Croate calathea (saffron): care and pests


Calathea crocata is a perennial evergreen flower, characterized by a small height. The photo shows that the leaves are oval, curved and ribbed, of a sufficiently large size (about 30 cm), saturated emerald hue. During the flowering period, inflorescences of a pleasant red-orange color appear, so the plant has another name - saffron calathea.

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Caring for croat kaleate at home requires a lot of experience in floriculture, since the plant is rather capricious, reacting to the slightest changes in an unfavorable direction. Caring for a flower is not easy, but with proper care, it will bring joy to the saturated greens and long flowering.

LightingCalathea crocata does not tolerate both excess and deficit of light. Ideal for her is partial shade. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the leaves dry, become stained. Excessive shading is also harmful to this flower.
WateringWatering should be regular, and carefully monitor so that it does not experience excess or lack of moisture. It is especially important that the top layer of the earth (2-3 cm) does not dry out. You also need to make sure that you do not fill the flower, in the hot season, it can be watered every 3-4 days. In the cold season, weekly watering is sufficient. Water must be defended, it must be at room temperature and soft in chemical composition.
HumidityThe natural environment for calatheas is tropical rainforests, and it grows along the banks of water bodies, so very high humidity is ideal for plants. In addition to watering, it is often necessary to spray the flower with water and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. It is not worth spraying the plant; spraying should be around to moisten the air. In the warm season, you need to do this twice, at least once a day. In winter, you can carry out the procedure less often, 1-2 times a week.
TemperatureIt should be high enough and constant, since the flower does not tolerate temperature changes. It is considered optimal - from +20 to +25 degrees. The plant tolerates a higher temperature in the summer quite well.

Top dressing

Calathea crocata is not very demanding on fertilizers, however, without them it can become sick, in addition, flowering will not be long.

Feeding should be done once every two weeks in the warm season, in the winter it is enough to fertilize the soil once a month and a half. Any universal dressing for indoor plants is suitable. However, it should be remembered that this flower does not tolerate excess calcium and nitrogen compounds in the soil.

Transplantation and reproduction

Calathea crocata has an undeveloped and superficial root system, so it is not necessary to plant it in a deep container. The main requirement for the pot is a sufficient width so that the rhizome feels free.

It is necessary to transplant a young flower annually, usually this is done in the spring. After reaching 3-4 years, it is transplanted as necessary, when the rhizome becomes crowded.

For the next transplant, you need to pick up a wider pot. A layer of drainage is laid at its bottom, and soil is placed on top. You can take special land for plants of the Moraine family or for the senpolia.

You can independently make soil for saffron calathea by mixing 6 parts of the earth with humus, 3 parts of peat and 2 parts of river sand. If you take soil for the senpolia, then you should also add some of the sand to it. In vivo, calathea crocata propagated by seeds or vegetatively.

Reproduction of decorative varieties of plants is most often carried out by dividing the root. After dividing it into parts, it is necessary to treat the cut points with an activated carbon solution to prevent decay or infection. Propagate the flower during the next transplant.

Diseases and Pests

Sometimes on the underside of leaves and cuttings you can find common pests: spider mites and scale insects. Identified pest larvae are removed from the leaves with a damp cloth, after which the plant is sprayed with an insecticide or treated with a soap solution.

Saffron calathea can develop the following diseases:

  • drying and falling of leaves - it is caused by insufficiently moist air or excess calcium in the soil;
  • yellowing and decay of leaves is usually caused by the fact that the plant is cold.

Benefit and harm

The main benefit of saffron calathea is to create a pleasant and healthy atmosphere in the house. Dense leaves of the plant filter the air, eliminating most household odors, cigarette smoke, dust.

The plant actively absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into the surrounding space, and also helps to moisturize the air. The flower does not contain toxic substances, so it will not harm the residents of the apartment: neither children, nor pets.


Watch the video: Houseplant Pests: Get Rid of Them Organically! (October 2024).