Odontoglossum orchid - a rare, plentifully flowering beauty


Odontoglossum is a very beautiful and rare plant of the Orchidaceae family. Finding it is not easy, but for the sake of this bright, abundantly blooming orchid, you can try. The odontoglossum in the photo amazes with bright and large flowers collected in dense inflorescences. Its habitat affects Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador and other countries of Central and South America. The plant crosses easily and forms beautiful hybrids, so flower growers will be able to make a very interesting composition.

Description of odontoglossum

The odontoglossum orchid is an epiphytic herbaceous perennial. She lives in high mountains, where it is always cool and humid. Plants have a thick, developed rhizome that can be fixed on other trees, and sometimes on stones. Several terrestrial varieties, on the contrary, have underdeveloped, short roots. Flattened bulbs up to 18 cm high are located above the roots. As a result of growth, new bulbs are very close to each other.

Above the bulbs there are up to 3 leathery, rather thin leaves. The leaf blades are dark green and have a linear or wide oval shape.

The flowering period can occur at any time of the year and lasts 2-3 months. A flower stalk 10-80 cm long grows from the center of a leaf rosette. A loose panicle inflorescence with many flowers is located on it. Under the weight of the buds, the stem sags a little. The diameter of the open flower is 4-7 cm. Narrow sepals and petals are painted in yellow, pink, burgundy or greenish colors. They have brown or burgundy spots and transverse stripes. Flowering is accompanied by an intense, pleasant aroma. The broad lip has a heart-shaped or lobed shape. The column is thin, often fused with a lip.

Popular views

The genus of odontoglossum is very diverse. It has more than 200 species. The plant easily interbreeds with neighboring genera in the family, forming many hybrid varieties. Anyone who decides to buy odontoglossum will face a difficult choice, because all orchids are very good.

Odontoglossum bicton. A plant with closely spaced, flattened bulbs up to 18 cm high. The leaf rosette consists of 1-3 thin leathery leaves. Foliage - plain, dark green. From October to December, fragrant flowers bloom, their diameter is 4-5 cm. The buds are collected in a cyst-shaped inflorescence on a long peduncle (30-80 cm). The narrowed petals are painted greenish-yellow and covered with brown spots and strokes. The heart-shaped lip has a slightly wavy edge with a short fingernail.

Odontoglossum bicton

The odontoglossum is large. Rhizome plant with tightly pressed bulbs. The bulbs below are covered with leaves, the upper leaf rosette consists of 2 dense, juicy leaves. Flowering occurs in autumn or early winter. At this time, the plant produces several peduncles at once, each of which contains 3-9 flowers. The diameter of a wide-open flower is up to 15 cm. Petals are painted yellow and covered with transverse brownish stripes. For this feature, the plant is often called a tiger orchid. The lip is quite small, it is painted in sand or beige and covered with pale stripes.

Large odontoglossum

Odontoglossum beautiful or pretty. The base of the plant consists of flattened bulbs. Above each rises 2 oval leaves. From the outlet of the bottom leaves, 2 drooping peduncles bloom, they contain 6-10 delicate, snow-white flowers. A bright yellow ridge rises above the short lip. Flowering occurs from January to February and is accompanied by an intense aroma.

Odontoglossum beautiful or pretty

Odontoglossum curly. The plant consists of several flat bulbs 4-8 cm high. Above each is a rosette of two reed leaves with a pointed edge. The length of the leaves can reach 40 cm. An arched panicle inflorescence, bearing 8-20 flowers, rises above the plant. The diameter of the opened flower is 6-8 cm. Petals and sepals are painted white and covered with pink or yellow stains. Their surface is covered with reddish or brown spots. The edges of the petals and lips are densely covered with teeth and waves.

Curly odontoglossum

Odontoglossum Rosa is the most compact variety. Its height along with the inflorescence does not exceed 10 cm. Light yellow petals cover brown or orange spots. The short lip is directed up and painted white. Flowering occurs in April-May.

Odontoglossum Rosa

Lemon odontoglossum consists of a dense group of bulbs, over which there are 1-3 leathery leaves. Flowering occurs in May-June. The plant produces peduncles with 9-20 large flowers. The petals are painted white, and the broad-lipped lip has a lilac or pinkish color. In the center is a bright yellow marigold.

Lemon odontoglossum

Plant propagation

At home, odontoglossum is propagated by dividing the bush. Before the procedure, it is important to dry the substrate a little, free the rhizome from the soil mixture and cut the stem between the bulbs. At least 2-3 bulbs should remain in each dividend. The slice is performed with a disinfected sharp blade. The cut site is sprinkled with crushed charcoal and placed in a new pot over the drainage layer. Above the roots have a special substrate for orchids.

The plant is kept in a cool room and regularly watered. Recommended content in humid air. With the advent of young shoots or foliage, the seedling is grown as an adult plant.

Care Rules

Caring for the odontoglossum at home is fraught with a number of difficulties. The plant must be kept in a cool place and provide night cooling. In summer, the air temperature should not exceed + 25 ° C during the day and + 16 ° C at night. In winter, the daytime temperature is fixed at + 20 ° C, and the nighttime temperature is lowered to + 12 ° C.

Pots are placed in a bright room, but they are protected from direct sunlight. The room must be regularly ventilated to provide the orchid with fresh air.

Watering odontoglossum needs abundant. Its frequency depends on the air temperature in the room. The hotter the more water the plant needs. Pots are immersed in warm (+ 35 ° C) water for 10-15 minutes, and then excess fluid is removed. The plant responds very well to a warm shower. It is important to use purified, soft water. Between watering, the soil should dry well within 1-2 days.

High humidity also plays a big role. It should be in the range of 60-90%. To do this, use humidifiers and trays with wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Twice a month, odontoglossum needs top dressing. To do this, use special complexes for orchids. Fertilizer is added to water for irrigation, and they are also sprayed with ground shoots.

An orchid transplant is performed every 2-3 years. The plant is removed from the pot and completely freed from the substrate, the rhizome is washed. If damaged roots are found, they are cut and sprinkled with a piece of charcoal. Pour more drainage material (expanded clay, pebbles, shards, broken brick) and special soil for orchids into the pot. The mixture should contain the following components:

  • sphagnum moss or fern roots;
  • chopped pine bark;
  • charcoal.

Pots are usually placed in decorative flower pots or baskets. During flowering, a flexible peduncle is recommended to support.

Odontoglossum is resistant to parasites and plant diseases. Sometimes a spider mite can be found on the leaves. In this case, the plants are treated with insecticides.
