Large-fruited repair strawberry Aromas - concentrated taste of summer in your home


Removable strawberries are very popular among gardeners and gardeners. This is not surprising - after planting such plants, you can enjoy the aroma and taste of juicy sweet berries in late summer and even autumn. The Aromas variety is valued for its resistance to pests and diseases, productivity, as well as for large fruits suitable for harvesting and fresh consumption.

The story of the appearance of strawberries Aromas

Strawberry Aromas (Aromas) - large-fruited remont variety of neutral daylight hours. Translated from French, remontant means "rise again", "blossom again." Removable strawberries can produce more than one berry crop per season; fruiting begins in May and ends with the first snow. Varieties of repair strawberries (garden strawberries) are divided into two types:

  1. Garden strawberries for long daylight hours (abbreviated as DSD), which is capable of forming flower buds only with a long period of illumination. Varieties of DSD bear fruit 2 times a year. Moreover, the first July harvest is usually small. The second fruiting occurs in August and September and is 2-3 times larger than the previous one.
  2. Garden strawberries of neutral daylight hours (abbreviated as NSD), which lays flower buds at any length of daylight hours. On strawberries of NSD varieties, at the same time, flowers and berries of varying degrees of ripeness can be seen. Fruiting occurs most of the year.

Strawberry Aromas was launched at the University of California in 1991. The name was given due to the bright strawberry aroma. In Europe and the former Soviet Union, the variety appeared in 2010-2011. and managed to perfectly prove himself.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Description of bushes and fruits:

  • The height of the bushes of garden strawberry Aromas is 30-40 cm. The bushes are compact, upright, with a well-developed root system, with strong peduncles, numbering up to 50 ovaries. Rounded, with numerous cloves, the leaves are raised above the ground, which makes it easier to care for the bushes, harvest and makes the plants less accessible to pests.
  • Berries with an average weight of 25-30 g, conical or heart-shaped. The color is bright red, turning into darker as it ripens. The fruits are dense, with a shiny skin, resistant to damage, well stored, transportable.
  • The taste of the berries will be sweet and sour, sweet or very sweet depending on the region, the degree of maturity, time of harvest and care. When staining fruits in a dark color, the taste becomes more saturated. Autumn berries ripen longer due to the lack of the necessary amount of light and heat, but gain more sweetness.

Bright red medium-sized Aromas berries with dense juicy pulp

Strawberry Aromas Feature:

  • Very demanding on soils. The variety grows well on chernozems rich in humus. To obtain a good crop, regular fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is necessary, otherwise the plants may die, unable to withstand constant fruiting.
  • Moisture-loving, needs regular watering (1 time per week, and in hot weather 1 time in 3 days).
  • He does not like neighborhood with weeds, regular weeding and cultivation are desirable.
  • With good watering, it withstands high temperatures.
  • Winter hardiness. In the northern regions it is necessary to shelter for the cold period. So that the plants have time to prepare for the winter and lay new flower buds, after the last harvest, the flowers are cut off.
  • Immune to many diseases and pests. The authors declared resistance to powdery mildew, poor susceptibility to spotting, anthracnose, wilting, spider mites.
  • Harvest 500-800 grams from the bush, and with proper care up to two kilograms. Berries are tied both on the main bushes, and on young mustaches.
  • Despite the maintainability, the variety gives a large number of mustaches.

At the same time on the bush you can see flowers, ovaries and berries of varying degrees of maturity

Agricultural technology

To get a consistently high strawberry crop, you need to know the cultivation techniques.

The predecessors and neighbors in the garden

Strawberry NSD greatly depletes the soil. When growing Aromas in one place, it is impossible to achieve good yields, crop rotation is necessary. The best predecessors for culture are:

  • siderates (rapeseed, oats, phacelia, vetch, winter rye, buckwheat, lupine);
  • legumes;
  • greens (salad, celery, parsley);
  • from vegetable crops - carrots, beets, onions, garlic, radish, radish.

Bad precursors for strawberries are berry crops susceptible to the same diseases: currants, raspberries and gooseberries. Plants that need a large amount of nutrients are not suitable. So, will be unsuitable:

  • potatoes,
  • tomatoes
  • sunflower,
  • pumpkin,
  • cabbage,
  • cucumbers
  • zucchini
  • Jerusalem artichoke.

Well-chosen neighbors in the bed will help to avoid strawberry diseases, increase and preserve the crop. Marigolds will scare away the nematode, parsley and other fragrant herbs - snails and slugs, legumes enrich and loosen the soil, and onions and garlic are sanitized.

Soil preparation

One of the main conditions ensuring high and stable strawberry yields is timely soil preparation. Acidic soils with a pH below 5.5 must be liming a year or two before planting a berry. 1-2 weeks before transplanting, the earth is dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm, lumps are broken, the surface is leveled. Then necessarily add organic and mineral fertilizers. On 1 m2 contribute:

  • up to 10 kg of compost;
  • 0.5 l of wood ash;
  • 50-70 g of superphosphate;
  • 20-30 g of potassium sulfate.

Planting and reproduction

Growing strawberries Aromas has one significant drawback: the bushes grow old quickly. It is pointless to transplant adult plants of a repairing variety, since they are short-lived even with very good care, so you need to update the berry every 2-3 years.

Video: seedling

Strawberry propagation methods:

  • by seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • layering (mustache).

The easiest option is reproduction by layering. With sufficient watering, the mustache grows throughout the summer, especially abundantly in late August, when the temperature drops. You can plant seedlings all season, starting in July. The beds must be mulched with straw, sawdust, agrofibre. You can not use hay, moss, leaves and freshly cut grass.

After planting strawberry seedlings, the first two weeks require daily watering (at least 0.5 liters per plant). Further watering should be less frequent, enough every other day.

The compact size of the Aromas bush allows you to plant more plants

It greatly facilitates the process of growing strawberries planting on a spanbond. Using this method, you can get the first crop a week earlier and prevent the development of weeds.

Video: how to put agrofiber

Top dressing

Fertilizer is the most important condition for health, long life of bushes and high yields.

  • The first feeding of the nitrogen type is necessary in the spring, with the appearance of young leaves. Fertilizing with mullein or chicken droppings gives excellent results: a bucket of concentrated mullein solution is diluted with water 4-6 times, chicken droppings - 8-10 times. Ten liters is enough for 10-15 strawberry bushes. From mineral fertilizers, you can take 20 g of ammonium nitrate or 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and dilute in 10 liters of water.
  • The next time you need to feed strawberries during flowering, during this period the berry especially needs nutrition.
    Again, you can fertilize plants with organic matter: use Biohumus or ready-to-use complex fertilizers with trace elements for strawberries and strawberries.
  • In the future, it is necessary to regularly fertilize plants, preferably every two weeks: 10-15 complex top dressings per season with preparations containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. It is good to combine root top dressing with foliar. Spraying the leaves can be done in the evening or in cloudy weather with any complex fertilizer. The concentration of the solution should be 2-3 times less than when watering under the root.
  • The last top dressing with potassium-phosphorus and organic fertilizers is carried out in September, after harvesting berries, removing old leaves and processing with drugs to protect against viral and fungal diseases.


The roots of strawberries are shallow, so plants should be regularly watered, especially abundantly in the first days after planting. Proper hydration is very reflected in the taste of berries, quality and quantity of the crop.

Watering is also required during the ripening period of the crop: in dry, hot weather, you need to “water” the plants daily. Water consumption rate - 20-30 liters per 1 m2. It is important not to "overfill", otherwise the fruits will be acidic, they may rot. With a lack of moisture, the taste of the berries deteriorates, the size decreases, the strawberries dry out.

Winter preparations

In September, you should remove the flowers and berries, cut old diseased leaves, thin out the rows and make fertilizers. Phosphorus and potassium help plants recover from fruiting and better prepare for frosty winters. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers remain in the soil for a long time - by the spring, when the vegetative development of strawberries begins, good nutrition will be very useful. It is undesirable to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the fall, since plants must stop growing before the onset of frost.

The beds must be mulched. As a mulch, it is useful to use compost and well-rotted manure. With the onset of frost in the northern regions, it is advisable to cover strawberries with spanbond or other covering material.

Purpose and use of strawberries Aromas

The variety is suitable for both processing and fresh consumption.

  • Due to its good yield, high transportability and keeping quality of berries, Aromas is suitable for commercial production.
  • Late ripening will please summer residents and gardeners, extending the pleasure of wonderful berries.
  • It is good to use Aromas for freezing, providing yourself with vitamins for a long time.
  • The NSD variety is better than others for growing a house on the windowsill and can please people who do not have land.

Growing remontant strawberries at home is different from growing on a bed. For planting, you need containers or pots of a certain volume, prepared or purchased soil, your own watering and feeding regimes. If you grow strawberries at home, you can enjoy the berries all year round.

Reviews from experienced gardeners

Aromos is smaller than Albion and tastes worse. San Andreas has a large and good berry. I have all three varieties in my garden in small quantities. I think of getting rid of Aromas. This is purely my opinion.

Tarasdern Local


We have been growing the variety for 3 years. During the tests, no special problems were observed, except that it can chlorinate on our carbonate soils. But in our time, this is not a particular problem. The bushes are powerful, the leaf grows intensively, the root system is well developed, the mustache is sufficient for years. The berry is dense, transportable. In the summer heat, when from 30 to 40s, the taste is naturally lost, and in the fall it is much better if you give the berry fully mature in the bushes. Bushes withstand heat well, there were no attacks (of course, subject to the irrigation regime).

Alexander Krymsky Old-timer


I will share a review about my Aromas. Planted 3 bushes in July. By the end of September, the "plantation" had increased to 30 bushes - a mustache gives a lot. I couldn’t eat the berries, but I tried (I tried to plant more). The taste is sweet and sour (unsaturated) with a slight aroma, reminiscent of Honey. The dark red berry tastes richer. Aromas berry is large, conical in shape. There is almost no void inside. In density, it is softer than Albion, but quite transportable. I didn’t fully show my yield, but I think that Albion will wipe his nose. As for the disease - not sick. A dozen spots of white spotting are not considered (Albion is always strewn with this garbage.) In general, I am satisfied with the variety!

Andrey01 Starozhil


Aromas, fragrant strawberries. When the name matches the essence.

Published March 14, 2017 - 09:27

recall from Ytro 5 Pluses: wild strawberry with a taste of the forest

I want to tell you about a new promising variety of garden strawberries, which I acquired in 2016, last spring. I bought it in a specialized warehouse in bulk 40 pcs. They wanted it in half with the neighbors, but my husband didn’t give it up; he is my greed. I had to select a whole bed under it. They planted it in the early spring, when frosts were still frequent. Despite this, all the tender bushes survived, without shelter. And they turned into full-fledged bushes of medium height with light green foliage. In the same year, berries appeared, and in an amount surprising for only a planted plant. Berries are almost all the same size, medium in size, not small, closer to large. Very colorful, attractive in appearance. They are conical in shape, with a regular pyramid down, dense glossy. Peduncles tall, strong, keep the berries at a height above the ground. The color is closer to orange, but when ripe, it becomes darker. The taste is sweet with a bright aroma of wild strawberries. A large number of sugars. The pulp is dense, not stiff, crunchy, the berries do not crumple when transported from the cottage to the house. Unlike other varieties of remodelers, this berry has a taste of real strawberries. There is a significant plus, in the fall, when the taste is lost in other berries it becomes fresh, then in Aromas, on the contrary, it gains saturation and zest with some nutmeg. The stiffness is good, for reproduction it is a plus, of course, but for yourself, you have to remove the extra ones. Unfortunately, from the summer only these photos remained, which do not reflect the beauty of the berry very much. I’ll try to add the fullness of Aromas beauty this summer. In this variety I like: the one-dimensional size of the berries, if you dial on a plate - they are all the same, high yield, disease resistance, flower stalks, remontability, fruiting from early spring to late autumn, Saturated taste, aroma of berries, as well as Beautiful aesthetic The shape of the berries and their transportability. If you have not decided on a cultivar of garden strawberries, I can recommend this variety for planting in your garden, you will not regret it.



Choosing Aromas strawberry garden, providing the plants with the necessary care and attention, you will not regret your decision, the time and energy spent, and you will enjoy the taste and aroma of magnificent berries in summer and autumn.


Watch the video: 10 Nutrient-Dense Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden (October 2024).