What is better to make fences for beds: a comparative overview of options


Having at least a small plot of land, it is so difficult to resist and not plant anything that subsequently grows and bears fruit. Summer residents are familiar with the wonderful feeling when you cut the salad from vegetables grown by yourself, and you make the jam from freshly picked strawberries! Even if small, but the beds in the garden were, are and will be. Usually the owner does not think too much about the design of the plantings, so the fencing for the beds is made from improvised material, and they look unpretentious. However, who does not want to make the site beautiful and well-groomed? In addition, useful sides help the beds to keep in shape, save water, and prevent weeds from growing.

Traditional fencing materials

The sides along the perimeter of the beds give them a neat and civilized look. It is convenient when the zones of different plants are delimited. Everywhere reigns order, which there is no need to restore "from scratch" after each heavy rain. You can simply maintain it by spending a minimum of effort on care, watering and weed control. Fencing, as a rule, is made from the remains of building materials.

Wood: smart but short-lived

Boards as fences can be called a classic, often encountered option. Depending on the amount that the owner of the site intends to spend on solving this issue, a timber and a fence, a lining or a slab can be used. The use of any wood would be appropriate. Even branches left after pruning will find use.

For some time, such a fence will look very elegant. In the future, the wood can blacken and even become covered with fungus. Trying to whitewash the sides is ineffective, because whitewashing is quickly washed off by rain. The situation is even worse with the paint: it is cracking and peeling off. Even special treatment will not be able to solve the problem radically. After a few years, the dull sides will have to be changed, because the soil begins to spill out through the formed cracks.

Neat wooden sides give the beds a well-groomed and attractive appearance. In this case, a variety of wood can go into business: wattle from cut branches of hazel looks very good and will cost inexpensively

Neat and expensive brick

The diagonal brick was once in fashion. At one time, even urban flowerbeds edged like that. If you try, then the cloves of the curb will look neat and uniform. Such a fence can be whitened or even painted. And garden paths, and flower beds will receive reliable, but expensive sides. After all, the old brick will not make the necessary impression, and the new one can cost a decent amount.

The brick can be installed not only diagonally, but also laid out in rows, the height of which depends on the parameters of the beds or flower beds to be fenced

Slate under control

Less and less often, slate is now used for its intended purpose - as a roofing material. If its pieces remained after changing the cover, then they can be used to border the beds. At one time, it was actively and universally used for these purposes too.

If someone else plans to throw out the old slate or put in a barn for eternal storage, then let him admire these wonderful beds. After all, you can build such beauty yourself for nothing

The side of the slate will look neat, if you just press it into the ground so that the aboveground part along the entire perimeter rises to the same height. Slate can be broken into plates of the desired width. Covered with a layer of paint, it will even look elegant. The only negative is that the thin slate will need to be controlled and, in case of distortions after heavy rains, corrected.

Stone given by nature

Not only pieces of flat slate look very impressive as a side, but also a variety of cobblestones. Of course, this is not a brick with a once and forever given shape. Here you will have to try, picking up stones by size, combining them with each other and fastening with cement mortar. But the result will be very impressive. This is a very aesthetic and, at the same time, durable fence. The only drawback of this fence is that a heavy rim can begin to settle into the ground under its own weight. Therefore, it is also necessary to monitor its condition.

You will have to work hard with natural stone, but now you will see such beauty every day: aesthetic pleasure is incomparable with anything

Article in a subject: Natural and artificial stone: all about manufacturing and laying rules

These materials are really traditional, we are used to seeing them in personal plots. But time does not stand still. A novelty appears, and the old materials, whose price was unreasonably high, are becoming more affordable. Consider modern fencing options.

Plastic garden fence

Plastic withstands seasonal temperature changes well, it is not hygroscopic and not affected by precipitation.

We install ready-made sides

The plastic fence is easy to mount, easy to remove and replace. Such a fence, taking into account its affordability, can be considered ideal for small beds or flower beds. Plastic fences for beds of various shapes are good in that they can fully match the site design chosen by the owner. The sides can be selected according to the color scheme and height.

Plastic is not hygroscopic, it almost does not react to natural phenomena, does not rot and does not burn. At the same time, it may look as it pleases its owner

If you want a gardener, you can pick up a border that mimics wood, brick or even natural stone. Both sectional and solid fences look great. Thanks to the legs, these fences are easily fixed on the ground. There are those for the installation of which special nails are used.

Border tape: affordable and easy

The most affordable border strip for beds is a strip type fence with a corrugated surface that has a green or brown color.

The advantages of a border tape are obvious:

  • it is easy to install;
  • it can be given the desired shape without being cut into parts;
  • She looks very aesthetically pleasing;
  • tape size is easily adjusted.

To install such a fence requires a minimum of tools: a large stapler, scissors, tape measure and a scoop. The entire enclosure process does not take much time. You should dig in the selected area, making a scoop trench along its perimeter. We measure the desired size of the tape and fasten its ends with a stapler. We place the fence in the trench to the selected depth, after which we fill the bottom of the tape with earth and compact it well.

A nice and concise border fence can be installed literally within an hour, and it will serve you for more than one season

With a significant length of the curb, it is necessary to fix the position of the tape with pegs, which are alternately placed in front of the tape and behind it at an equal distance from each other.

By the same principle, a rubber border is laid. Only for high beds this side will not work, because it is located very low. Polycarbonate is also used as a material for fencing, scraps of which remained, for example, after making a canopy or building a greenhouse. But polycarbonate fences for country beds are rarely used, since it is unprofitable to buy material specifically for this purpose, and there are not many scraps.

The rubber border is almost invisible, but it helps to give distinct sections of the garden a clear outline, restores a peculiar order, organizes the space correctly

How to use plastic bottles?

If plastic enclosures have many beds, costs will inevitably increase. Here comes the wit of the people. The fence for beds can be made with your own hands, for example, from an empty plastic container. That's when the accumulated plastic bottles come in handy for us!

The use of plastic bottles to enclose the beds is a real triumph of universal justice. After all, it’s not in vain that you saved them at home: you don’t seem to need them, but throw it away

Bottles need to be selected with the same volume, you can fill them with sand and place them upside down in the same trench as we prepared for the border tape. If you cover the plastic with water-based paint, you will get a very bright border. However, without paint, he also looks good.

The best options for metal fencing

Metal fences, often used for beds, look simple to install and, at first glance, very reliable. If we take for this purpose the remains of simple metal, up to 1 mm thick, then the border will really work out quickly, but it will not be so easy to make: thin plates are unstable and can be cut with them. Yes, and this side will not last long, because the metal in the soil quickly rusts, and so thin it turns into dust very quickly. In the summer heat, metal overheated in the sun will actively give off heat to the soil, which is detrimental to plants.

The polymer coating gives galvanized steel completely new properties. She looks even more attractive and does not get very hot in the sun.

Galvanized steel with a polymer coating is much more aesthetically pleasing and promising. Boxes made of such material have a neat and attractive appearance. This material has proven itself in different climatic conditions. Lightweight plates allow you to easily change the shape and size of the structure. The only drawback expected for such material is its price. Expensive material is still in short supply, as demand for it is ahead of supply.

More fencing ideas are presented in the video.

This neat and compact disassembled design is made of galvanized metal. The finished box is easy to assemble and disassemble. If it is necessary to increase the size, the sides can be increased. The height of the single-tier curb is 17cm. Stiffeners on the elements of the fence give it additional strength. Manufacturers claim that such borders will last at least 20 years.

Come to the country in order to do physical labor, not everyone likes. But such beds, even for an office worker weary of papers, can cause a surge of labor enthusiasm

If you think that the beds can be used without fencing, then of course you are right. But those who use bumpers have already managed to see how much easier and more effective the care of plants has become. And the final result of your efforts — the crop — will help you to finally believe in their need.
