower in the fall, it will not have time to grow stronger before the beginning of the dormancy stage and as a result, it may die.

Plant preparation

Since it is very difficult for him to plant ferns without stress, you need to properly prepare. To perform the procedure, you need to put the flower pot in a container of water and wait until the soil is completely wet.

After that, you can easily pull the fern out of the old soil. You need to carefully examine the root system. If there are separate dead areas, they need to be trimmed. After this, the earth is completely washed off from the roots, rotten parts are removed. At the end of the procedures, the plant is ready for transplantation.

Before transplanting, you need to remove all damaged areas of the roots

What land is needed for a flower

Special requirements for transplantation are presented to the quality of the soil. Land for indoor fern should be enriched with nutrients and minerals, in a fraction of small, light and breathable. In addition, the acidity level plays an important role. The soil for the fern should be acidic.

The optimal composition of the soil should contain:

  • deciduous soil;
  • humus;
  • coarse sand;
  • coniferous land;
  • peat residues.

Important! If the grower is preparing the soil independently, all components must be calcined or treated with an antiseptic.

What pot is needed for indoor fern

The roots of the flower will grow without problems, will not rot and deteriorate if you select a clay pot.

Even if the florist wants to buy a hanging planter, you need to choose it from clay. The material perfectly absorbs excess moisture. This will help to avoid excess water.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the tank. For a fern transplant, you need to select a pot with a diameter of at least two centimeters more than the volume of the roots. If the pot is very small, then the roots will destroy its walls during growth.

Watering and fertilizing fern after transplanting

Soil for anthurium - what kind of land is needed for a flower

After the transplant is completed, it is important to monitor proper watering. The earth must not dry out. Irrigate the soil immediately, as the topsoil dries up. But you can’t fill the flower strongly, as this is detrimental to the roots - they will begin to rot. You need to water the plant only with settled water.

Special attention should be paid to the level of humidity in the room. The air must not be dry. This can provoke the development of diseases and attack of the plant by pests. It is recommended to spray the leaves of the plant at least once a week. A container of water can be placed near the fern so that the moisture evaporates and increases the humidity in the atmosphere around.

Once every three weeks, the soil needs to be fed. A mineral complex fertilizer is suitable for this. It is best if it has a high content of potassium. The use of such fertilizers will give the flower strength and accelerate its growth.

The plant needs thorough hydration


How and when to transplant fern from the forest

If the grower decided to plant a flower from the forest in his country house, you need to observe the time of transplantation.

The procedure can be performed only in the spring. Over the summer, the sprout has time to take root, strengthen and prepare for the dormant stage. If the plant was transplanted in the fall, it has little chance of survival during the first frosts.

What to do if after a transplant the flower begins to dry out

After transplanting, the plant requires more thorough care for a month. A weakened germ is very susceptible to disease, can suffer from pests. If it is not handled properly, this can lead to complete or partial drying.

Main reasons

There may be several factors that affect the drying of a plant. The phenomenon can be observed for the following reasons:

  • the flower is very old and is already dying due to its age;
  • the plant is infected with pests or infected with a disease;
  • irrigation mode is violated;
  • wrong soil for the plant;
  • rotting of the root system occurs.

It is important to determine the cause as quickly as possible and take measures to eliminate the problem.

How to save a plant

A flower can be brought back to life if treatment is started immediately when symptoms appear. Rescue methods depend on the cause of the problem:

  • if the fern dies due to a parasite attack, chemical treatment must be carried out;
  • in case of root decay, you need to remove the flower from the pot, trim the damaged areas and transplant into new soil;
  • normalize the irrigation mode and air humidity.

Ate the leaves to dry immediately for several reasons, you need to approach the solution of the issue in an integrated manner.

Proper care of the forest bush, competent pruning, compliance with the rules of planting and transplanting, will make it possible to enjoy a beautiful ornamental plant on your windowsill.
