Dwarf birch: description, varieties, planting and care


Dwarf birch (Betula nana, small birch, dwarf birch; ernik; slate; carla; era), being a representative of the genus Birch, of the order Bukotsvetnye, is a short thick dense bush.

Botanical properties and habitat

The woodlands of Europe and Western Siberia are usually considered her homeland, but now dwarf birch can be found in North America, the Alps, in the northwestern part of Asia and even in the Arctic. In the tundra, in the mountains, in mossy swamps and acidic peatlands, this tree species, unique in its appearance and useful properties, found its shelter everywhere: the inhabitants of the North use the leaves and buds of yernik as a medicine, as animal feed, and wood as fuel .

Branches of dwarf birch are sweeping, falling. The bark is rough, dark brown or brown. Small green leaf blades (up to 15 mm), rounded in shape with a serrated edge. In autumn, the color varies from yellow to red. In winter, the leaves fall. Young growth is velvety, sticky. Petioles of leaflets short (about 5 mm). The location is alternate.

Inflorescences are same-sex, small in the shape of an earring. The fruit is an ellipsoidal nut with narrow webbed lobes on the sides (about 1.5 mm in diameter), formed from April to June.

The plant is slow growing. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Life expectancy is up to 120 years.

Popular varieties

Based on the classification presented in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, these types of dwarf birches are distinguished:

  • low;
  • skinny;
  • round-leaved;
  • and so forth

In the modern interpretation, and to the most popular decorative varieties of dwarf birch, the following two are considered.

Golden treasure

Golden Treasure (Golden Treasure) - a variety of ernik up to 80 cm in height and with a crown about 2 m wide. The bark is dark brown. Toothed, egg-shaped castings. Color changes depending on maturity: from raspberry shades to gold. In the fall - down to the reds.

Cabin boy

Youngii is a weeping birch. The plant is up to 4 m high and with a spherical crown of hanging branches about 2 m wide. The color of the bark is typical: white with black horizontal stripes. Leaf blades are serrated at the edges, diamond-shaped. Color - light green, in the fall - yellow.

Planting, growing dwarf birch

Starting to plant dwarf birch, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • The most favorable period for planting is autumn.
  • The soil is acidic or slightly acidic. A mixture of ordinary garden soil with peat and sand. Also, adding small portions of humus and gravel will not hurt. Loam can be used.
  • The hole is small in size. Having placed a rhizome in it, it is necessary to carefully straighten its branches.
  • Top well sprinkled with earth.
  • Complete the process with abundant watering.

Care Rules:

  1. The plant is photophilous, but it also tolerates the shadow.
  2. In case of drought, spraying and additional watering (including the first time after planting) will not be out of place.
  3. Fertilizer is applied twice a year: in the summer - nitrogen-containing (mullein, ammonium nitrate), in the autumn - nitroammophoska or complex.
  4. Do not loosen the soil in order to avoid damage to the roots.
  5. It will be useful to mulch the surface of the soil around the tree trunk - to protect against overheating and from intensive evaporation of moisture.
  6. The plant is frost-resistant. Shelter for the winter is not required.
  7. Pruning - in the second year after planting. Cutting of damaged branches, as well as crown formation, is in early spring.
  8. It needs monthly treatment with a wide spectrum of insecticides and fungicide for the prevention of fungal diseases and infections. The most dangerous pests are the May bug and the scoop.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: dwarf birch in the design of the garden

Decorative dwarf birch is perfect for both the formation of hedges and for landscaping open spaces: parks, squares, gardens. It will also look great on sites decorated in an exotic style or in a Japanese style; with artificial ponds in combination with creeping or polar willow. An excellent choice for the improvement of the local area or arbors.

Ideal for mixborders and rock gardens in addition to gentians and saxifrages.

Combining with cranberry bushes, ferns and moss lawns, you can quite adequately recreate the bewitching nature of the tundra. And having planted in a shallow flower pot, you can easily turn golden bonsai into amazing beauty.


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