Goat-Dereza: Everything About The Popular Variety Of Cauliflower


Cauliflower in the gardens of Russian gardeners is quite common, but still much less common than the traditional white. Many, especially beginners, simply do not dare to plant an unusual culture, fearing insurmountable difficulties in caring for it. Indeed, cauliflower is more demanding and capricious than white cabbage, but nothing supernatural is needed from the gardener. Thanks to the tireless work of breeders in stores, the seeds of the crop are presented in a wide assortment. Recent achievements include the Cosa Dereza variety, which gardeners quickly appreciated.

What does a cauliflower of the Goat Dereza variety look like?

The list of varieties and hybrids of cauliflower recommended for cultivation in a temperate climate in the State Register of the Russian Federation includes more than 140 items. But not everyone is becoming popular with gardeners. Among the relatively recent and very successful achievements of breeders is the Koz-Dereza variety. The originator is the biotechnology seed company. He was included in the State Register in 2007 and quickly became one of the favorites among Russian summer residents.

Koza-Dereza - a variety of cauliflower that quickly became popular among Russian gardeners

The variety is classified as early. From the appearance of seedlings to the ripening of heads of cabbage, about a hundred days pass, from the moment of seedling planting to harvesting - 55-70 days. Even in a temperate climate, when planting seeds and seedlings with a few "waves", you can take 2-3 crops per season.

The rosette of the cauliflower Cosa Dereza is quite compact, but the leaves are powerful, directed straight up. Their surface is finely bubbled, the edge is wavy. The color is green with a grayish tint. A thin layer of bluish-gray wax coating is also present.

The rosette of leaves in cabbage of the Kosa-Dereza variety is compact, but the leaves are powerful

Each outlet has 20-25 leaves. The head is partially hidden by them. It is round in shape, slightly convex, not too lumpy. Cabbage is very presentable, heads of cabbage aligned. The average weight of each of them is 0.6-0.8 kg, but the “champions" weighing 3-4 kg also mature. Particularly successful gardeners managed to grow 6-6.5-kilogram heads of cabbage. Inflorescences are snow-white, dense, but juicy and tender. Even if the head of cabbage is cut, they do not “crumble”.

Leaves of Kosa-Dereza cultivar partially cover the inflorescences

The average yield is 3.2 kg / m². The undoubted advantage of the variety is the friendly maturation of the heads of cabbage, which allows you to remove them at a time. Fruits Koza Dereza stably, even if the weather in the summer is not too suitable for growing cabbage. The variety has a certain ecological "plasticity". In addition, he suffers a cold snap to -10 ° C without much damage to himself.

The yield on cabbage of the Koza-Dereza variety is very good, the heads ripen together

The purpose of cabbage of this variety is universal. Goat-Dereza is suitable for all kinds of main dishes, and for homemade preparations, and for freezing. It is valued for its taste. Both adults and children like cabbage. Mashed potatoes from it can be used to begin feeding complementary babies.

Cauliflower is not only healthy, but also very tasty

Like any cauliflower, for the normal growth of the Kose-Deresa, certain conditions are necessary. The culture tolerates a short-term decrease in temperatures, but if it falls below -10 ° C for a long time, the cabbage freezes in development. This culture is moisture-loving, it tolerates drought poorly, stopping to grow. But you can’t go too far with watering - this negatively affects the supply of oxygen to the roots. In general, cauliflower prefers stability, she does not like sudden changes in temperature, humidity.

In home-made preparations, Kosa-Dereza cabbage keeps snow-white inflorescences

The optimum summer temperature for this variety is 16-18ºС. If it is colder, the heads become smaller, deformed, lose their taste. At 25 ° C and higher, the plant practically stops in development, inflorescences can become "loose".

Cabbage Goat-Dereza belongs to the category of early ripe varieties, during the season you can manage to harvest 2-3 crops

Video: description of cauliflower cultivar Koza Dereza

The birthplace of culture is the Mediterranean. In Russia, she did not take root for a long time precisely because of her love of heat. But everything changed under Catherine II, when self-taught agronomist A. Bolotov brought up a frost-resistant version that can bring crops in a temperate climate.

Kosa-Dereza cabbage is rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for normal human life. Of particular note is the rare vitamin U, as well as vitamins A, C, D, E, K, H, PP, the entire group B. Of the trace elements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, copper. And all this at an extremely low calorie content - only 28-30 kcal per 100 g. Cauliflower is indispensable for those who follow a diet, trying to lose weight. It contains easily digestible fiber, which allows you to "trick" the body, causing a feeling of fullness due to the filling of the stomach. By the way, this fiber is very tender. It is easily digested even in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers and gastritis in the acute stage.

Inflorescences of cabbage of the Koza-Dereza variety are very dense, but juicy

By the way, cauliflower is comparable to citrus in terms of vitamin C content. Only 50 g of the product is enough to satisfy the daily requirement of the body. A distinctive feature of the culture is the presence of biotin. This rather rare substance helps prevent the development and helps in the treatment of many skin diseases, and is also very useful for the nervous system. Regular consumption of cauliflower helps to get rid of protracted depression, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, causeless anxiety attacks. This vegetable is also necessary for pregnant women. Folic acid and B vitamins are an effective prevention of fetal developmental defects.

There are contraindications. Caution should begin to use cauliflower if you know that you have a tendency to allergic reactions. In minimal quantities, it is eaten for problems with joints, urinary or cholelithiasis. It is strictly forbidden to include this vegetable in the diet for impaired purine metabolism.

Video: Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Landing preparation

The quality of the substrate Koza-Dereza makes high demands. Like any cauliflower, its root system is underdeveloped, superficial. It is located only 25-40 cm underground. The best option for culture is fertile, but well-permeable water and air soil with a neutral or slightly acidic acid-base reaction (chernozem, gray earth, loam). It is definitely not possible to grow Kozu-Dereza in acidic or saline soil, as well as in a substrate more resembling a swamp.

Humus is introduced into the soil to increase its fertility

Cauliflower has a very negative attitude towards acidification of the soil at the roots. They quickly begin to rot, the gardener loses most or all of the crop. To minimize the risk of rot development, do not plant Kozu-Dereza in areas where groundwater approaches the surface of the soil closer than a meter, or in lowlands. Rain water stands there for a long time, moist, cold air accumulates.

The preparation of the cabbage bed begins in the fall. The soil is carefully dug up, at the same time choosing all plant and other garbage. In the process, everything necessary is added: humus or rotted compost (15-20 kg / m²) to increase fertility, dolomite flour or powdered eggshell (200-400 g / m²) to normalize the acid-base balance, simple superphosphate and potassium sulfate (respectively 140-160 g and 100-120 g) - to provide the plants with the macroelements they need for growth and development. Those who prefer natural top dressing can replace mineral fertilizers with sifted wood ash (0.8-1 l / m²).

A bed for planting cauliflower begins to be prepared in the fall

In the spring, about 2-3 weeks before the expected landing, the bed is well loosened. If fertilizers have not been applied since the fall, the error is corrected. Necessarily need humus and complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium preparations (Azofoska, Nitrofoska, Diammofoska) in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Fresh manure is strictly excluded. It oversaturates the soil with nitrogen, and this negatively affects the immunity of the plant. Another possible danger is to introduce eggs and larvae of pests, spores of pathogenic fungi into the ground.

Dolomite flour - having no side effects while observing the dosage of a deoxidizer

Critical for cauliflower lighting. Even light penumbra does not suit this culture. The place should be open, well-lit by the sun, but it is necessary to have protection from cold drafts and sudden gusts of wind. Any man-made or natural barrier that does not obscure the bed will cope with this task. You should also know that cauliflower is a short-day plant. If daylight hours last 12 hours or more, inflorescences form noticeably faster, but at the same time they are not so tasty and more "friable".

Cauliflower is planted exclusively in open areas

Do not forget about crop rotation. Cauliflower belongs to the Cruciferous family, and any “relatives” for it are bad predecessors. After other varieties of cabbage, radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip, daikon, it can be planted on the same bed no earlier than after 3-4 years. It is recommended to grow Kozu-Dereza where legumes, solanaceae, pumpkin, onions, garlic, carrots, greens grew before that. Every year, or at least once every two years, it is transferred to a new place.

Radishes, like other Crucifers, are a bad predecessor for cauliflower

Cauliflower from seeds and its seedlings

Caussa-Dereza cauliflower can be planted in the soil and seedlings, and seeds, but the vast majority of gardeners practice the first method. This is due to the characteristics of the climate and the unpredictability of the weather in most of Russia.

Cauliflower seeds can be planted directly in the ground, but in most of the territory of Russia, due to climatic conditions, a seedling method of growing crops is practiced

Depending on the specific region, the seeds are sown for seedlings in late March or in the first decade of April. Seedlings do not develop too quickly; they are ready for transfer to a permanent place about 40 days after emergence, in the second half of May. At this point, they should grow to 15-18 cm in height and have 4-5 true leaves.

The rosette of leaves of Goat-Dereza is quite compact, but this cabbage does not like crowding. It is planted on a bed, leaving 50 cm between adjacent plants, between rows - 40-45 cm. This applies to seeds and seedlings. You should not try to save space and place cauliflower under fruit trees - in terms of getting food from the soil, they are not competitors for each other, but the tree creates an undesirable shadow. In addition, they have a completely different watering regime.

Experienced gardeners plant not all of the cauliflower at once, but 2-3 "waves" with an interval of 10-12 days. This allows you to extend the fruiting period.

To improve germination, seeds are preplanted. The easiest option is to hold the container with them on the battery until they hatch, or wrap it in a cloth moistened with room temperature water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. The wipe must be kept constantly moist. You can also use any biostimulant (Epin, Emistim-M, potassium humate, aloe juice, succinic acid).

Epin - one of the most common biostimulants

There is a more complicated way. Seeds for a quarter of an hour are dipped in a thermos with hot (45-50ºС) water, then literally for a couple of minutes they are immersed in a container with cold. After that they are mixed with wet peat or sand and kept in the refrigerator at night for a week, and transferred to the warmest place in the apartment for a day.

Preplant seed preparation positively affects their germination

The final stage - etching for 15 minutes in a solution of biofungicide (Fitosporin-M, Bactofit, Fitolavin). These drugs destroy most pathogenic fungi, and any cauliflower is very susceptible to such diseases. Before disembarkation, they are washed in running water and dried to a state of flowability.

Cauliflower seedlings are grown according to the following algorithm:

  1. Peat cups with a diameter of about 10 cm are filled with a prepared substrate. It is recommended to use precisely such containers, which in the future will allow to avoid picking and transplanting. The root system of seedlings is extremely fragile. Soil is purchased in a store or prepared independently from mixed in approximately equal proportions of humus, peat, fertile land and coarse sand. In both cases, the substrate must be sterilized and add a tablespoon of sifted wood ash or activated carbon powder for every 2 liters. This is an effective prevention of the development of the "black leg".

    Peat pots avoid damage to the roots of cauliflower - plants are transferred to the garden along with a container

  2. About an hour before the procedure, the soil in pots is moderately moistened. Seeds are planted 3-4 pieces in each container, buried by 0.5-1 cm. Sprinkle with fine sand on top. Pots are wrapped with foil or placed on top of a glass to create a “greenhouse”.

    A “greenhouse” with planted cauliflower seeds is slightly opened daily for 5-7 minutes to ventilate and remove condensate

  3. Until the first shoots, the containers are kept in the dark at a temperature of 20-22ºС. Immediately after their appearance, it is sharply reduced to 8-10 ° C during the day and 5-6 ° C at night. In this mode, seedlings exist for a week. It is difficult to create these conditions in an apartment without prejudice to its inhabitants, so it is advisable to move the pots to a glazed loggia. After the specified time, the temperature is raised to 13-16 ° C. Equally important is lighting. If there is not enough natural light to provide the required 10-12 hours per day (and in most parts of Russia it is), cauliflower is illuminated with fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps. Sprouts are watered regularly, but sparingly, preventing the substrate from drying out. It is advisable to periodically use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate instead of water at room temperature.

    Cauliflower seedlings need optimal conditions for optimal development

  4. Before planting in the ground, seedlings are fed twice - in the phase of the second real leaf and after another 10-12 days. A nutrient solution can be prepared independently by diluting in a liter of water 2.5-3 g of nitrogen, 2 g of phosphorus and 1.5-2 g of potassium fertilizer. No worse are special store products (Rostock, Kemira-Lux, Mortar). Before the first feeding, culling is carried out, leaving one of the seedlings in the pot one, the most powerful and developed. The rest, in order not to injure its roots, is cut off or pinched near the ground itself.

    Rostock is a popular fertilizer designed specifically for seedlings

  5. 7-10 days before disembarkation, hardening begins. Seedlings are taken out to fresh air, gradually extending the time spent outside from 1-2 hours to a whole day. In the last 2-3 days, cabbage even “sleeps” on the street.

    Hardening before planting in the ground helps cauliflower to quickly adapt to the living conditions in a new place

Video: planting cauliflower seeds for seedlings and further care for seedlings

It is not worth delaying with landing in open ground. Overgrown seedlings are much worse adapted to new living conditions, often form small loose heads or do not "bloom" at all.

For the procedure, choose a non-hot cloudy day. In advance, in compliance with the planting pattern, holes 10-12 cm deep are made and well spilled with water so that the cabbage is planted in the "mud". At the bottom put a little humus, a teaspoon of simple superphosphate (cauliflower is particularly demanding on the content of phosphorus in the soil) and onion husks (a pungent odor drives away many pests).

Seedlings are buried in the soil to the first pair of cotyledon leaves. The "core" must remain on the surface. Then the bushes are moderately watered and sprinkled with humus or peat crumb to the base of the stem. Until the plants take root, they erect a canopy over them to protect them from direct sunlight. You can also close the cauliflower with fir branches, paper caps.

Cauliflower seedlings are buried in the soil to the bottom pair of leaves

When planting directly in the soil, seed preparation is also carried out. They are planted in prepared wells several pieces, deepening by 2-3 cm and sprinkling sand on top. The soil at this point at a depth of 10 cm should warm up to 10-12ºС. Therefore, you should not plan a landing earlier than the first decade of May in regions with a temperate climate and early April where it is warmer.

Planting cauliflower seeds in the ground is practiced mainly in the warm southern regions

Before emergence (it will take about a week), the bed is tightened with film. As soon as the seedlings appear, arcs are installed above it and closed with any white air-permeable material (agril, lutrasil, spanbond). They clean it after about a month and a half.

The covering material will protect cauliflower sprouts both from direct sunlight and from a possible cooling

Caring for seedlings is not much different from what seedlings require at home. They are also moderately watered as the top layer of the soil dries (usually enough every 4-5 days), they are fed and culled at the same time. The bed needs to be weeded regularly and carefully loosened. To protect against cruciferous fleas, emerging seedlings aged 10-12 days are dusted with a mixture of wood ash, tobacco chips and ground red pepper.

Crop Care Recommendations

Cauliflower is more capricious than white cabbage, but if you create optimal conditions for development, it will not require anything particularly complicated from the gardener. The bed is weeded, loosened 2-3 times a week, but very carefully, to a depth of not more than 7-8 cm - the root system of plants is superficial. The first time the procedure is carried out 6-8 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground. It is advisable to do this after each watering, but not all gardeners have this opportunity.


Watering for Goat-Dereza is critical. Cauliflower is especially in need of water during the formation of inflorescences. Do not allow the soil to dry out at the roots. But too plentiful watering is also harmful. This provokes the development of root rot.

It is best to water the cauliflower by sprinkling, simulating natural rainfall. So you can wet the soil evenly. If there is no technical possibility, water is poured into the grooves between the rows of landings, but not under the base of the stem. The roots, bare, dry out quickly.

Cauliflower is a moisture-loving culture, this also applies to its seedlings, and adult plants

Young seedlings are watered at least once every 2-3 days, spending 7-8 liters of water per 1 m². About a month after planting in the soil, the intervals between procedures are increased to 4-6 days, and the volume of water is up to 10-12 l / m². Of course, all this is adjusted for the weather on the street. In extreme heat, heads and leaves can be additionally sprayed from the spray bottle in the evenings after sunset.

Top dressing

Goat-Dereza is an early ripening variety. For her, 3-4 feedings per season are quite enough. The first time the procedure is carried out two weeks after transplanting seedlings in the garden, the next - with an interval of 12-14 days.

At an early stage of development, the culture needs nitrogen to help the cabbage more efficiently build green mass. The goat-Dereza is watered with a solution of any nitrogen fertilizer (10-15 g per 10 liters of water) or fresh cow manure, bird droppings, any weeds growing on the site (nettle and dandelion leaves are most often used).

Urea, like other nitrogen fertilizers, is applied to the soil, strictly observing the recommended dosage.

It is very important not to overdo it with nitrogen. At the right dosage, it is useful for the plant, but with an excess of this macrocell in the soil, the plant's immunity decreases, cauliflower forms heads poorly, nitrates accumulate in inflorescences.

Nettle infusion before use is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8

The second and next feeding - phosphorus and potassium. The natural source of these macronutrients is wood ash. It is applied both in dry form and in the form of infusion. You can also use simple superphosphate and potassium sulfate (25-30 g per 10 liters of water). They are alternated with special complex fertilizers for cabbage (Kristalin, Kemira-Lux, Novofert, Master).

Goat-Dereza, like any cauliflower, needs boron and molybdenum to develop. With its deficiency, the heads turn brown, "crumble". Therefore, at least once a month, it is sprayed with a solution of a special drug. You can cook it yourself, diluting in a liter of water 1-2 g of ammonium molybdenum acid and boric acid.

Video: Cauliflower Care Tips


Snow-white cauliflower looks much more presentable greenish, brownish or reddish. A change in color is caused by direct sunlight. At the same time, the flesh also acquires a noticeable bitterness. In order to preserve the shade of inflorescences and taste inherent in the Cosa Dereza variety, and as they mature, the growing head is covered with the lower outer leaves, carefully cutting them off. The same procedure increases the size of heads of cabbage - more nutrients are now sent to them.

Covering the head of cauliflower with its own leaves, you can keep the white color and characteristic taste inherent in the Koza-Dereza variety

Diseases, pests and their control

Unfortunately, cauliflower is attacked quite often by diseases and pests. Variety Kosa-Dereza from the creators received a good immunity, but he is not completely immune from infection. In order to minimize risk, it is very important to properly care for the crop. Healthy plants get sick much less often. Also effective preventive measures are the observance of crop rotation and the correct scheme of planting (without excessive "crowding"). Before planting, the seeds must be pickled in a fungicide solution.

If the problem is noticed on time, most often it can be dealt with by resorting to folk remedies. They, unlike chemicals, are used at any time, and the latter - only until the formation of the heads. Most insects do not like pungent odors. Along the perimeter of the bed with cauliflower and in the aisles, onions, garlic, mint, rosemary, basil, as well as sage, lavender, marigolds are planted.

If you did not notice the onset of the development of the disease, and most of the plant is already infected, you should not spare it. Such cabbage is pulled out and burned to prevent further spread of the infection. The soil in this place is disinfected by spilling with 3% copper sulfate or dark raspberry potassium permanganate solution.

Of the pests, the most damage to cauliflower is caused by:

  • Cabbage fly. Lays eggs in the ground. The larvae hatching from them feed on root and stem tissues, eating out long “tunnels”. The plant slows down in development, dries. To scare away adults, the garden around the perimeter is surrounded by parsley, celery, plants are sprayed with foam of household soap or diluted with water vinegar essence (15 ml per 10 l). To fight them use Tanrek, Mospilan, Fufanon.
  • Caterpillars scoops. They feed on leaf tissues, leaving only streaks of them for several days. Adults are lured with shop pheromone or homemade traps. Deep containers are filled with jam, sugar syrup, honey diluted with water. At night, you can place a light source nearby. Entobacterin, Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocide scare off their drugs. Caterpillars are destroyed with the help of Actellik, Fufanon, Confidor-Maxi.
  • Cruciferous flea. Small bugs that can turn the leaves into a sieve in a couple of days. They are effectively scared away by the smell of garlic and tomato tops. The soil in the garden is dusted with a mixture of wood ash, tobacco chips and red pepper. In case of mass invasion of the pest, Trichloromethaphos and Fosbecid are used.
  • Slug. They feed on plant tissues, eating large holes in leaves and inflorescences. A sticky silver coating is visible on the surface. They scare away slugs, surrounding the bed with sharply smelling spicy herbs, spraying with mustard powder infusion. Around the base of the stem, a “barrier” is constructed of pine needles, sand, ground eggshells or nutshells, hot peppers. Deeper can be collected manually or using traps. Tanks are dug into the ground, half filling them with beer, kvass, slices of cabbage. Mass invasion of pests is an exceptional phenomenon. Only in this case use chemicals - Meta, Thunderstorm, Sludge.
  • Cabbage aphid. It feeds on plant juice. Small pale green insects literally cling to the leaves. Multiple beige dots appear, which are clearly visible in the light. Repel aphids by infusions of any herbs with a sharp pronounced smell. You need to spray cabbage every 10-12 days. Also, dry tobacco leaves, mustard powder, lemon peel, arrows of garlic, potato tops are used as raw materials. These same infusions help to cope with the pest, if the aphids are not too much. Cauliflower only has to be sprayed 3-4 times a day. When time is lost, Biotlin, Aktaru, Inta-Vir, Iskra-Bio are used.

Photo gallery: what look like pests dangerous for cauliflower

Typical culture diseases:

  • Mucosal bacteriosis. Greenish “weeping” spots appear on the heads. Gradually they blacken, spread an unpleasant putrefactive odor. For prevention, cauliflower is sprayed with Mikosan, the Pentaphage. If the disease has gone too far, it remains only to throw it away. When there are a few more, the affected tissues are cut out, sprinkled with crushed chalk or activated charcoal crushed into powder.
  • Root rot. The roots turn black, become slimy to the touch. The base of the stem turns brown, softens. The best prevention is competent watering. It is advisable to replace ordinary water at least once every 1.5-2 weeks with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. Having discovered the first signs of the disease, watering is reduced to the required minimum. Gliocladin, Trichodermin capsules are introduced into the soil.
  • Kila. The most dangerous disease for any cabbage, the means for the treatment of which currently does not exist. Ugly growths resembling tumors appear on the roots, the aerial part of the plant dries and dies. The best prevention is crop rotation. In the garden where the cabbage has suffered from the keel, it can be returned no earlier than after 5-7 years. It is also useful to water the plants every 2-3 weeks with a solution of dolomite flour (200 g per 10 liters of water), and dust the soil with sifted wood ash.
  • Alternariosis. Leaves are covered with black-brown spots, gradually turning into concentric circles. They dry quickly and die off. The spread of the disease contribute to heat and high humidity. For prevention, the soil in the garden is powdered with crushed chalk or spilled with Planriz, Bactofit.
  • Fusarium Leaves change color to yellowish, covered with dark green spots, veins also darken. Then they fall, the inflorescences are deformed. For prophylaxis, Fitosporin-M or Fitolavin is added to water for irrigation. In the early stages of the development of the disease, it can be cured by treating the plants and soil in the garden with Benomil or Fundazol.
  • Peronosporosis. Leaves are covered with blurry yellowish spots. The wrong side is completely drawn in with a mauve plaque. The affected tissue dries and dies, holes form. For prevention, the bed is dusted with crushed chalk, the plants themselves are sifted with wood ash. To combat the disease, any fungicides are used.

Photo gallery: external manifestations of diseases typical of cauliflower

Gardeners reviews

Cauliflower this year is simply gorgeous. Here is my Goat-Dereza, almost under 2 kg.



This year I have varieties of cauliflower varieties Alpha, Kosa-Dereza and Alrani. Alrani is not bad, but the rest are none.



For the fourth year in my life, only cabbage of the Kosa-Dereza variety has been produced, the remaining varieties of heads are not tied. What is the matter, I did not understand. He planted both his seedlings and purchased. The same variety is sown in the ground in early May in a nursery, then transplanted to permanent places. In principle, it is possible to sow immediately to a permanent place - germination is good, there is no need to transplant.



I grow a variety of cauliflower Goat-Dereza from Biotechnology. Growing for taste and rapid head enlargement. Snow-white, sweet, without bitterness, the son loves in raw form, the husband in soups. I evaluate early ripeness - 5, productivity - 4.5, taste - 5+, resistance to diseases and adverse conditions - 4.5.



For the first time in the past season, good heads of cabbage turned out. Planted a variety of cauliflower Goat-Dereza. Previously, it was not possible to grow something worthwhile, and even the mood was not to grow it, but now I have risen and I think it will work out.



Kosa-Dereza is a very good variety, grows in all weather conditions. The fork is white and does not creep out much from under the leaves.

Larisa Pavlyuk


I like cauliflower Koza-Dereza, I have been planting for four years already and this year I will plant again. True, cabbage heads are not very large. Of course, maybe this is not a disadvantage, but rather a virtue.

Olga Pushkova


Planted a cauliflower for the sample, called Goat-Dereza. She ripened in September, almost to the end ... She planted two pieces, heads of cabbage were within 3 kg.



And there was spring ... And I sowed the seeds of cauliflower cultivar Kosa-Dereza ... And it turned out 54 bush seedlings. And I thought that I would plant everything: as usual, by the fall of 5-8 forks will ripen, and the rest in the pipe, or with a keel, will fall ill, or wither, or eat. And autumn came ... And, as it was written on a bag of seeds, 54 spoons ripened at one moment weighing 1 kg.



Koza-Dereza is one of the most popular varieties of cauliflower among Russian gardeners. They quickly appreciated its undoubted merits and the almost complete absence of flaws.There is nothing complicated in getting a rich harvest. If you familiarize yourself in advance with the "requirements" that the culture makes for agricultural technology, the cultivation of cauliflower will be affordable even for a not too experienced gardener.


Watch the video: Коза Dereza. (September 2024).