Features of growing tropical column at home


Kolumney is an original and beautiful liana native to equatorial America. But for some reason in apartments it is less common than its relatives - for example, calories and gloxinia. Of course, there are some nuances in its cultivation, but this is not a reason to abandon the beautiful Tropicana columna.

Plant description

Columnia is an ampelous plant from the Gesneriaceae family, growing in tropical regions of America.

The stems are flexible, their length can reach 2 m. The leaves are fleshy, small, up to 4 cm long, stiff, elongated-oval, located opposite to the stem.

Columnae flowers can be yellow, orange, red, less often pink

The two upper petals of the flower are connected and form the so-called hood. Fruits are white spherical in shape.

Of the known domestic plants, the relatives of columnae are kaleria and gloxinia. Kolumna is sometimes called "indoor orchid", however, just with the orchid they have no affinity.

Kolumneya looks especially impressive in hanging pots, a cache-pot.

Types of Column

The following types of columna are distinguished:

  1. Kolumneya Consanguina is a shrub plant with a brown hairy stem growing up to 1.5 m. The leaves are arranged in pairs, but one leaf is always smaller than the other, so it seems that the leaves are arranged alternately. The flowers are pale yellow.
  2. Kolumneya krakatau - epiphyte (a plant that needs support - another plant, for example). One of the most common among flower growers, very often it is used in decorating a home or office. The flowers are very bright, the leaves completely cover the trunk.
  3. Carnival. It is valued for its numerous flowers, on the bright yellow petals of which a red border is noticeable. The plant is small, it can bloom for a whole year.
  4. Columnae red is distinguished by creeping thick shoots, lanceolate leaves.
  5. Columnae Banks. It is unpretentious in leaving, therefore it is also widespread. Stems hang down, branch strongly. The green leaves above are red on the underside. Flowers up to 6 cm long, red-orange with yellow throat.
  6. Nice and small-leaved - plants with pubescent leaves. Their flowers are similar in shape and color, however, the leaves of the column glorious about 8 cm, and the leaves of small-leaved - only 1 cm.
  7. Columnia coliferous is distinguished by erect shoots.
  8. Kolumnaia Kyusskaya is an ampelous plant, the dark green leaves of which seem to be cut from the skin.
  9. Other types of columna are less common in decorative floriculture. This is a buccum column, Morton's column, acute column, Allen's column.

Photo gallery: different types of columna

Table: Seasonal conditions

Spring Summer18-20 aboutFROMBright diffused sunlight. East or west windows.Systematic spraying, more frequent in the summer heat.
Autumn winterDuring the dormant period (beginning in late autumn), which lasts about 50 days, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of 10-12 aboutC. Then the flower is rearranged in a warmer place.Bright diffused sunlight. South windows.During the dormant period, do not spray.

Landing and transplanting

You can transplant a column right after flowering. It is necessary to take a wide and shallow pot. Variant of a mixture of land (the main requirement is the absence of lime): equal parts of turf and sheet land, 1 /2 part of peat, charcoal, sand and chopped sphagnum moss - 1 /4 part. Kolumneya will also grow well in purchased universal soil.

Before transplanting, the shoots of the columnae are cut in half.

A transplant, as a rule, is required once every 2 years, when the roots of the plant are braided by an earthen lump. It is not necessary to clean off the old earth, they carefully remove the peasant, they rearrange together with the earth in a new pot, and sprinkle with fresh substrate.

When planting a column in a pot, there must be drainage


Proper watering and timely top dressing, as well as the necessary conditions during flowering and dormancy, will help you feel better for a whole year.


Water, which contains lime, the flower will not like at all. He will "tell" about it with drying leaves. Therefore, be sure to use filtered water. In addition, its temperature should be at least 20 aboutFROM. Between watering the soil should dry out a bit. Do not allow stagnation of moisture.

In winter, watering is moderate, and in summer quite frequent.

In summer, the kolumnei often needs to be watered with filtered warm water.

Top dressing

Kolumneya especially needs to be fed when flower buds appear (usually the end of winter). For fertilizer, you can use purchased mixtures for indoor plants, only you need to take half as much as indicated in the instructions. They feed a columna once every 7-10 days until the beginning of October.

Fertilizer for blooming columna sold in stores

Flowering period

Columnia begins to bloom in the spring, but only under favorable conditions. If flowering does not occur, then you can try to do the following: slightly limit watering and lower the temperature. Such measures should stimulate the appearance of flowers. And also a column can “refuse” to bloom due to too dry air.

Healthy column blooms profusely all summer

Room Decembrist is the easiest to care for, but blooms no less beautifully: //diz-cafe.com/rastenija/dekabrist-uhod-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

Rest period

In the autumn, flower buds are laid for the next season. At this time, the temperature of the room where the column grows, it is necessary to reduce to 10-12 aboutFROM. After 45-50 days, the plant will have buds of 0.5 cm in size - this is a sign that you need to rearrange the plant in a warmer place (16-18 aboutFROM).

The dormant period is an important stage in the life of a plant; it cannot be neglected. If the wintering period is not maintained or even shortened, it may stand without flowers in spring and summer.

During dormancy colder need to provide a cool temperature

Plant formation

Columnae is a fast-growing plant. Over a year, its shoots can grow up to 50 cm. Often, the stems lose their attractive appearance because they are exposed (this can happen due to adverse conditions or errors in care). Therefore, every year after flowering, it is recommended to rejuvenate the plant - cut off some of the shoots, root some of them to get new bushes of the columna. Pruning, in addition to aesthetic purposes, is another important factor - stimulation of the next flowering.

Care Mistakes

Some conditions may not like columnier, and she will respond to this with appropriate symptoms. Diseases and pests are practically not terrible for this plant, especially with proper care, but an omnivorous spider mite can attack the plant.

To combat the spider mite, it is recommended to treat it with special means in the autumn

Table: Care Errors and How to Fix Them

What happenedBecause of whichExit
Leaves dry and fallLow humiditySpray more often.
Leaves turn pale and stainedLeaves exposed to direct sunlightHide from direct sunlight.
Root rot, fungal diseasesStagnant water due to excessive wateringTransplant a plant.
Brown spots on the leavesWater too cold when wateringWater for irrigation needs to be heated to 20 aboutFROM.
Fluffy moldRot due to too damp environmentRemove the affected parts of the plant, treat with systemic fungicide, reduce moisture, periodically ventilate the room.
Thin web between the leaves.Spider mite
  1. Spray the plant with a solution of water with soap and water, cover the plant with a bag, wash the leaves in a shower in a day, cover again with a bag for 2 days.
  2. To prepare a solution for spraying: tincture of dandelion and 30 g of dandelion roots, 1 liter of hot water. Insist 2 hours, spray 3-5 days.
  3. Prevention: frequent spraying, as the best environment for the tick is dry.

Video: care for the columna

Columnia breeding

The optimal time for grafting the plant is mid-April.

Cutting Instructions:

  1. It is necessary to cut the cuttings from the shoots of the plant. Cuttings should be at least 7 cm in length, with 2 leaves.
  2. Plant in a mixture of peat and sand, cover with a glass jar or polyethylene. You can plant 8-10 pieces in one container, then you get a lush plant.
  3. Provide bottom heating at 20-24 aboutFROM.
  4. Water, but do not spray, as this is fraught with rotting of the sheet. It takes 3-4 weeks to root.
  5. When the stalk grows a little, plant it in a separate pot.

    It takes 3-4 weeks to root the columni cuttings

It is difficult to propagate by seeds with seeds, as special greenhouses with a constant air temperature are needed, therefore, grafting is the best way - fast and reliable.

Gloxinia, a related plant, is propagated in several other ways: //diz-cafe.com/rastenija/gloksiniya-razmnozhenie-listom.html

Video: cuttings of columnae


Actually, I would say that I’m not nursing her. Was on the balcony at a temperature of 10 aboutWith (outside the window, the balcony is not insulated), I do not always water with filtered water (I do not always have enough for all the flowers), spraying is rarely extremely. I bought through a supplier, came with buds, which have safely faded from me. In this case, the rooted stem in the pill is also good. Recently I found out that the kolumneya is a relative of the Saint-Paul))) Honestly surprised, except for velvet leaves, I do not see anything in common. I recommend that the flower is very beautiful in a hanging planter, especially when it blooms. But during the rest period it is also very original.

Alexashka87 //irecommend.ru/content/govorili-chto-super-kapriznaya-onaili-eto-ne-takili-mne-vezet

I love different flowers, but I give preference to the Gesnerius family. Adult specimens of column feel good in hanging pots. They love a lot of light, but the direct sun can kill them. They respond equally to both overflow and overdry by dropping foliage. The most picky varieties are the old varieties - Krokotau, Fuji. They root easily, the main thing is not to make long cuttings when rooting. More capricious varieties are variegated, but nevertheless you can find a common language with them.

Svetlana FYUR//ourflo.ru/viewtopic.php?f=29&start=20&t=2045

I can’t find a common language with her, I like very kolumni, but, apparently, I have a very hot and they do not grow. Already transplanted them, a little green, let's see what happens next. For the experiment, I started an eschinanthus, which is very similar to them, since this one grows like yeast, and columnae like in a stupor.


It seems that plenty of light and humid, even locally at least local air - the main thing for columnas. For 2 years now they have been living on a chair in their corner on the south windowsill. True, the window is partially covered with material like thin lutrasil. I didn’t transplant, one sold already with a mane, the second itself grew, the other two with pigtails are now growing with might and main. In cups about 12 cm, on wicks in a common pallet for seedlings, they practically do not dry out, the soil is perlite with an ordinary peat mixture in half, water, however, is distilled.


At the beginning of spring, I picked up a faded curving column in a flower shop - the vidocq was very, to put it mildly, saddest, I took it out of pity. Transplanted. Now it looks pretty decent for me - it has fluffed, it has given a lot of basal shoots and this despite the northern balcony). For all this time I haven’t even seen fertilizers with me. I would safely say that columna is one of the easiest plants to care for.


Column can not be called an unpretentious flower. In adverse conditions, it will adapt to life, but will not bloom. For high-quality growth, the plant needs bright light by pouring soft warm water and the right wintering conditions.
