Sowing onion seedlings for seedlings and in open ground: the first competitor of onion!


Onion-batun is a perennial vegetable crop that looks like stalks of onion. This variety of onions is one of the most common and in demand among gardeners. Our culture has become popular not so long ago, but nevertheless it is cultivated both through seedlings and direct sowing in open ground.

Planting seeds for seedlings

To grow onion-seedling seedling method is resorted to in the case when it is required to obtain early greens, and failed to perform winter landing.

Seeds of onion-batun in appearance look like an ordinary chernushka

Ground preparation and tanks

To grow good quality onion-seedling seedlings, you need to properly prepare the soil mixture. In most cases, plant growers prepare the following composition:

  • a mixture of humus and sod land in equal parts (half a bucket);
  • 200 g of wood ash;
  • 80 grams nitroammofoski.

All components are thoroughly mixed.

Before use, the resulting soil is recommended to be decontaminated, for which the earth is shed with 2% potassium permanganate solution.

In addition to the soil mixture, you need to take care of the preparation of the landing tank. As such, seedlings of 15 cm high with holes in the bottom can be used. Also, for drainage to the bottom, pour a layer of pebbles 1 cm thick.

Capacities for planting onion seedlings should be about 15 cm high with holes in the bottom and a layer of drainage

Seed preparation

No matter what culture you plan to grow, the preparation of seed material should not be neglected. It is recommended to soak the seeds of onion-batun before planting in ordinary water or in a solution of micronutrient fertilizers at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.

The soaking process should be controlled so that the seed does not give too long shoots, which will make planting more time-consuming.

As a solution for soaking, you can also use warm potassium permanganate. Seeds are placed in it for 20 minutes, after which they are soaked in ordinary warm water for 24 hours, while the liquid needs to be changed several times. After the procedure, the seeds are dried and begin to sow. Such preparation allows for earlier germination, usually for a week.

When preparing seeds, they are soaked in ordinary water or a solution of potassium permanganate

Sowing dates

For the proper cultivation of onion, it is important to know when to sow. Seedlings are sown in the second half of April. If your region has a temperate climate, landing can be done a little earlier. Planting seedlings on the site is carried out in the twentieth of June, and in September they harvest, and together with the bulbs (with annual cultivation).

Sowing seeds for seedlings

After preparing the soil, containers and seeds, it's time to start sowing. Make it as follows:

  1. Landing capacity is filled with earth, grooves are made with a depth of 1.5-3 cm at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.

    For sowing seeds in the soil, grooves are made to a depth of 1.5-3 cm with a distance from each other of 5-6 cm

  2. Sow the seeds.

    Seeds are sown in prepared grooves

  3. Sprinkle the seed with a layer of loose earth (1.5 cm), after which the surface is leveled and slightly compacted.

    Sprinkle seeds after sowing with a layer of earth

  4. A 2 cm layer of river sand is poured on top and moistened with a spray gun, which eliminates the erosion of all layers and the leaching of seeds.
  5. Plantings are covered with glass or polyethylene and transferred to a room where the temperature will be maintained + 18-21 ° C.

    After planting, the container is covered with film or glass.

Video: sowing onion seedlings for seedlings

Seedling Care

When shoots appear, the film should be removed, and the landing box put on the windowsill on the south side. However, the room should not be too warm: it is best if the temperature is within + 10-11 10С. After a day, it is desirable to maintain the following temperature regime: + 14-16 ° C during the day and + 11-13 ° C at night. If it is not possible to withstand the specified temperature, then at night it will be enough to open the windows and doors, but at the same time so that there are no drafts.

To obtain strong seedlings, plants first need to provide additional light, since the onion-batun needs a daylight hours of 14 hours. As a source of artificial lighting, you can use fluorescent, LED or phytolamps. The lighting device above the plants is fixed at a height of 25 cm. During the first 3 days after installing the lamp, it should not be turned off, which is necessary for the plants to get used to such lighting. Then the source is turned on and off in such a way as to provide the desired length of daylight.

After the emergence of seedlings, the onion needs sufficient lighting, watering and feeding

An important factor in the care of seedlings is watering. Moisturize the planting often, but in moderation. The earth should not dry out, but too much humidity should not be allowed. A week after germination, top dressing is performed. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 2.5 grams per 10 liters of water, are used as nutrition elements. As soon as the first true leaf appears, thinning seedlings is performed, leaving a spacing of 3 cm between seedlings. 10 days before planting in open ground, the plants are quenched. To do this, you can open the window and the door, gradually increasing the airing time. After 3 days, the planting is taken out into the open air, first for a day, and then you can leave it overnight.

Planting seedlings in the ground

By the time of planting, the plants should have well-developed roots, 3-4 real leaflets and a stem with a diameter of 3-4 cm at the base. The planting age at this time is usually 2 months. The procedure for planting seedlings does not present any difficulties. It boils down to the fact that in the selected area, holes are dug to a depth of 11-13 cm at a distance of 8 cm from each other and between rows of 20 cm, after which they are planted.

Onion seedling seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of two months

It is recommended to add a little Zhumen of wood ash into the pit, moisten the soil and place the sprout vertically, compacting the ground. It remains to water and pour a layer of mulch 1 cm using humus or straw.

Mulch retains moisture in the soil and prevents weed growth.

Planting seeds in the ground

For sowing seeds on the site will require the preparation of beds and seed material.

Soil preparation

Onion-batun prefers fertile land with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. It is advisable to choose light loam or sandy loam soils. Heavy clay and acidic areas, as well as those located in lowlands and flooded with water, are not suitable for cultivating crops. On sandy soils, you can grow onions, but at the same time a large number of peduncles are formed, which negatively affects the yield.

It is preferable to plant the crop after potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, and also after green manure. The main thing is that organic fertilizers should not be applied under the precursors, from which weeds can grow. You should not plant onion-batun after garlic, cucumbers, carrots, and also after onions, as this will contribute to the development of pathogens in the soil. Since the type of onion in question refers to perennial plants and can grow in one place for 4 years, the garden bed should be thoroughly prepared for planting it.

The soil for planting onions is fertilized with organic and mineral substances

On a site with acidic soil, half a year before sowing, wood ash of 0.5 kg per 1 m² is introduced. Poor soils are fertilized 2 weeks before planting with the following components:

  • humus - 3-5 kg;
  • superphosphate - 30-40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 25-30 g;
  • potassium chloride - 15-20 g.

As for the preparation of seeds, they perform it in the same way as when sowing seedlings. It is important to consider that soaked seeds need to be planted only in moist ground, otherwise they will simply die in dry ground.

Sowing dates

Sowing crops in unprotected soil begins in early spring and ends in early summer.

Planting and caring for the onion-baton, regardless of the time of the procedure, has practically no differences.

Since the type of onion in question is suitable for cultivation in conditions of the Russian climate, the air temperature during the boom run may be in the range + 10-13 ° C. Greens are able to withstand a decrease in temperature to -4-7 ° C. This suggests that sowing seeds can be done as soon as the soil is slightly warmed up.

Sowing of onion-batun in the open ground can be done from early spring until mid-August or before winter

If the culture is grown as an annual plant, then the seeds can be sown immediately, as soon as severe frosts pass. In most cases, the deadline is March-early April. If the onion is cultivated as a perennial, then the seeds are planted in early summer or autumn. It should be taken into account that during autumn planting, greens begin to develop in the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the soil thaws.


Onion-batun on the bed is sown in previously made furrows. You can adhere to the following planting scheme:

  • the distance between the seeds in a row of 10 cm;
  • between rows of 20 cm;
  • embedment depth 3 cm.

Seeds per bed are sown to a depth of 3 cm, between seeds 10 cm and between rows 20 cm

Seeds can be immediately spread out at the desired interval. With a thicker fit, thinning will be required. Spend it when the first real sheet appears. If the crop is planted in the fall, thinning is performed the next year, when seedlings appear.

Video: sowing onions in the open ground

Onion Care

The main agrotechnical methods in the care of the onion-baton are watering, top dressing, cultivation. Watering the crop should be moderate, while the frequency and volume should be selected according to your region, i.e., based on the climate. So, in some regions it will be enough to moisten the earth once a week at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m² of beds, while in others it may be necessary to irrigate more often - 3-4 times a week.

The first weeding is carried out in order to thin out dense plantings, leaving 6-9 cm between plants. After that, the soil in the aisles is loosened, which helps to improve the yield. In the future, the cultivation procedure is carried out after irrigation and rain.

It is necessary to push the earth carefully to avoid damage to the roots of the young onion.

One of the important procedures in caring for onions is cultivation, which provides better plant growth.

An important condition for obtaining a good harvest is the introduction of nutrients. Onions are fed several times during the season. The first feeding is carried out in early spring with the use of organics (mullein 1: 8 or infusion of bird droppings 1:20). Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring one month after emergence and in the fall 30 days before frosts. As fertilizers, potassium nitrate is used, spending 14 g per 1 m². In summer, to supplement the onion, the beds can be lightly sprinkled with wood ash.

Planting a spring onion for winter

Sowing seeds in the winter is usually carried out in November, when cold weather sets in and the soil temperature drops to -3-4 ° C.

Planting under such conditions is necessary in order to avoid seed germination before spring, otherwise they simply disappear.

The onion bed is pre-fertilized with mineral and organic substances. Sowing is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Furrows are made 2 cm deep with a row spacing of 20 cm, seeds are buried in them and covered with earth.

    Furrows under the bow are made 2 cm deep, between the rows the distance should be 20 cm

  2. Mulch planting with peat or humus, and then compact the soil.
  3. For the winter period, a bed with crops is covered with straw or branches, as well as a layer of snow.

    The garden for the winter is covered with branches or straw

  4. In order for the seedlings to appear as quickly as possible in spring, in April a section with onions is covered with a film.

    To spring onions sprout faster, cover the bed with a film

Culture transplant

The need for an onion transplant can arise for various reasons, for example, in order to free up a plot for planting another crop or for other needs. The operation is carried out in early spring, although some gardeners perform it in August or early September. For transplantation, you need to select a suitable site, prepare the holes, carefully dig out the best plants and transfer them to a new place. Planting of culture should be performed at the same level, i.e., without deepening and elevation. When the procedure is complete, you need to moisten the soil.

Video: how to transplant a onion-batun

When cultivating the onion-batun, it is important to properly prepare the seeds and soil, as well as to sow in accordance with the recommendations. In order for the plants to grow and develop well, it is necessary to provide appropriate care, which will make it possible to receive fresh greens throughout the season.


Watch the video: The Largest Onion Plant Producer in the . (October 2024).