Turkish carnation: all about planting and care


Garden cloves are loved in many countries of the world. From the 16th century to the present day, large large inflorescences have pleased flower growers. A pleasant aroma is associated with a popular spice. The name translates as the Flower of Zeus, sometimes it is replaced by a Divine flower.

Plant description

One of the most famous crops has been blooming since the beginning of summer and for a month or two, depending on the variety. They plant it immediately in the ground, rare lovers prepare seedlings.

The plant is distinguished by a variety of species and shades. A sprawling bush spreads across the surface of the earth, blooming and releases up dense peduncles, reaching 0.5 m in height. Characteristic tuberous shoots with narrow small leaves are painted in bluish-gray, brown or bright green tones. Carnation umbrella consists of many small flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm. Petals can be monophonic, multicolor, with intricate shapes, with a pronounced frame - each species has its own peculiarities and color structure. Terry varieties are especially beautiful. Holborn Glory

Varieties of Turkish Carnation

A garden plant is not only a variety of shades, but also the size of the bush. 3 types are divided according to height:

  • undersized produces peduncle up to 25 cm tall;
  • medium to 40;
  • high to 60.

Consider the features in the table:


Flower Size / Inflorescence Size (cm)Colors


Holborn GloryHigh.



Maroon, with a fringing and a bright white center.Unpretentious.

Carries partial shade.

Blooms up to 2 months.

Newport Salmon PinkMedium.



Pink color, finely serrated petal margin.

Early grade.

It blooms during the first summer month.

NigrikansPurple, the edge of the flower is curly, in the center of the interspersed white.Velvet flowers.

It blooms in June and July.

Not afraid of windy weather.

Diabunda F1Undersized.



Toothed edge, petal resembles an atlas.

Abundant flowering for 2 months.

It is convenient for planting in flowerpots.

Diabunda F1 has several subspecies of various shades:

Grade name


RedRed is bright.
CrimsonBlood red, dusty white.
RoseSaturated pink.
Pink pearlLight pink.
Red picotiWhite outline with a burgundy middle.
Parple PicotiCyclamen with white trim.
ParpleSaturated lilac.

The variety of varieties allows the use of cloves in landscape design. The plant looks especially good against a background of stone.


Turkish Carnation is resistant to cold, so it is sown in the spring in the open ground. Cases of sowing for seedlings are known. Young animals grown in the greenhouse take root faster and bloom earlier. The landing method is standard, without much change.

Seed cultivation

Gardeners who prefer the seedling method of growing cloves begin work on the preparation of young animals already in the first spring month. The container is washed thoroughly with boiling water and baking soda, you can use long pots used to decorate balconies or ordinary boxes. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the tank, on top of the soil composition, consisting of sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1.

The land for sowing is moistened abundantly, but not excessively, you can water the site in advance for a day. The next day, the moisture concentration will reach the required rate. Planting depth not more than 1 cm, the intervals between seeds up to 3.

The box is covered with plain paper (writing or newsprint), periodically moisten the soil with a spray gun and keep the average temperature in the room + 16 ... 18 ºC. This mode is maintained until emergence. Newport Salmon Pink

Open sowing

As soon as the earth warms up, in late May or early June, a "divine flower" is sown. Some gardeners prefer to plant in the fall, in October the seeds and soil should be dry. Wells are covered with sawdust for the winter; in the spring, the coating is removed.

Carnation loves bright sunlight; for flower beds, they choose well-lit areas with fertile soil of sandy loam or loamy type. 10-14 days before sowing, the earth is dug up with the addition of organic fertilizers and covered with a film.

When sowing, furrows are made with a depth of 1.5 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The soil is moistened and pre-soaked seeds are distributed equidistantly, observing intervals of up to 3 cm. Cover the bed with earth, slightly compacting the top layer, and polyethylene for the appearance of the first sprouts.

Outdoor Carnation Care

The basic rule of the gardener is the regularity of the work performed. The plant requires abundant watering every 3-4 days. In particularly hot periods, irrigation can be increased, the main thing is not to flood the plant itself with water in order to avoid sunburn. Moisture is carefully introduced into the root zone. When planting in a lowland, you should be careful, with excessive watering, root rot occurs.

The need for irrigation appears when the soil surface is completely dry and when deepened by 5-10 cm there is no excess moisture.

Cloves need to be fed three times for the entire period:

  • When the sprouts rise from the ground by at least 10 cm, the first solution is added, including the Agricola and Nitrofoski preparations, based on 10 l of water 1 tbsp. l ...
  • During the formation of the first buds, the bush is watered with a composition of a bucket of water with the addition of 15 ml of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  • During flowering, cloves are fertilized with a solution of Agricola, prepared according to the formula 15 ml of chemical per 10 l of water.

Such nutrition is enough for the health and beauty of the plant, a lush color and the formation of full-fledged seed boxes.

After irrigation or rain, the soil must be loosened, removing weeds and dried inflorescences.

Experienced gardeners recommend cutting the shoots at a height of 12 cm. With this care, the clove blooms again in the autumn, if the weather is favorable. The plant can be stored for the next season under a dense layer of peat (at least 15 cm).

Home Care

Growing Turkish cloves at home begins with soil preparation. Drainage is poured into the disinfected pot, and on top of it is a composition of sheet soil, sand, peat and soddy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2. You can use purchased soil with an acidity level of not more than 6.0.

Before planting, a home-made earth mixture is recommended to be disinfected with a low concentration potassium permanganate solution.

Finished seedlings are transferred to the soil, leaving the plant’s neck above the surface. As soon as the sixth pair of leaves appears, pinch the flower to create a lush bush.

The north side is not a contraindication to planting cloves; it easily tolerates partial shade without losing decorative qualities.

The optimum temperature is +15 ° C ... +18 ° C.

Abundant watering is required. It is better to defend water in advance to reduce hardness. In hot periods, irrigation is recommended after sunset.

The first top dressing with the use of complex mineral fertilizers is carried out a month after planting and continues to be applied regularly every 10 days. In October, the plant is no longer fertilized and left alone for the winter.

Diseases of Turkish Carnation

With proper care, the Divine Flower does not get sick, pests also bypass it. In a city, a plant sometimes suffers from an overabundance of heavy metals in the air. Nigrikans

In rare cases, when the disease still affects the flower, you need to know what measures to take:

Disease / pest


Remedial measures

Fusarium (fungal disease)Leaves turn yellow, but do not fall.

The color of the stem changes to reddish or brown.

Flowers are smaller and do not bloom.

The root system rots.

Sick plants destroy.

Bushes and the earth around healthy are treated with fungicide twice, after a pause of 2 weeks.

Rust (fungal disease)The leaves of the petiole and stems are covered with brown growths with yellow spots.

The disease progresses with increased soil moisture and lack of nutrients.

The treatment is carried out with a fungicide, one percent Bordeaux liquid, a solution of HOM.
Mottled (viral disease)It appears in the spring in the form of spots of an indefinite shape on the leaves.

Flowers are deformed.

It cannot be treated, all infected plants are destroyed.
Bears (pest)Eat up the roots, young shoots of the plant.In the autumn, they dig the soil and create a trap in the form of a hole filled with manure. Larvae move there to winter and in the spring they can be destroyed.
Earwigs (Pest)Spoil the flowers, shoots and young shoots of plants.For insects, traps are made of wet grass, covered with small boards. The pest hides during the day from the summer heat, in the evening to collect traps.

Turkish Carnation is an unpretentious plant with good immunity and resistance to cold. Breeding is available for beginners and gardeners.

Mr. Dachnik warns: mistakes in growing Turkish cloves

Florists sometimes make mistakes, as a result of which plants cannot reveal their beauty in full force.

The Divine Flower will not cause trouble, it is easy to care for and does not require attention during the planting season, but still there are subtleties that you need to know:

  • Excessive consumption of nitrogen fertilizers leads to rapid growth of greenery to the detriment of flowering.
  • When planting, you can not bury the seed more than the norm (1.5 cm). If you cover the crops with a more dense layer of earth, the plants will not be able to break through.
  • Wintering under the snow cover will be successful if you do not overdo it with mulching. A thin layer of peat is enough. More dense bedspreads are made in the northern regions, where the earth freezes to great depths.


Watch the video: Flower Gardening : How to Grow Carnations From Seeds (October 2024).