Cherry Malinovka: one of the favorite Russian varieties


It is no coincidence that the Cherry Orchard has become one of the most striking and understandable images in Russian literature. This culture is familiar to everyone. As a child, we all carried cherry jam from a jar, and on our holiday tables there was always a place for misted jugs with cherry compote. It is impossible to imagine a garden without this vibrant culture. For this reason, to date, breeders have bred a huge number of varieties of cherries. And today we will talk about Robin - a classic sort of common cherry native to the USSR.

Variety description Robin

Breeding and testing of the Malinovka cherry variety first began at VSTISP in 1978, and was included in the State Register of Varieties in 1989 in the Central, Middle Volga (Samara Region, Republic of Mordovia) and Ural (Republic of Bashkortostan) regions.

Raspberry cherries are a medium-sized tree 3-4 meters high. Crohn of medium density, spherical. Glossy leaves with a ragged edge.

The berries are juicy, dark red in color, roundish, medium in size, reach 3-4 years. The seeds are large, but easily separated from the pulp, which has a pleasant, sweet and sour taste. The ripening period is medium late; it falls on the end of July - the beginning of August. Berries are formed only on annual branches. Robin begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-5 years.

Robin is a technical variety, but this does not mean at all that it is grown only in hectares and harvested in tons for industrial purposes. Technical status means that the fruits of this cherry are ideal for making compotes, preserves, jams and jellies.

Great for stewed fruit and jam

The main disadvantage of the variety is self-fertility. This means that not far from Robin it is necessary to plant cherries of any other variety for cross-pollination. Only in this case will the long-awaited berries appear in place of the flowers. The best pollinators of Robin varieties: Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya and Shubinka.

Self-infertility (or auto-sterility) is a common phenomenon among varieties of the apple family. Plums, cherries, pears and apple trees are often prone to it. If pollen of the same variety gets on the pestle of this variety, fertilization does not occur and the berries should not be expected. This is so common that if the characteristics of a variety are not indicated as self-fertility, then it is probably self-infertile.

The variety withstands even severe frosts below -25 degrees, although some flower buds freeze at such extreme temperatures, but this does not bring much harm to the crop.

Resistance to diseases is different: to coccomycosis - below average, to moniliosis - weak.

Planting varieties of robin cherries

The best time for planting cherries is spring. But it is best to buy a sapling in the fall and dig it in the area, covering it with fir spruce branches for the winter. The best option for planting ordinary cherries is a two-year-old seedling 60 cm high.

Before embarking on a planting, it is necessary to determine the optimal place for cherries. Avoid shaded, moist lowlands; cherries prefer well-lit areas with drained neutral soil. Groundwater should not lie close to the surface, and the depth of snow in winter should not exceed one meter. If your site has acidic soil, it must be produced. To do this, sprinkle 0.5 kg of lime on an area of ​​1 square. m. and dig on the bayonet of a shovel. Instead of lime, dolomite flour can also be used. It is very important to lime the soil before applying organic fertilizers. It is best to carry out liming in the fall - in October, and to add organics in the spring - in April. Also in the preparatory period make organic fertilizers. Manure or compost is added at the rate of 8-10 kg per 1 sq.m. and dig to the depth of the bayonet.

Cherry seedlings can also be additionally “stirred up” by soaking them in a solution of a root growth stimulator, for example, in Kornevin. The drug is diluted at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The root system of planting material is placed in such a solution for 12-15 hours before planting. Such a simple procedure will increase the survival rate of a seedling.

Now it's time to prepare the landing pits. The distance between the seedlings should be about three meters. Do not forget that the Robin needs cross-pollination. For this, it is necessary to plant several varieties of cherries at once. Ideally, four varieties should be planted immediately. Landing pattern: 2.5 x 3 m.

  1. We dig a hole with a diameter of 80 cm and a depth of 50-60 cm. We lay aside the top layer of the soil separately, it must be mixed with organic, mineral fertilizers and ash.
  2. In the center of the hole, we will hammer a peg about 80 cm high above ground level.
  3. We begin to fill up the soil mixture, which will lay down with a cone, on which it is convenient to place and spread the roots of the seedling. Remember to slam the soil. It is very important that the root neck is located at the level of the soil or a couple of centimeters higher. Cherry does not tolerate excessive deepening.
  4. When adding soil, hold the trunk of a young cherry strictly upright.
  5. We spill the freshly planted Robin with a bucket of water (about 10 liters) and tie it to the peg.
  6. Mulch circle mulch peat.

Video: cherry planting rules

Care for cherries of the Robin variety

Before the first fruiting, caring for cherries is very simple. If you planted a seedling during planting, then fertilizers are no longer needed. The main thing is do not forget to get rid of weeds, water the cherry in hot weather and sometimes loosen the soil. In September, dig the soil in the near-stem circle, but no deeper than 10 cm, the roots of cherries lie close to the surface. Do not leave litter under a tree for the winter, this is a favorable environment for the development of pathogens, including for pathogens of coccomycosis.

When the cherry begins to bloom and bear fruit, caring for it becomes more complicated.

  • In hot weather, during the period of active vegetative growth, flowering or fruiting, cherries need more moisture, so water it with at least three buckets of water. The last water-charging irrigation is carried out in autumn at the end of September in dry weather. Under the cherry you need to pour ten buckets of water.
  • Fertilize with mineral and organic fertilizers at least three times per season. Fertilize the third time in the fall during digging.
  • Lime the soil at a distance of 1.5 m from the trunk once every five years. This will help to shed ovaries.
  • Do not forget to mulch the soil every year after snow melting with sawdust, peat, needles or spanbond.
  • In spring or fall, prune, removing excess, diseased and broken shoots.

Cherry top dressing

The first time it is recommended to feed the cherry in the spring during the flowering period with mineral and organic fertilizers. Satisfy the plant’s need for nitrogen with urea or ammonium nitrate. Urea or nitrate is diluted in the ratio of 20-30 g per 10 liters of water. The expense for one bush is two buckets. Fertilizer is introduced into the near-stem circle.

Manure is the most popular organic fertilizer. It is also introduced into the trunk circle at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per 1 square. m. Use only rotted manure. The effect of fresh manure when applied in the spring will be noticeable only in the second half of summer.

In spring, chicken droppings can also be used as organics. Litter is diluted with water at the rate of 1:15. The consumption of a solution of half a bucket per 1 square. m. Be careful: too concentrated solution of chicken droppings injures the roots of cherries.

During fruiting, the Robin will again need a supply of nitrogen and a fraction of the organic matter.

Autumn top dressing is needed primarily to replenish the supply of trace elements in the soil. The most popular fertilizer at this time is ordinary wood ash containing the required amount of potassium and phosphorus. Ash is made at the rate of 1 kg per 1 sq. m. Ash is scattered on the surface of the soil, then dug up.

Video: how to cut a cherry

Diseases and pests Robins and solutions

Most diseases of Robins are fungal in nature. The most common of them are presented in the table.

Table: Major Fungal Diseases Robins

DiseasePathogenSymptomsPrevention and treatment
CoccomycosisFungus Coccomyces hiemalisDark red spots on the leaves, changing color to brown. Gray-brown coating on the underside of the leaf. Early June leaf fall from diseased leaves causes inhibition of cherries. The plant is so weak that it does not have enough strength to winter, and it freezes.Avoid wet areas when planting cherries. Remove fallen leaves in the fall. Preventively treat the tree with urea solution before the onset of leaf fall and fungicides after.
For treatment, use a 3% solution of Bordeaux fluid in the spring, at the end of flowering preparations Topsin-M, Oksikhom, Ordan, and after fruiting with copper oxychloride.
MoniliosisMonillia fungusAppearance of the "burnt" tree. Leaves fade. The berry rots and falls. The bark is covered with gray spots. The death of first small branches, and then the whole tree.Treatment with classic fungicidal preparations in the fall after leaf fall and in the spring before bud swelling: copper sulfate and 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Treatment consists in urgent pruning of infected branches, and burning them off-site. Also, the tree is treated with fungicidal preparations (Skor, Oleuprit, Kaptan, Kuprozan) immediately after pruning and again after ten days.
KleasterosporiosisClasterosporium fungusLeaves and fruits of cherry are covered with small spots of a reddish hue. The flesh under the spots stops growing. Berries acquire an ugly shape and crumble. With a more severe course of the disease, spots of the cortex are covered with spots, causing cadmetiography.For prevention, treat cherries with a 5% solution of copper sulfate in spring and autumn. Trim the fungus-infected shoots and burn them outside the garden. Do not forget to process branch cuts with garden var. Treatment is carried out with the same drugs as for coccomycosis.
AnthracnoseAnthracnose fungusReddish tubercles on fruits that grow into rot on berries. With mass infection, this disease will leave you without a crop.For preventive purposes, carry out the whitewashing of trunks, remove fallen leaves, dig up the earth in near-trunk circles. For treatment, use the drug Polyram.
RustThekopsora padi fungusCherry leaves become rusty.Coniferous plants are the main owner of the rust fungus, so avoid the proximity of cherries to them. For preventive purposes, they also burn the litter and spray the tree with copper sulfate. The treatment is the same as for Moniliosis.

Fungal Diseases Robins

Harmful to Robin and all known sucking and leaf-eating parasites.

Cherry aphid

The classic garden pest does not bypass its attention and cherry

Eternally adjacent to ants parasites, eagerly sucking juices from green leaves of cherry. The classic folk way to fight aphids is to periodically spray greens with a soap-tobacco solution. You can also always buy effective chemicals at the store. For example: Fufanon, Akarin, Actellik, Bankol.

Cherry Weevil

This parasite will easily leave you without a berry crop.

Awakening in the spring, weevils begin to actively suck juice from the buds of cherries. But the main damage to the crop they cause during flowering. Females lay eggs on freshly tied berries, gnawing a hole to the very bone. One female lays more than a hundred eggs. After hatching, the larva begins to eat the juicy pulp of the fetus. Mass reproduction of weevils in the garden will lead to a complete loss of yield. To combat weevils, dig a trunk near the trunk, whitewash the trunks, and pick up infected flowers. Of the insecticides against elephants, Rovikurt and Actellik have proven themselves well.

Grade Reviews

Cherry Robin is super, if they haven’t mixed anything up and I have it, then the quality of berries is 5 points! I advise everyone, only no one can find her, and 4 years ago I took her in Timiryazevka.



Cherry Robin. Start bearing fruit quickly, all is well.



Robin is an excellent, frost-resistant, high-yielding variety of domestic selection of cherries. The only drawback of which is self-fertility, which can be easily solved by planting another variety of cherries nearby.
