Pear planting in spring and autumn in the suburbs


In almost every garden, pears grow. Although this culture is thermophilic, gardeners plant it throughout Russia. In order for the pear to comfortably grow and develop in the conditions of the Moscow Region, it is necessary to choose the variety, planting material, and a place for it.

When to plant a pear in the suburbs

Young pear seedlings in the Moscow region can be planted both in spring and autumn, while some nuances must be taken into account. Landing in the spring is carried out before the hot days arrive, which in terms of the middle lane falls at the end of April or beginning of May. As a rule, they choose the interval when the frosts have already slept, but the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared. In the fall, the gardener has much more time for planting - from the beginning of September to the end of October. Before the onset of cold weather, seedlings will have time to settle down and safely prepare for the upcoming cold weather.

Planting a pear in the spring in the suburbs

Before planting a pear on your site, you need to take into account and perform a number of measures so that the seedling can be successfully taken in and grow well in the future.

Grade selection

The climate characteristics of the Moscow region are such that the summer in this region is hot, the winters are cold, and frosts come quite early. During the winter, thaws and prolonged warming occur. This suggests that a lot of attention needs to be paid to the selection of the variety: the seedling should be endowed not only with resistance to frost, but also with increased winter hardiness. Consider some varieties of pears, which are most preferred for the suburbs.

Lada and Chizhovskaya will be an excellent choice for the middle lane. They can also be recommended to novice gardeners because of the ease of care. These varieties will each year bring a good harvest of aromatic and tasty fruits.

One of the varieties suitable for the Moscow Region is Pear Chizhovskaya

The cathedral will provide a harvest at the end of August. The variety is universal, endowed with frost resistance, good immunity, bears fruit regularly. Fruits can be consumed not only fresh, but also to prepare for preservation.

Cosmic pear ripen by August and has a high yield, is resistant to scab, is undemanding in care. It is worth considering that summer varieties are unsuitable for long-term storage. Therefore, they must be used in a fairly short time - from two weeks to 40 days.

Dressed Efimova - a popular variety of autumn ripening. The fruits have an attractive appearance and excellent taste. But the variety has one significant drawback - low frost resistance. However, if the tree is provided with appropriate care, then the pear in the Moscow region will also please with delicious fruits. Despite the fact that it is a late summer and even autumn variety, it is not inferior in winter to inferior winter pears.

The pear variety Nyadnaya Efimova has low frost resistance, but with proper care, it will delight with delicious fruits in the suburbs

Otradnenskaya - the fruits ripen in late September and can be stored for three months. Pear is especially suitable for canning.

As for winter varieties, in the considered region they are not widespread due to climatic features. The fruits of these varieties simply do not have time to ripen before harvesting and simply freeze.

Landing place

For planting a pear, you should choose a well-lit area that will not be obscured by anything. 5-6 m must be retreated from the buildings. Planting of seedlings should be carried out in places that are not threatened by stagnation of water. Groundwater should not lie closer than 3 m to the surface of the earth.

The seat should not only be dry, but also even.

In order for the pear to feel good, the soil must meet such indicators as water and air permeability. This will ensure moisture retention in the root zone and allow the plant to grow and develop normally.

For planting a pear, you need to choose a well-lit area that will not be obscured by anything

On well-cultivated lands, a pit for planting the crop in question is not prepared in advance. It will be enough to dig out a small depression in size of the root system of the seedling and plant correctly. If the soil on the site is poor, then preliminary preparation will be required. In this case, the planting pit is filled with the necessary components that will provide nutrition to the pear for the first few years.

Seedling Selection

When choosing planting material, you need to carefully examine it, examine it, giving preference only to healthy specimens. If in the south you can plant annual trees, then in the more northern regions it is recommended to plant two-year-old seedlings. When buying, they carefully examine the central shoot: it should be smooth, flexible, without damage and have a height of about 80-85 cm.

When buying a pear seedling, you need to carefully examine the trunk and root system

If a seedling with an open root system is selected, then the roots should also be inspected. They should be healthy, flexible, not have dried and rotted areas, and be white at the cut. When buying planting material in a container, that is, with a closed root system, you can carefully remove part of the earth to assess the condition of the roots.

Video: how to choose a seedling

Landing pattern

If several trees are planted on a site, you must adhere to a certain pattern of their location. The distance between pears directly depends on which rootstock the plant is grafted on. If a tall rootstock was used for grafting, then the planting pattern should be as follows: 5 m between trees in a row and 6 m between rows. For trees on a semi-dwarf rootstock, a 4 * 5 m scheme is used, on a dwarf rootstock - 3 * 4 m.

A stock is a part of a plant whose graft is grafted to the root system or stem.

Some gardeners in their area plant trees closely enough so that more varieties can be planted. But over time, the pear grows, which negatively affects its growth and development, as a result of which it is necessary to resort to the removal of excess.

Pit preparation

Under planting a pear, you need to dig a hole, and it is best to do this since the fall. Its dimensions should be as follows: 1 m wide and 60 cm deep. Broken brick should be poured to the bottom, which will serve as a drainage layer. A peg about 50 cm high is driven in the center of the pit to fix the seedling. A strong and well-developed tree can only be grown in soil of suitable composition. To fill the pit under the pear, the following components are prepared:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • 2 buckets of peat;
  • 400 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 200 g of superphosphate.

The pear landing pit should be 1 m wide and 60 cm deep

If the land is quite dense, then it is worth adding 2 more buckets of coarse sand. All components are thoroughly mixed.

Step-by-step landing

Before planting, seedlings are placed for 5-6 hours in water. It is advisable to add root formation stimulants, for example, Kornevin. Lateral roots are cut a few centimeters. To provide better adhesion of the roots to the ground, they are pre-dipped in liquid clay. When all the preparatory activities are completed, you can begin to land. It is carried out in the following order:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, they make a small hill on which a seedling is placed, spread its roots, and then sprinkle them with a layer of earth.

    At the bottom of the landing pit, an earthen hill is made, on which a seedling is placed

  2. Tamp the ground, trying not to damage the roots.
  3. Completely fill the planting hole, placing the seedling in such a way that its root neck is 4-6 cm higher than the ground level.

    Pear seedlings are planted so that the root neck is 4-6 cm above the ground

  4. The seedling is tied to a peg with a rag.

    To make the tree resistant to winds, it is tied to a wooden peg

  5. Around the trees make an earthen rampart to retain water during irrigation.
  6. After planting, 2-3 buckets of water are gradually poured, the soil around the seedling is mulched.

    After planting under a pear, 2-3 buckets of water are poured, allowing it to fully absorb

The root neck is a conditional place for the transition of the root system to the aerial part.

The root neck of a seedling is the conditional place of transition of the root system to the aerial part

The seedling must be watered regardless of whether it rains or not. Water is needed not only for moistening the soil, but also for uniform subsidence of the earth and the removal of voids in the root zone.

Video: planting pear seedlings

How to plant a pear in autumn in the suburbs

One of the main arguments in favor of the autumn planting of a pear in the Moscow region is a wider selection of planting material. In addition, when planting in autumn, the winter hardiness of the tree will be significantly higher. If for some reason the seedling after purchase cannot be planted during this period, you can simply tuck it in until spring. A distinctive feature of the autumn planting is that the roots do not shorten under it, but only damaged and dead parts are cut. Otherwise, the whole process of preparing the landing pit and landing is similar to the procedure in the spring.

Landing errors

Despite the apparent simplicity of planting, any oversight can lead to a slowdown in the growth or death of the seedling. Therefore, it is worth taking into account the most common mistakes that beginner gardeners make:

  1. Do not prepare the landing pit immediately before planting, as the root neck of the seedling is deepened, as a result of which the plant does not develop well.
  2. For planting, do not take plants older than two years. The older the seedling, the more painfully it transfers the transplant to a new place.
  3. A large amount of mineral fertilizers should be avoided during planting, as this negatively affects the development of the root system.
  4. You should not plant the pear ahead of schedule, otherwise the aboveground part will begin to actively develop and the tree will simply freeze when the cold season begins.

When planting seedlings, mistakes can be made that should be avoided: 1-improper planting, the roots are not straightened and bent up; 2-wrong, too high landing, the roots are bare; 3-incorrectly, the root neck is fully deepened; 4-correct fit

Plant a pear under the force of even a novice gardener. However, for the successful procedure, it is necessary to take into account some features, as well as observe agricultural technology for this crop. Only in this case the seedling will take root well and begin to actively grow and develop.
