Calathea lansifolia: care and tips for growing


Calathea lansifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant from the family of Moraine. It lives in the valleys of the Amazon. The length of the leaves reaches 90 cm. They are oblong, with wavy borders.

If you look at the photo, you can see that the outside is light green with oval spots of different sizes. The bottom of the green is a purple tone. Flowering of this species occurs in late spring and early summer.

Home care

When caring for a plant at home, it is important to follow the rules. Otherwise, problems will arise: the calathea will become stained, begin to dry and die.

Watering and humidity

The plant likes high humidity (at least 50%). In a dry environment, it dies. If there is no special florarium, the space next to lansifolia is irrigated.

Hard water is not recommended for irrigation.

To soften, water must be passed through a filter or sedimented. It is important that it is warm, not lower than room temperature. In summer, calatea is watered often, in winter less often. Excess liquid from the pot must then be drained.

Soil and fertilizer

The flower prefers sandy, non-acidic, nutritious soil. It should be composed of 35-40% peat. In the store you can buy ready-made land for arrowroot and senpolia. When self-preparing the soil for planting, peat and perlite are used in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Fertilize calathea is necessary with the active phase. Feeding - every three weeks from April to September.

Apply liquid complex fertilizer for decorative leafy plants (1/2 dosage, written on the package).

Temperature and lighting

Calathea is a thermophilic plant, the temperature of its content should not be lower than +20. The room must be ventilated carefully, especially in cold weather. The flower adversely tolerates temperature changes.

Lansifolia is not recommended to be transported to another place in the winter.

Calathea tolerates the shadow well. However, putting it in a dark corner is undesirable. Her foliage will change color and begin to fade. The plant should not be placed under the sun, it will die. The ideal place for him is partial shade.

Reproduction and transplantation

Reproduction occurs more often in a vegetative manner. It is better to combine it with a transplant, because calathea is restored for a long time after root damage.

The flower can be propagated by seeds, but it will take about three years. You can see how to transplant lansifolia on video.

Mr. Summer resident draws your attention: diseases and parasites

On a calathe, a scab, a spider mite, thrips take root. Every day, the plant should be inspected under a magnifying glass for their presence.

Naphthalene helps against parasites. Diseases in lansifolia occur due to improper care: dry air, excess light, etc.


Watch the video: 10 Powerful Rose Plant Care Tips. How to grow Roses? (May 2024).