Duranta - home care, photo species and varieties


Duranta (Duranta) - flowering sprawling shrub from the Verbena family. The tetrahedral light shoots of a perennial plant are densely dotted with bright green glossy leaves with serrated edges. Branches of some species are "decorated" with spikes. Durant grows rapidly, in one season the shoots grow by 0.2 m.

In the wild, the shrub sometimes reaches 5 m. The specimens grown at home are almost three times shorter. From late spring to mid-autumn, the durant blooms, dropping dense racemose inflorescences from the tops of shoots, consisting of many blue, purple or white flowers.

Also see a predatory plant like a puffy fish.

In the natural environment, shrubs are common in the Indian jungle, tropical zones of Mexico. Homeland Durants - South America.

The average growth rate, for one season shoots grow by 0.2 m
From late spring to mid autumn, the Durant blooms
Easy to grow plant.

Duranta: home care. Briefly

Durant shrub at home shows itself as an undemanding plant that even an inexperienced grower can grow, if it creates favorable conditions for the plant:

Temperature modeIn winter they are kept at room temperature, in summer - at + 23 - 25 ° C.
Air humidityAbove average; often sprayed.
LightingDiffused bright light; placement on the south or southeast window.
WateringOnce in two weeks; in the summer - every three days.
Soil for DurantsUniversal substrate for flowering plants, diluted with sand; a mixture of turf and leaf land, peat, humus and perlite taken in the same dose.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn spring and summer, once every 14 days, variegated species are fed with a remedy for decorative deciduous, and blooming ones with a solution for flowering plants, diluted in half.
Transplant durantsYoung bushes - every spring, mature - every 3.5 years.
BreedingCuttings and seeds.
Growing FeaturesIn spring, pruning is carried out. In the summer, the durant is taken out to fresh air (placed in a place protected from draft). Growing a plant with a support and systematically cutting off the side shoots, you can form it in the form of a standard shrub. By removing the shoots above, you can give the bush the shape of a ball.

Durant care at home. In detail

Only with the help of proper care and good relations can we achieve that the durant at home annually delighted with lush flowering.

Flowering durants

In the second half of March, the plant blooms. The duration of flowering of durants, subject to conditions of detention, is six months. Flowers consist of five petals. They appear at the tips of young shoots. Their colors range from white, lilac, blue to deep blue and violet.

There are dark specimens with a contrasting edging. Durant flowers are collected in elegantly hanging dense brushes. In their place after pollination, orange berries form. Some types of plants during this period exude a pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla or iris.

Temperature mode

Duranta is a thermophilic plant. It is imperative for proper vegetation to observe the temperature regime. The plant is provided with a cool wintering at a temperature of no higher than + 18 ° C. The shrub can tolerate lowering up to + 12 ° C, but it is not necessary to intentionally arrange a prolonged cold snap and sudden temperature changes.

In summer, a home durant feels very comfortable if the thermometer is within + 25 ° C. If it is hot, the bush will drop the leaves.

On warm spring days and in summer, the plant is taken outside, but left in a place protected from draft.


A tropical durant plant at home prefers air humidity to be above average. To maintain humidity at the right level, spraying is carried out regularly. In summer and on warm days, the procedure is carried out more often, in winter and in cold time - less often.

The bush is arranged with a warm shower, after which it should be in the bath while the water will drain. After showering and spraying, the durant is shaded from the sun so that there are no burns. Use household humidifiers. A pot with a plant set on a pallet with wet pebbles. Next to him put open containers of water.


For a tropical shrub, lighting is very important. Keeping the plant in diffused bright light is prescribed by caring for a dura. At home It is recommended to place a pot with a bush in the southern or southeastern part of the house. Here, a bright light will illuminate the plant for several hours.

The branches of the shrub will be strong and healthy, and flowering - lush. If you place the bush in a shaded place or in the northern part of the room, it will refuse to bloom, and the shoots will stretch and thin.

The variegated varieties of durants are especially sensitive to the intensity of illumination: when there is a shortage of light, they will simply turn green.


For a plant to grow beautiful and healthy, hygiene must be respected. The soil is loosely covered with a film, and the leaves are gently bathed under a lukewarm shower (water temperature should be no more than 25 - 30 ° C).

So that the leaves shone beautifully and the plant is not affected by pests, periodically arrange spraying with infusion of onion husks. To prepare the solution, the onion husk is tightly placed in a jar, poured with boiling water and insisted for two days.

Watering Durants

Durant is a hygrophilous plant. Starting from spring and during the summer, watering of the durants should be plentiful and carried out approximately every three days. In winter, it is important to prevent drying out of the soil. The plant is watered every 14 days. Waterlogging of the soil will lead to decay of the roots of the durant, and a moisture deficit will lead to the loss of leaves. For irrigation take lukewarm, settled water.

So that the substrate retains moisture, do not forget about mulching. As mulch, sphagnum, coconut substrate, spruce bark are used.

Pot for Durants

You must choose the right pot for the durant. The choice depends on the type of plant. To make variegated specimens feel comfortable and their leaves to be juicy and glossy, a spacious pot is selected for them.

Flowering species are grown in a cramped container. Tightness stimulates the lush bloom of durants.


Durants need loose and nutritious soil with neutral acidity. You can prepare the substrate on your own, taking the same amount of leaf, humus, sand, turf and peat.

In the flower shop you can buy a universal soil mixture for flowering plants. Vermiculite, brick chips, perlite or foam balls are added to the soil to increase friability.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

For durants, top dressing and fertilizer are especially important during active vegetation. Variegated species need to get more nitrogen than plants with green leaves. They use mineral fertilizer for ornamental - deciduous plants. Flowering species of durants should receive a lot of potassium and phosphorus.

To feed them, choose universal fertilizers for flowering plants. All fertilizers must be diluted twice and applied after watering once every 14 days. In autumn, the amount of top dressing is gradually reduced, and in winter it is completely canceled. After feeding, the durant experiences severe stress, so it must be pritenit for 2 - 3 days.


After purchase, the plant is transplanted into a more nutritious and loose soil. Young bushes are transplanted every year, in the spring. An adult durant transplant is carried out every 3.5 years, after its roots completely envelop the earthen lump.

When a mature bush is difficult to transplant, it is transshipped or just refresh the top layer of the substrate. When transplanting, replace the pot with a new one, having a larger diameter. The soil is made more loose, the drainage layer is increased.

How to crop a durant

To give the crown of the bush the desired shape and remove damaged shoots, spring pruning is performed. Using secateurs, elongated and damaged branches are cut, shortened to the desired length. Dried buds are regularly removed to make the bush look neat. In summer, to stimulate the formation of lateral shoots, pinch the drooping branches. Durant perceives the procedure well, quickly responding to it.

Pruning is carried out with gloves, not forgetting that the plants are poisonous.

Rest period

Duranta can bloom tirelessly all year round if it is often watered, and the room will be light and warm. But prolonged wakefulness will quickly exhaust the strength of the flower. For this, in winter, he needs a period of rest. In autumn, they begin to lower the temperature of maintenance and by winter it is brought to + 18 ° C.

Watering is also reduced to once every two weeks. Top dressing is stopped. But the lighting should be good. Bright light is especially useful for variegated plant species. From it, the leaves will be dense and bright. In winter, when daylight is short, the lack of light is compensated by backlight.

Breeding durants

Reproduction of durant at home is carried out by cuttings or growing from seeds.

For propagation of durants by cuttings

Take a middle-aged shoot fragment. It is separated from the mother bush and dried. To accelerate the rooting process, the tip of the shoot is sprinkled with a root stimulant. Rooting is carried out in a specially prepared "greenhouse" - a cut plastic bottle or container with a peat-sand mixture. The shoot is planted in moist soil; cover and placed in a warm and well-lit room. Ventilate the greenhouse and moisten the soil daily.

Growing Durants from Seeds

A more painstaking and lengthy way. Seeds shallowly planted in a prepared "greenhouse" with moist soil and placed in a warm, bright place. Shoots appear on the 45-60 day. After the appearance of three real leaves, seedlings are moved to a pot with universal soil.

The easiest way to reproduce durants is cuttings, which is recommended in early autumn, for the planting of seeds, the beginning of spring is favorable.

Diseases and Pests

Improper care of exotics is fraught with the occurrence of diseases, and pests are more often interested in a weak plant. Health problems are primarily reflected in the appearance of durants:

  • Durant leaves become small - lack of light (rearrange in a lighter place or turn on phytolamps);
  • the ends of the leaves are dried - moisture deficit (often watered);
  • the tops of the leaves are curled - lack of watering or excessive dryness of the air (increase the intensity of watering; spray);
  • Durant leaves turn pale - nutritional deficiency (fertilize the soil);
  • Durant does not bloom - lack of a cool period of rest or lighting (to provide a cool wintering or rearrange in a bright place);
  • Durant discards leaves - a normal phenomenon characteristic of the autumn - winter period. At other times, indicates a lack of light or fertilizing (rearrange in a bright place or fertilize);
  • the leaves are getting dark - Excessive illumination (shade or rearrange in a less bright place);
  • Durant roots rot - waterlogging (change the soil, reduce the intensity of irrigation).

Often the plant is affected by a scab, a spider mite, a whitefly, aphids.

Types of home fenders with photos and names

Varieties of home exotics differ from each other in splendor, intensity and shades of inflorescences, as well as the brightness of the leaves. There are about 20 species of durants, some of them are especially popular.

Durant Plumier, or erect (Duranta plumieri, D. Erecta)

The most common type. Tall bush with lush green leaves. The length of the leaf plate is about 8 cm. The leaves have an oval shape and serrated edges. Light blue or pale purple inflorescences are collected in a brush.

The most popular upright durant varieties

The most common varieties of this species are:

Cuban Gold

A tree with elliptical leaves. The plates are painted yellow-green. Leaves shimmer in the sun.

Gold Edge

Shrub with oval toothed leaves. The central part of the leaf is green, the border is bright yellow.

Lemon drop

Pointed leaves with a middle lemon color. Hue ranges from light lemon to yellow. The edge of the leaf is bright green.

Little geisha (Geisha Girl)

A small tree with bright densely purple inflorescences. The middle of the flowers is snow-white, the edges are wavy.

Duranta Lorentz, or Pilate-leaved (Duranta Lorentzii)

A tree up to one and a half meters high with tetrahedral stems and shoots. The leaves are oval with pointed tips and a dissected edge. Hues of flowers vary from snow-white to deep purple.

Duranta repens

A small shrub with miniature leaves. Inflorescences are purple with a blue tint and a nude eye. The edges are white.

Duranta - unpretentious exotic, suitable for the maintenance of the house and in the garden. With proper care, the plant pleases with lush flowering, as well as succulent and unusual foliage. Some species have a unique aroma. Each grower will appreciate the bush.

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