Growing zucchini in the open field


Zucchini is a vegetable of the pumpkin family, its homeland is Mexico. It has excellent taste, is used in cooking and for cooking. Contains a minimal amount of calories, useful for adults and children.

The vegetable is unpretentious, it is possible to grow it in a greenhouse, in the open ground and in other ways. Productivity will be high subject to all agricultural regulations.

Best zucchini seeds for open ground

There are a lot of varieties of zucchini seeds; they differ in shape, skin color, thickness, and taste. Distinguish between early ripe, mid-ripening, late ripe.

It is recommended to grow in the open ground:

  • Cavili F1 - Dutch hybrid, early, cylinder shape, light green. Planted in May, early June. Fruits appear after forty days. Resistant to disease. In length no more than 22 cm, weight - 350 gr.
  • Aral is a hybrid; it can be planted in May without fear of frost. The fruits are light green up to 800 gr., Appear after 45 days.
  • Iskander F1 - Dutch representative, resistant to low temperatures. Sown in April, grows up to 20 cm and weighs up to 600 gr. The skin is thin, juicy flesh. Ripens in 40-45 days.
  • Astronomer - bush early variety, resistant to powdery mildew, up to 18 cm long.
  • Belogor - resistant to cold, green and white fruits weighing up to 1 kg.
  • Tsukesha is a variety of zucchini, an early ripe variety. The fruit is dark green with small specks up to 30 cm and weighing 1 kg. In May, sown, matures in 45 days.
  • Ardendo 174 F1 - from Holland, pin-shaped fruit, light green with dots. Weight is about 600 gr. Matures in 45 days. Planted in May, not afraid of temperature extremes. It requires plentiful watering, cultivation, top dressing.
  • White - high-yielding, weight reaches 1 kg, matures in 40 days, resistant to powdery mildew, suitable for conservation.
  • Gold Rush F1 - the fruit is yellow, with a sweet delicate taste, 20 cm long and 200 g. Ripens in 50 days, the bushes are compact, do not suffer from peronosporosis.
  • Masha F1 - matures in dry weather, pests do not attack him. Weight is about 3.5 kg.
  • Spaghetti is an unusual variety, similar to a pumpkin, the fruits are yellow, when cooked, the flesh breaks up into fibers similar to pasta.
  • Gribovsky 37 - branched stems, fruits of a cylindrical shape 20-25 cm, up to 1.3 kg, pale green.
  • Roller - resistant to cooling, has a high taste, is used for blanks.

Growing seedlings of zucchini

In the southern regions, vegetable seeds are sown immediately in the garden, in cold regions seedlings are first prepared. Soil is bought specifically for pumpkin or mixed on a leafy soil, humus, add peat and sawdust (2: 2: 1: 1). Another option is peat, compost, turf land, sawdust (6: 2: 2: 1). The earth is disinfected in a solution of manganese a week before sowing.

Seeds are first kept in the sun for seven days, then soaked in warm water, wrapped in a damp cloth after a few hours. Seed is hatching after 2-3 days. Prepared pots or cups with a capacity of 0.5 l are rammed tightly with soil and sown to a depth of 1-3 cm, in each one seed. If they are not soaked previously, then 2-3, then weak sprouts are removed. Watered abundantly and wait after 2-3 days for seedlings. The temperature is set + 23 ... +25 ° C. If there is not enough lighting, illuminate additionally.

After the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is lowered to + 18 ... +20 ° C so that the seedlings do not stretch. After a week, they are fed with urea or complex fertilizer, the second time with nitrophos. After the formation of several real sheets, they are transplanted to the garden bed. At the same time, sprouts harden in a week, lowering the temperature.

Sowing dates depend on the region:

  • The middle band is the end of April;
  • Moscow Region - end of April, beginning of May;
  • Siberia, the Urals - the end of May, the beginning of June.

According to the lunar calendar for 2019, favorable days are April: 15-17; May: 10, 13-17; June: 5-9.

Keep in mind - after 1-1.5 months after sowing, seedlings already need to be planted in the ground.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: methods of growing zucchini

Gardeners know several secrets to get a good harvest if there is not enough space on the site. A new method has emerged for planting seeds in "snails" (plastic pots rolled up in a special way).

Bag growing

Bags are used for sugar, flour or plastic bags of 120 kg. Organic fertilizers, soil from the garden, sawdust are poured. Below make a few holes. One bush of seedlings is placed in each bag. Water and make mineral fertilizers. For watering, a hollow tube with holes is installed, a funnel is placed on top.

Growing in a tricky way

For this, the substrate is prepared in a year. Cut grass in the garden and stack in the form of a large circle, 2.5 m in diameter. Add potato, tomato, carrot tops. In the fall, after overheating, its height will reach 0.5 meters. In this form, leave to winter. In the spring they turn over, fill the earth up to 10 cm. Divide into three parts and sow germinated seeds, 4 pieces each. Hay and straw are placed at the edges so that the soil does not dry out. Zucchini emerge in 2-3 days.


150-200 liter barrels are used, a pipe with small holes is installed there. Lumps, brushwood as drainage are laid at the bottom. Top humus, hay, soil, sawdust and peat in layers. Then another soil from the site. Seedlings are planted around the edges. Watering is done through holes in the pipe.

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings are planted in the ground with a lump, so as not to damage the roots. The site is prepared in the fall, dug up by 20-25 cm, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added or two weeks before planting. The place is chosen sunny, without wind. Dig holes, water, place a plant, sprinkle with earth, water. The distance between the rows is 1.5 meters, between the bushes - 70-90 cm.

The best place is where the predecessors were potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions. It is wrong to plant on the beds if there grew pumpkin, cucumbers, squash.

Seeds one by one, also previously germinated, are buried in the soil dug up and fertilized with ammonium nitrate for 3-4 cm. The distance between them is 50-70 cm. If 2-3 seeds are sown, then they leave stronger ones. Grade Roller

Zucchini Care

Proper watering is the key to a good harvest. As the soil dries, the plants are watered every ten days so that there is no excess moisture in the morning or evening. With dry summers, they are watered more often, otherwise the stems will crack. The water should be warm, immediately from the column will cause plants to rot. A few days before the harvest, it is advised to stop watering.

Before the vegetable begins to weave, the soil is loosened, weeds are removed. After the appearance of 4-5 true leaves spud.

During care do not forget about pollination. For this, several methods are used to attract insects. The beds are sprayed with a solution of sugar (0.5 tbsp.) And boric acid (2 g.) In a bucket of water. Put diluted honey (1 tsp. In 250 ml of water). Or marigolds that attract bees are planted nearby. It is better to buy self-pollinated varieties.

It is fed 12 days after planting with a nitrophosus with water (30 g per liter), mullein (diluted in hot water (1:10), after 3 hours it is still diluted with water (1: 5) and watered under the root). During flowering, superphosphate with potassium nitrate diluted with water is used. When the fruits appear - Agricola, nitrophosphate or potassium sulfate with superphosphate and urea. Spray with a solution of Bud every ten days.

Bush zucchini do not tie up, shoots of climbing varieties are allowed on the trellis and pinch the top.

Diseases and Pests

Zucchini sometimes infects diseases and pests attack.

ProblemManifestationsRemedial measures
Powdery mildewA friable, gray-white coating, then turns into brown. The leaves curl, dry, the fruits are deformed.Sprayed with colloidal sulfur, Bayleton, Quadris, Topsin-M.
Black moldYellow-rusty, then black-brown spots on the leaves. The fruits do not grow, wrinkle.It cannot be treated, damaged bushes are removed, burned.
Sclerotinia or white rotWhite coating on all green parts and ovaries, the fruits are softened.The affected parts are removed, the sections are sprinkled with charcoal, fed with ash, egg shells, phosphorus mixtures. They irrigate the soil with Fitolavin, make compost.
Peronosporosis (downy mildew)Oily green-yellow spots, with time become gray-brown.Helps copper oxychloride, Metiram. They stop watering for several days, feed them with potash fertilizer.
AnthractosisBrownish-yellow spots on the leaves, then they dry out and holes form, the flesh tastes bitter, the fruits shrink, rot.Sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid, Previkur, Fundazol preparations.
BacteriosisSmall white spots, with time angular brown, watery sores on the fruits.It is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid, copper chloride. If it doesn’t help, the bushes are destroyed.
Cucumber mosaicYellow, white spots, leaves curl, no crop.At the initial stage, process with Actara, Actellik. For prevention, they immediately destroy the ants, aphids that carry the disease.
WhiteflySticky coating on the back of leaves, which gradually fade.Stains are washed off with water, the soil is loosened. Then they are sprayed with insecticides: Commander, Tanrek, Oberon.
Gourd aphidsThe aboveground part gradually dries up.Sprayed with infusion of onions, tobacco, garlic, potato tops or Decis, Karbofos
SlugEat flowers, shoots, leaves.Pests are collected manually, pepper, ground mustard, egg shells are scattered around the bushes. With a large invasion, they are treated with copper sulfate, granules of Metaldehyde are scattered.
Spider miteIt affects the lower part of the leaf plates, forming yellow dots, cobwebs. The plant dries up.Use infusion of onions, garlic with the addition of laundry soap. Still used drugs: 20% Chloroethanol, 10% Isophen.


Watch the video: Open field growing of Melon with Trellis (October 2024).