Hypoestes - the inspirer of creativity


Hypoestes is a decorative shrub from the Acanthus family. Habitats of an evergreen plant - the south of America, India, Madagascar.


The bush is medium in size (45-50 cm), has good branching.

The leaves are ovoid in shape, the edges are smooth and serrated, the color is deep green or purple-lilac, located opposite. On the foliage there are randomly placed spots, pink, white and rich chocolate shade, as well as the color of burgundy.

The inflorescence is complex - an umbrella or a head. The perianth forms a high barrier, in which up to three flowers are located.

Types and varieties for indoor breeding

Acanthus include more than 150 varieties of perennial evergreen shrubs, and only two of them are considered the ancestors of indoor varieties of hypoesthesia:

  • Blood Red - originally from Madagascar. Dense shrub, ovoid foliage, there are waves at the edges, the color is dark green. On the leaves there are saturated red, bright pink or scarlet streaks. The flowers are small, pink, in the center there is a white pharynx.
  • Leaf-spike. Outwardly resembles the previous form of hypoesthesia, but here the foliage is colored in a mix of shades of purple. Flowers of a single type, lavender or pale lilac.

From these species many different varieties of hypoesthesia have been bred, the height of which is not more than 25 cm:

Pink (Confetti Pink)Pale pink with green edges and veins.
WhiteDark green, there is a large whitish spotting.
RedRaspberry red with strokes of green.
CrimsonBurgundy green with a fine pale pink blotch.
Red wineBright green, claret with burgundy, there is a small spotting.
Pink (Pink Splash)Red, decorated with pink splashes.

Home Care

Home care for the plant varies depending on the time of year:

SeasonShineHumidity levelTemperature
Spring SummerBright scattered light is required, several hours a day can be in direct sunlight, they contribute to the formation of a brighter color. It is recommended to place the plant in partial shade.Up to 70%, foliage is required to be sprayed daily. It is better to place the flower on a pallet with moistened moss or pebbles.
Next to it you need to put a humidifier.
Comfortable temperature for growing hypoesthesia + 20- + 25 degrees. It is necessary to protect from strong temperature fluctuations and drafts.
Autumn winterBright and diffused light is required, the duration of lighting per day should be at least twelve hours, otherwise the foliage will lose its colorful color. Artificial lighting should be provided.Comfortable temperature for hypoesthesia + 18-20 degrees. At a temperature of less than +17 degrees, the plant dies. It is recommended to remove it from the equipment for heating and a cold window. It is necessary to maintain an even climate, without hesitation.

Transplant: pot selection, soil, step-by-step description

Hypoesthesia transplantation is performed every spring, these actions are performed to rejuvenate the flower and give the leaves a brighter color.

The land for this plant must have neutral acidity, be light, but necessarily fertile. Such soil composition options are suitable:

  • universal land for plants grown indoors, can be combined with soil for orchids;
  • leafy soil, humus, peat and river sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

The transplant pot should be two to three centimeters larger than the old one. Preference is given to wide and shallow capacities. The roots of the plant are localized at the surface of the earth, so there is no need for a deep pot.

Hypoesthesia transplantation is performed as follows:

  • The pot is sterilized, the soil and drainage layer are prepared (foam and brick chips, small gravel, gravel, expanded clay).
  • The tank for growing hypoesthesia is filled with drainage, the height is two to three centimeters.
  • Hypoesthes is carefully taken out of the old pot (divided into parts and seated in different containers).
  • The root system is inspected, damaged areas are removed.
  • A lump of land is located in the middle of the new tank. The earth is gently filled up and tamped, the pot shakes a little. So the entire volume is filled, there should not be voids.
  • The flower is watered, sprayed and set in a comfortable place. The presence of moist air will allow hypoesthesia to take root faster.

Watering, top dressing

The plant needs regular watering. At the same time, drying of the earth or stagnation of water should not be allowed, otherwise hypoesthes will discard the foliage. The topsoil is considered an indicator of the frequency of watering.

  1. In the spring-summer period, the plant must be watered approximately every other day, with the same volume of water.
  2. In the autumn-winter land is moistened twice a week.

To keep the foliage of hypoesthesia bright, it is required to feed the plant with universal fertilizer with a high content of calcium. The frequency of top dressing is once a month.

Pruning, flowering

You can pinch hypoesthes often, as this gives the plant a beautiful, fluffy shape. In spring, it is recommended to leave trunks with a height of up to 3 cm. After this pruning, temporarily need to reduce watering.

The plant blooms in the form of bells of a light pink color, which quickly crumble. After the size of the foliage decreases, there is an intensive growth of shoots up.

In most cases, before the flowering begins, the arrows are trimmed.


Propagation of the flower occurs with the help of seeds and cuttings.


To grow hypoesthesia from seeds, the following is performed:

  • A wide container is filled with a mixture of river sand and peat.
  • Seeds are planted in a substrate sprayed with water and sprinkled with sand on top. The seeds of hypoesthesia are small, so they do not need to be deeply buried in the soil.
  • The container is covered with glass and placed in a room with a temperature above +22 degrees.
  • Seeds germinate after about a week, after which you immediately need to remove the glass. Every day it is required to check the humidity of the substrate and, if necessary, spray it.
  • The grown seedlings are planted in different pots.


To propagate the plant by cuttings you need:

  • In the spring, several cuttings up to ten centimeters long are prepared. The slice must be oblique.
  • Cuttings are placed in a container, filled with water and left in this form for 24 hours.
  • After the specified time, they are placed horizontally in opaque banks. A plastic bag is put on top of the tank to create a greenhouse effect. The main thing is to make sure that the foliage does not touch the package.
  • After the formation of roots, the cuttings are planted in separate pots.

Mistakes in care and their elimination

When growing hypoesthesia at home, certain errors may occur:

Drying the edges of the leaves.Extremely dry air.Spraying the plant and moisturizing the air in all possible ways.
Falling foliage.Insufficient watering, temperature differences.Drying of the soil should not be allowed, especially in the summer. The plant needs to be protected from drafts and prevent the temperature from dropping to +17 degrees.
Yellowness of leaves and loss of elasticity.Excessive soil moisture.It is required to adjust the frequency of irrigation. It is recommended to wait for the topsoil to dry.
Blanching of foliage, the disappearance of a motley color. Stems are pulled.Inadequate lighting.The plant should be moved to a well-lit place. In the autumn-winter period, artificial lighting is created.
Brown spots appear on the foliage.Burn due to direct sunlight.At noon, hypoesthes should be moved to partial shade.
Yellowness on leaves, blanching of spotting.Excessive nitrogen content in the fertilizer.Fertilizer is changing. It is worth using top dressing with a high content of potassium.

Diseases, pests

The plant is quite resistant to diseases and suffers only from root rot - the roots weaken, a specific smell forms, the plant dies. To get rid of the disease, fungicides are used.Aphids - the tops of leaves twist, they become sticky to the touch. To get rid of pests, the tops of the leaves are cut off, the plant is washed with soapy water and sprayed with infusion of tobacco.
Spider mite - small yellow dots form on the leaves, they become lethargic and fall off. To combat harmful insects, the affected foliage and shoots are cut, the plant is sprayed with Derris.
Scale - on the leaves there are brown plaques, the plant withers. Insects are removed mechanically, hypoesthesia is sprayed with an insecticide.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: Hypoestes - inspirer of poetic and creative impulses

It is believed that when grown at home, hypoesthesia improves mood and psychological state. The plant contributes to the development of human artistic talents, reveals a creative vein.

Due to its mystical properties, hypoesthesia is not conducive to relaxation, so placing a plant in the bedrooms is not recommended.
