Brugmansia - beautiful trumpets of angels


Brugmansia is an unusual bush from the nightshade family. In the summer it is covered with many hanging tubular flowers. These beautiful buds are also called angelic trumpets. So far, for our country, Brugmansia is a rare and exotic plant, but it confidently wins the hearts of flower growers. Of course, caring for her requires some skill, but mastering the little tricks is very easy.

Appearance of Brugmansia

Brugmansia comes from Latin America, where it is a sprawling tree up to 5 m tall. In our latitudes, it more often takes the form of a wide shrub with a horizontal crown. The stems are quickly lignified and covered with a smooth brown-green bark. On the young branches are quite large ovoid leaves. They have long petioles and are attached in pairs. The leathery sheet plate is dark green. Along the central and lateral veins, you can see small bright stripes. Leaflets are covered with short bluish pubescence.

The main asset of Brugmansia is its flowers. Flowering occurs in the summer, it is very plentiful. On one plant can bloom up to hundreds of flowers. Huge buds are located singly on thin peduncles, so they hang under green branches. The open gramophone is 15-30 cm long. The diameter of the wide part is about 17 cm. The color of the petals can be very diverse: white, cream, scarlet, yellow, blue. The flower can have a simple shape or double (with additional petals inside). Flowering is accompanied by the release of an intense pleasant aroma. It is noteworthy that on hot sunny days, flowers close and open only in the evening twilight.

It is important to remember that all parts of Brugmansia are very toxic. It must be protected from children and pets. The juice of the plant is very irritating to the skin, so all work is carried out in protective gloves. If the plant is in a closed room during flowering, it spreads a very strong, intrusive smell. Many people report a deterioration in well-being. If you can’t bring a flower of Brugmansia to fresh air, you need to ventilate the room more often.

Popular varieties

The genus of Brugmansia is quite diverse, but only a few varieties are used in culture. Widespread decorative varieties with terry flowers.

Brugmansia is South American. In culture, the plant forms a sprawling shrub up to 3 m high. During flowering, it is covered with snow-white simple flowers up to 30 cm long.

Brugmansia South American

Brugmansia is golden. The birthplace of the plant is Colombia. It is a low tree 2-4 m high. The branches bend and gradually lignify in a drooping position. The flowers are painted yellow, but sometimes they get cream or pink shades. Flowering occurs in the evening and night and is accompanied by a strong aroma.

Golden Brugmansia

Brugmansia is noticeable. A lignified shrub 2-4 m high is common in Ecuador. On the horizontal branches during flowering, you can see many hanging buds of yellow or pinkish color. Their length can reach 45 cm. Thin bright green leaves with wavy edges are attached to the branches with short petioles.

Brugmansia noticeable


It is quite possible to grow Brugmansia from seeds, but it will take a lot of effort. Seeds need to be bought fresh, as they quickly lose their germination. Landings are made in shallow boxes with a sand-peat mixture. The best time for this is the end of February or March. To soften the dense skin, the seeds are kept for 24 hours in a solution of manganese. Crops are performed in small holes with a depth of 5-10 mm. The pot is covered with a film and put in a bright place with a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C.

Seeds hatch non-uniformly after 10-50 days. After seed germination, the shelter is removed. It is necessary to provide bright light and regular spraying of seedlings. With the advent of the fifth true leaf, Brugmansia can be transplanted into separate pots.

At home, propagation by cuttings is most common, it allows you to save the varietal properties of the parent plant and rather get a flowering tree. The procedure is carried out in April-June. A semi-lignified branch is cut into shoots with at least one internode. The length of the cuttings is about 15-20 cm. Rooting is done in warm water with the addition of activated carbon. Cuttings should be exposed in a bright place with an air temperature of about + 20 ° C. It is advisable to cover them with a plastic cap.

After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear in the water and Brugmansia can be planted in the ground. For the first planting, small pots with a sand-peat mixture are used.

Plant transplant

Brugmansia needs frequent transplants. This is due to the rapid growth of the root system. Young plants will have to be replanted several times a year. Adult specimens are planted in large tubs of 9-15 liters. Even large trees need frequent updating of the soil or replacement of its top layer.

When transplanting, they try to separate part of the old earthen coma from the roots. Even in a large tub it is necessary to cover the bottom with large drainage material. The soil is selected fertile and breathable with a neutral or slightly acid reaction. You can add the following components to it:

  • peat;
  • leaf humus;
  • river sand;
  • turf land.

You can add a small amount of perlite to the mixture itself. After each transplant for a week, rootin is added to the water for watering Brugmansia.

How to land in the open ground.

Care Rules

A prerequisite for the normal development of Brugmansia is bright lighting. To achieve abundant flowering, you need to take the plant in late spring to an open area in the garden. Fresh air will benefit from Brugmansia. If you leave it in a shaded place, it will significantly increase the green mass, but forms few flowers.

The optimum air temperature for the plant is + 22 ... + 26 ° C. In regions where even in winter it does not freeze below + 5 ° C, Brugmansia can be grown in open ground. In more northern areas, you will have to bring the tree to the room for the winter. Some gardeners plant a plant in the open ground for the summer. This can be done together with the pot, after drilling larger holes at the bottom. In winter, it is better to keep Brugmansia indoors with an air temperature of + 10 ... + 15 ° C.

The plant lives in tropical rainforests, and therefore home care for Brugmansia is to ensure air humidity of at least 60%. The crown can often be sprayed or bathed under a warm shower, and also place a tub near ponds, aquariums or fountains.

Since the beginning of spring, Brugmansia has been actively growing and needs abundant watering. The soil should dry only at the top. Water is used soft and warm. By mid-summer, during the flowering period, growth slows down significantly and watering can be reduced. In winter, the plant is sprinkled sparingly, but drying out the land is unacceptable.

Brugmansia is very fond of fertilizers. From March to October, fertilizers are applied weekly for flowering plants. It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic compounds.

Brugmansia is actively increasing the crown and may take an unattractive appearance, so it is recommended to trim it annually. The plant normally tolerates this procedure. It is also recommended to remove stepsons in the spring. They take away strength from brugmansia and reduce flowering.

With proper care, the likelihood of developing diseases and parasite attacks is minimal. With excessive watering and dampness, the appearance of gray rot is possible. In too dry rooms spider mites and whiteflies settle on leaflets. Chemicals will help cope with parasites.
