Rose Aloha


It is impossible not to love the beautiful Aloha rose, covered with classic flowers, on the rounded petals of which shades are mixed - apricot pink and reddish. The wicker rose looks perfect on high supports, trellises. Its radiance can be enhanced by planting several curly companions nearby - bells, clematis, or blue flowers - sage, lavender.

From the history of the variety

Breeders know two varieties - the old one, created almost half a century ago, and the new one, launched in 2003. Comparison of plant descriptions can be done according to the table.

Beauty Aloha

List of professionsNormative procedure for issuing
Builderssignal form; gloves PPE of face and ears; vibration reduction agents
Driversmittens; warm suit; safety shoes
Moversoveralls; gloves Jackets trousers.
Sales staffkerchiefs; gloves bathrobes
Agricultural staffgloves footwear; mittens.
Electrical workersdielectric special gloves; safety shoes; headdress; top overalls; thermal underwear for dielectrics.

Additional Information! A new variety of Aloha has several names - Aloha Hawaii, KORwesrug, Kordes Rose Aloha. They sound the name of the German selection company Kordes and the Hawaiian word Aloha, meaning "love."

Beauty Aloha Cordes

Rosa Kordes - what is this garden group

Among the varieties of roses stands out Aloha, decorated with large flowers with a huge number of petals.

A rose blooms at dawn, bending the petal out after the petal. The color of the inner petals is reddish, the outer is dark pink. It seems that the flower is overflowing. The shade of color can vary from the hot rays of the sun - to pale raspberry, terracotta, pale pink.

Among the young shiny hard bronze leaves look amazing. A rose can throw buds twice during the summer. Aloha well withstands the hot climate of the south, but can grow in temperate latitudes with frequent rains.

Blooming Aloha is beautiful

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

On the forums of flower growers, you can read admiring reviews about the beauty of the Aloha rose.

Many flower growers who grow a plant distinguish such qualities: a climbing bush can reach a height of 3 meters, which makes it very popular among decorators. Rosa is resistant to various diseases.

The disadvantages of the variety are spiky thorns on the stems, which makes it difficult to trim and shelter for the winter. Sometimes a flower is attacked by a spider mite.

Note!Infection with a spider mite can be avoided if the bush is periodically treated with special means.

The subtleties of growing varietal roses Kordes Rose Aloha

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

Climbing rose Aloha propagates vegetatively. For this, in a plant that bloomed one summer, in spring, cuttings from young and healthy shoots can be cut. After the cuttings beat off the roots and get stronger, a young bush can be planted in a permanent place.

For many gardeners, propagation by cuttings seems difficult, so they just buy a variety of climbing roses in specialized stores.

Aloha grows well in sunny areas

A rose can be planted in spring, when the soil warms up, or in early autumn, so that the roots have time to grow. Most gardeners prefer autumn planting, because a plant planted in the spring requires painstaking care.

The root system of the flower develops strongly: it requires a soil rich in minerals. In a wetland, the rose will develop poorly. Suitable for her would be an elevated area with a good drainage system in the landing hole. Sand and clay soils are not suitable for the bush.

Important! Rose Aloha is a photophilous plant, so the site for planting should be sunny.

The ideal side of the horizon for planting a rose bush is the northeast, a site near the fence or near the building, which cast a shadow in the afternoon.

Note!The hot sun, illuminating the bush all day, can burn leaves and buds. In addition, the sun's rays instantly dry the dew drops, which can cause a surge in fungal diseases.

Planting a capricious beauty in an open place is not recommended - she is afraid of drafts.

Step-by-step landing instructions

The landing procedure can be as follows:

  1. Before planting, you need to trim the long roots of the bush, shorten the shoots to 15-20 cm.
  2. To sustain the roots of the bush in a nutrient solution of phosphorobacterin for about a day.
  3. Immediately before planting, coat the roots with clay mixed with mullein and two tablets of heteroauxin.
  4. The site must be prepared in advance: the soil should be dug up and a hole dug 60 cm deep; if it is planned to plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them should reach 1 m.
  5. A nutrient mixture consisting of excavated soil, peat and compost is introduced into the pit.
  6. The plant is placed in a pit so that the root neck is above ground level, all roots are straightened and gradually covered with prepared soil composition.

Additional Information! In spring planting, the pit should be mulched, in autumn - the root neck needs to be covered.

Plant care

Rosa Pomponella (Pomponella) - characteristics of varietal shrubs

Care for the climbing rose consists of optimal watering, rational pruning and timely feeding, measures for the prevention of diseases, treatment with pesticides when pests occur.

About watering, necessary humidity, top dressing

The root system of the climbing rose goes 2 meters deep, so often the bush should not be watered, but 2-3 buckets of water should be poured at a time.

If the weather is dry, you need to water the rose 2 times a week. After planting, the bush can not be fed for 2 years, but in subsequent years, support is needed with organic and mineral fertilizers (up to 5 times during the growing season).

Clipping Roses

About pruning and preparing for wintering

Pruning of roses is done in early spring, when the buds are still sleeping on the shoots. This process is necessary to cause flowering and give the rose a decorative look.

In a newly planted young rose, dried inflorescences are removed, but this can be done in the summer (weak pruning). With medium pruning, 5-10 buds remain on the shoot, which causes early and abundant flowering. To rejuvenate the bush, all shoots are cut almost to the root (2-3 buds remain).

The rose can withstand low temperatures up to -7 ° C, but so that the shoots do not freeze, it is better to cover them for the winter. To do this, lay a layer of spruce branches, dry grass on the ground, remove the shoots from the support, tie and cover with agrofiber.

In early spring, you need to start airing, and then, as soon as the threat of frost passes, you need to form a bush.

Attention! Rosa Aloha is a strong, spreading plant, therefore, it needs reliable support in order to maintain the weight of the stems.

Why not the color of the rose Aloha

Florists are often worried that the biennial rose bush refuses to bloom.

There may be several reasons:

  1. The main one is that when planting the bush, the wrong place was chosen and the seedling does not receive enough light.
  2. Chain roses cannot be pruned heavily. If the shoots are pruned a lot, you will have to wait until they grow back and take out side branches.
  3. Dry flowers need to be cut constantly. If this is not done, then flowering may not occur.
  4. The gardener does not give enough attention to the rose bush. In order for the sapling to grow and develop intensively, it is necessary not only to water and loosen the soil, but also to feed it, to spray it in a timely manner.
  5. A rose that does not promptly remove root shoots will not bloom either. Abundant root shoots indicate that the planting depth was chosen incorrectly.
  6. On the branches of the rose, there may be bacterial burns that occur during the wintering of the bush under cover material. If you do not cut such an escape, then the burn can go to other branches.

If the rose does not bloom, then it is urgent to analyze the situation and consider all the reasons regarding its rosary.

Sick rose

Diseases, pests of roses

The bush of roses even with systematic care in June is susceptible to various diseases (powdery mildew, black spotting, rust) and is attacked by pests (spider mites, leaf moths, aphids). What to do to save your darling?

Measures may be as follows:

  • systematic processing of various drugs;
  • regular collection and burning of leaves;
  • watering under the root of the bush, but not on the leaves;
  • moderate consumption of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • mulching of the soil of the trunk circle.

Attention! Many gardeners advise planting defensive plants near the rose garden. In this capacity are: calendula and nasturtium, and marigolds repel aphids and ticks. Garlic, in turn, protects the rose garden from being affected by fungal and viral diseases.

Gardeners in love with Aloha rose, call her a wayward beauty, but with proper care and observing all the features of cultivation, any gardener can grow a chic Kordes Rose Aloha bush. The main thing is to follow the recommendations given above and not to forget about disease prevention.
