Which is better - a well or a well? Comparative review


In the warm season, most owners of suburban areas are fighting for the harvest. Happy summer residents using the benefits of centralized water supply are intensely watering their green spaces. Owners of sites where water pipes are not connected can solve the problem of water production as best they can: some rely on rain, others carry water in buckets from the nearest column or order a water truck, others decide to get their own water source, but they cannot decide: a well or a well, which is better ?

Well builders, answering this question, are ready to give a sea of ​​arguments, proving that wells are a brilliant invention of mankind. Well drilling specialists believe that a well is the best source of water. Each of the methods of water production, whether it be a well or a well, has its own advantages and disadvantages, the main of which we propose to consider.

Pros and cons of wells

The popularity of the arrangement and use of wells in suburban areas is explained by a number of advantages that these functional structures possess:

  • The minimum cost of arrangement.

Due to the low cost of digging without the use of heavy drilling equipment, wells can afford to install most of the villagers, summer residents and gardeners. The price of a pump for a well is also an order of magnitude lower than the relative cost of pumping equipment for a well.

The well, as one of the oldest ways to extract water from the bowels of the earth, is still a popular and sought-after option for water supply.

You can dig a well yourself. For information on how to make this easier, read: //diz-cafe.com/voda/kak-vykopat-kolodec.html

  • Universality.

This is especially true for areas where power outages are not so rare.

The well is a universal design, since it is possible to get water to the surface both with the help of an electric pump and in the traditional manual way

  • Long service life.

A well-equipped well will regularly serve as a source for more than half a century, giving fresh and tasty water that does not have the aftertaste of “rust” and chlorine.

The disadvantages of this water supply system are primarily:

  • Risk of water pollution.

Unfavorable environmental conditions in cities and surrounding areas also affect water quality.

Rules for cleaning and disinfecting water in a well: //diz-cafe.com/voda/dezinfekciya-vody-v-kolodce.html

The aquifer serving as a source of filling the well - from 5 to 30 meters. Groundwater is located at this depth, which after rain or high water does not always have high quality characteristics.

  • The need for regular use and care.

In the case when the well is used irregularly, after 3-4 years, the water in it is silted. In addition, it is advisable to clean and rinse the walls of the well twice a year. If necessary, treat with disinfectants and change the bottom filter.

  • Small water intake.

Due to the fact that the well is filled with surface waters, the volume of water supply is limited to an average of 150-250 liters per hour. If such a quantity of water may be enough to service a small cottage, then there will be clearly not enough water for irrigating green spaces in the garden, arranging a pool, as well as many other economic needs of larger sections of this volume.

A step-by-step example of a well construction will also be useful: //diz-cafe.com/voda/kolodec-svoimi-rukami.html

Advantages and disadvantages of wells

Spring water has long been considered the most useful and clean. Due to the fact that the well draws water from the depths of the earth, the deep waters do not mix with the top melt.

Even after rains, the water in the well does not become cloudy

When deciding to equip a well at its site, each of us gets the opportunity to use a quality product.

The main advantages of well drilling include:

  • Hygiene

The narrow neck of the well, closed with a lid on top, prevents debris, leaves and harmful substances brought into the sediment from entering the water.

The head for the well can be made independently, read about it: //diz-cafe.com/voda/ogolovok-dlya-skvazhiny-svoimi-rukami.html

No insects, small amphibians, and other representatives of the microscopic world, which can cause toxic substances in the process of decay, can penetrate through a narrow pipe closed by a narrow tube, thereby contributing to the propagation of dangerous microbes.

  • The volume of water reserves.

Compared to wells equipped with clay, the sand layer provides good water loss, providing a steady flow of water.

The water reserves in sandy soils, in the layers of which wells are mainly drilled, are practically inexhaustible

  • Ease of maintenance.

With proper well construction, system maintenance is reduced only to monitoring the operation of the equipment. The design does not need an annual cleaning procedure. Water purification is carried out by installing a filter.

  • Durability.

The life of the wells can reach 50 years or more. It all depends on the quality of the arrangement of the system, the chemical composition of the raised water and soil, as well as the maintenance of the well.

You can learn about how to equip a well with water on your own from the material: //diz-cafe.com/voda/skvazhina-na-vodu-svoimi-rukami.html

Among the disadvantages of this method of water production should be highlighted:

  • High price.

If when drilling a sand well, you can often do with relatively low costs, having completed most of the work on your own, then to equip the artesian water supply system, more significant financial costs will be required.

The cost of arranging the well depends on the season, the equipment used and the depth of drilling

Expenses for the purchase of casing pipes, pumping equipment and a head should be added to the expense item.

  • The smell of water.

In the case when the material for the arrangement of the pipe is not a sufficiently high-quality metal, water can acquire a "metallic" taste, and sometimes even a "rusty" color.

It will also be useful material on how to properly analyze and purify water from a country well: //diz-cafe.com/voda/analiz-i-ochistka-vody-iz-skvazhiny.html

As practice shows, there is no only right decision whether a well or a well is better. When choosing a water supply system, each is guided by personal preferences and financial capabilities: someone chooses a cheaper and easier to operate well, and the other chooses a technological well.
