Koufea - planting and care in the open ground and at home


Koufea is a green shrub plant that blooms in the warmer months. Represents the Derbennikov family. The native land is South and Central America.

Description of the Kafei Flower

The flower of the cafe was derived from the Greek word "kyphos", which means "bent, crooked." The name appeared due to the bent shape of the seeds. The flower is great for both indoor cultivation and for suburban areas. It has many curved leaves of a narrow shape, and the edges of the tops are pointed. Shrub or ampelous plant reaches 1 m in height. It has elongated flowers, similar to cigars. The color palette is diverse. These are mostly delicate colors.

Kafea in the garden

Flowering period

The flowering period of the kufei is long - from early spring to the end of September. In some varieties, wintering passes to frost. In the southern regions, frost-resistant coffees are able to tolerate frost up to -12 ℃.

Flowering plant

Varieties and varieties of coffees

The plant has many varieties. It is worth considering the popular varieties:

  • Issopolistic Café (Cuphea hyssopifolia). Lush shrub reaching 50 cm in height. It has a large number of leaves of dark green color. Flowers are characterized by small buds. The coloring of the café issopolistic is lilac, pink, white. The shrub is great for bonsai decoration.
  • Fiery Red Cafe (Cuphea ignea). It has a shrub vegetation. Height is 40 cm. The shape of the leaves is rounded, dark green. The flower buds are large, single. The kafea fiery red is red.
  • Microbaked Kafei (Cuphea micropetala). The plant grows up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are narrow, small. The flowers are small, appear as they grow. They have a yellowish, pink color.
  • Lanceolate Café (Cuphea lanceolate). It can reach 90 cm in height. The leaves are light green. Large flowers of a deep lilac color. Blossom begins in late July.
  • Pale Cafe (Cuphea pale). Annual shrub. It has lush foliage of dark green color. It differs in small flowers of dark red color. It grows to the very frosts.
  • Open Café (Cuphea procumbens). The shrub grows to 40 cm in height. The stems are branched. The castings are thick, dark green. Flowering occurs in the middle of summer. The flowers are purple and violet.

Planting kafei in the open and closed ground

Koufea - planting and care in the open ground

Kofeya planting and care in the open field is not difficult. The species is grown as an annual plant. Often it is used as an element of landscape design (in vases, pots). Koufey prefers heat and soil, saturated with minerals, good moisture permeability, with low acidity.

Kuffey planting in the open ground

Suitable soil for cultivation can be prepared independently, for this they involve:

  • humus;
  • garden soil;
  • perlite or quartz sand.

Lighting and temperature

Plant a plant in a sunny place. If there is not enough light, the bushes may not bloom. Do not allow exposure to sunlight, this can lead to drying of the flower. For home cultivation, it is recommended to put the pot in a shaded place.

Note! Despite the fact that the kufei plant is able to withstand frosts, the flower is heat-loving. He needs room temperature up to +24 ℃, and in winter - not lower than +10 ℃.

How to plant

Before planting, they prepare the land by adding humus or ash to it. Well mix the soil with fertilizers. Plant the plant in raw wells. The distance between the bushes should be 20 cm, and between the rows - at least 30 cm.

Cafeteria care at home and in the garden

Kafei home care is an important part of growing. To get a beautiful and healthy plant, you should follow the basic rules of care.


Sedum: planting and care in the open ground or at home

Watering is carried out at any time of the year. Every 2 days, a flower is watered, preventing it from drying out. The leaves are sprayed with a spray. In the autumn and winter, the frequency of irrigation is reduced.


Before planting, manure is added to the wells. At the beginning of flowering, fertilizer is reapplied. From spring to winter, they are fed with strengthening components. Regularity is important - the optimal feeding regimen is once every two weeks.


To make the kuffey bushes look chic and well-groomed, trimmings are needed. It is recommended to pinch the tops of overgrown shoots. Isopolistic view is distinguished by branching, which gives unusual shape to the crown.


A houseplant is transplanted annually. To do this, remove the flower from the pot. Be sure to inspect the roots so that everyone is safe and sound.

Additional Information! Cut off rotten or broken roots, treating healthy areas with fungicide. The coffey is transplanted into a container with prepared soil in advance.

Dormant care

The rest period is necessary for the kufee after a long flowering to restore strength (from early November to March). During this period, the plant is kept at room temperature and watered every 10 days.

Care is the most important component of agricultural technology

Breeding methods

Agapantus: planting and care in the open ground

Café is propagated in several ways:

  • germination of seeds;
  • rooting cuttings;
  • air layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Seed germination

The method is rarely used. The seed of the plant is small and germinates poorly. But still, such a method exists. For its implementation, the seeds are laid out on moist soil and slightly pressed into the ground. Do not fall asleep from above, but cover with a film, creating a greenhouse effect. The temperature should be at least +22 ℃. When sprouts appear, the film is removed and seated in a convenient dish.

Rooting cuttings

The most common way. In spring, cuttings of 15 cm long are cut from shoots. The root part of the cuttings is treated with a stimulant and planted in moist soil under a plastic bottle until the leaves grow. The bottle is removed for watering and airing the plants. Subsequently, a transplant is performed.

Propagate the flower mainly by cuttings.

Propagation by layering

The easiest way to reproduce. It is used in the warm season. First, the length of the future leash is measured on the shoot. Then they cut the stem. They treat it with a growth stimulator for the rapid appearance of roots. To prevent the slice from being pulled in, a stone or a piece of film is laid inside. Wrap the stalk with foil. Ultimately, the sprouts are transplanted into a prepared pot with soil.

Dividing the bush

Convenient and easy way. Dig a plant from the ground. Cut the shoots to 10 cm in height. After this, a twig that has a good stem is cut from the bush, treated with a fungicide. Separated roots are planted in moist soil.

Interesting information! In a similar way, the rhizomes of tree shrubs that form the shoot are propagated.

Diseases and Pests

Kofeya perfectly tolerates diseases. Dangers for plants are ticks. They make a web on leaves and stems. For treatment, the plant is washed with a soapy solution; for a reliable result, chemicals are used.

The greatest damage to the plant is caused by the scab. She leaves brown dots on the leaves. You can remove it with a soapy solution, cleaning the leaves with a brush on both sides. It is advisable to treat them with an insecticidal agent.

Pests on perennial leaves


Koufea in design

Koufey looks gorgeous in designs. She will decorate any corner of the house, garden or porch. Bushes are excellently combined with annual crops. Due to the high growth of coffees, it is planted in the middle, and supplemented with other colors on the sides. A variety of colors gives unusual and bright bouquet.
