Peas Early 301 - one of the best brain varieties


Among the varieties of vegetable peas, early ripening varieties are especially popular. Children, and often adults, love sugar peas, which can be eaten directly from the garden with shovels. In addition to sugar, many gardeners often plant cereal peas. He is also very good, but only seeds are consumed. One of these varieties is Early 301.

Early peas

There are a huge number of varieties and hybrids of vegetable peas. They differ in purpose, shape and size of the pod, ripening dates, etc. In household plots and summer cottages, they try to plant peas of early, or even early maturity, so as to treat yourself to delicious vitamin pods as soon as possible. Among the varieties included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, the following popular early ripe varieties of sugar peas can be distinguished.

  • Ambrosia - recommended for eating unripe fresh pods, as well as for all types of processing. The height of the plant is not more than 70 cm, the flowers are white in color. The pods are slightly curved, large. During the collection, the color is light green; the taste is good to excellent. Wrinkled peas, productivity up to 600 g / m2.

    Ambrosia gives delicious pods at the earliest possible date.

  • Bobsleigh - a universal variety, medium-tall bushes, blooms with large flowers of cream color. The pods are long, straight, medium width, bright green. The taste of unripe fruits is good. Wrinkled peas of medium size. From a square meter of beds, up to 1.4 kg of pods are collected.
  • Children's sweetness is a stunted plant. The purpose of the crop is to use it in an unripe state (both fresh and for all types of processing, including canning). The pods are slightly curved, with a pointed tip. Coloring from green to light green, long, taste from good to excellent. Seeds are medium-sized, slightly wrinkled. Productivity up to 1.8 kg / m2.

    Children's sweetness fully meets its name

  • Refined product is a variety for universal use; it grows in tall bushes, flowers are large, purplish-red. The pods are very large, slightly curved, light green in color, with good taste. Seeds are slightly wrinkled, large, yield up to 1.5 kg / m2.

    Refined pods are slightly larger than other similar varieties

  • In addition to these varieties, such varieties as Zhegalova 112 and Inexhaustible 195 (considered one of the best sugar varieties, but ripening somewhat later) are very popular. They grow tall bushes, are very popular because of the excellent taste and high yield.

Separately, it would be possible to consider the early varieties of peeling peas: their pods are not so tasty in their entirety, more often they use only individual peas, and throw out the pod shell. However, they are much less often planted in ordinary summer cottages. The most popular peeling varieties of early ripening include Vegetable 76, Lipensky, Winner G-33, Viola and, of course, the old variety Early 301.

Description pea variety Early 301

Peas of the Early 301 variety have been known for a very long time: it was included in the State Register of our country as far back as 1956. Recommended for cultivation in many areas. Officially, this is the Central, Central Black Earth, Northwest, Middle Volga and East Siberian regions, but in reality it is planted almost throughout the country.

Early 301 begins to bloom in 29-38 days after germination, and about a month later its pods reach technical ripeness, that is, the crop is ready for harvest. It grows in a small bush, about 70 cm high. Leaves of a usual form for peas, green color. Flowers are medium sized, white in color.

In the stage of technical ripeness, the early 301 pods are dense, full

Pods with a blunt tip, almost not curved, up to 8 cm long, not more than 14 mm wide. In a state of technical ripeness, the pods are dark green in color and contain 5-7 peas of yellow-green color. Peas are not quite round, somewhat compressed, have a good taste. The crop ripens at the same time, the yield of pods (in the stage of technical ripeness) is low: from 0.8 to 1.1 kg / m2. The prevalence of major diseases is average. The variety is recommended for canning, fresh consumption and in home cooking.

The following fact is interesting. At the end of the last century, food companies for the manufacture of canned green peas were recommended only a few different varieties of vegetable peeling peas. The first important variety was Ranniy Gribovsky, followed by Ranniy 301. Agricultural enterprises were given the task of occupying up to a quarter of the acreage allocated for peas with this variety.

Advantages and disadvantages, features, differences from other varieties

If we compare the variety with sugar varieties, the most interesting for summer residents, then here it definitely loses: you won’t grunt it with the pods, such as, for example, Zhegalova 112 or Children's Sweetness. But his purpose is different: first of all, it is intended for the manufacture of canned food, that is, the famous green peas. Therefore, early summer residents are rarely planted by experienced summer residents: in our time, rarely anyone independently harvests canned food from peas, it is not difficult to buy them, and the point of self-cultivation is to get early vitamin products for consumption "directly from the garden."

Hull varieties, in turn, are divided into smooth-grain and cereal: the best canned foods are obtained from the latter. In addition, cereal peas are eaten well and fresh. And Early 301 refers specifically to brain grades. They contain a high content of various sugars and vitamins and not so much not very useful starch.

Peas called think-tank for the form of dried seeds

From the point of view of agricultural technology, the following are considered positive aspects of peas Early 301:

  • simultaneous ripening of pods;
  • the high taste and chemical composition of the peas, allowing you to recommend it for baby food;
  • adaptability to adverse climatic conditions;
  • low susceptibility to ascochitosis;
  • compactness of the plant.

True, friendly ripening of the crop, which is an undoubted advantage in the case of growing peas for canning, can also be considered a disadvantage if it was planted in a summer cottage for consumption as a treat: after tasting delicious peas once, the next weekend will not be able to repeat this pleasure.

Growing Features

The agricultural technology of peas Early 301 has practically no nuances in comparison with the cultivation of other varieties of a similar purpose. Planting it is simple, and leaving involves only basic operations: this pea does not even need support.

Pea sowing

Pea is a cold-resistant plant, so you can sow it immediately as soon as the soil thaws at least a little after winter. In this regard, the bed must be dug up in the fall. It grows best in the sun; in partial shade, productivity decreases slightly. If peas are sown for children, it is better to place small beds along the paths.

And in general, it must be borne in mind that literally in 2-2.5 months the bed will be empty: Early 301 will give its crop almost at once. So, we need to think about how it will be possible to occupy the vacated area. Here the choice is wide: peas are an excellent precursor for most vegetable crops.

Peas love soil, medium in composition: loamy and loamy sand. In the fall, they apply the usual doses of fertilizers (humus, ash), only nitrogen is needed to peas in minimal quantities: he himself extracts it from the depths, which improves the structure and fertility of the soil. Soils that are best in acidity are close to neutral; in case of excess acidity, they are preliminarily calcified. The best predecessors for peas are cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes, all varieties of cabbage. You should not grow peas in one place for several years in a row, do not plant it after any type of bean.

This variety of peas is sown with dry seeds, in early spring. In the middle lane, this is done in the second half of April, and sometimes earlier, depending on the weather.

Sometimes crops are carried out even in October, in the hope that the seeds will be wintered and sprouted as soon as the ground thaws. But this option is risky: in the winter there are often thaws, and swollen seeds in cold soil often die.

It is generally recommended to carry out early sowing of peas only with dry seeds: in April there is enough moisture to swell and germinate, and soaked seeds often rot in case of a return of cold weather. Therefore, seed preparation consists only in their calibration and the removal of obviously unusable specimens.

For Early 301, the most popular sowing scheme is 10 x 25 cm, but in the rows a denser landing is also acceptable, with distances of only 5 cm. Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3 to 5 cm: deeper on sandy soils, smaller on clay soils. Experts recommend orienting the rows from north to south, so the plants are better illuminated by the sun.

The technique of sowing peas is available even to the most inexperienced gardener

Landing care

After the emergence of seedlings, pea care, in fact, is limited only to timely watering. Moisture is especially needed for peas during dry periods, during flowering and growth of pods. Watering can also be done by sprinkling, but without strong pressure that damages delicate leaves. Water temperature does not matter, flow rate - 1-2 buckets per square meter.

When watering, the soil must be soaked well, but so that the puddle leaves in a few minutes

In a good bed, pre-fertilized, fertilizing is not needed, especially with nitrogen fertilizers. It is enough to water the bed once with infusion of ash during flowering. You can not make an infusion, but simply sprinkle ash in a thin layer along the bushes and water well. If there is still the opportunity not to injure the roots, you can previously lightly hatch the fertilizer with a hoe into the soil.

Early 301 in the first half of summer is practically not affected by fungal diseases, so there is no need to spray it. Yes, and how can you spray it, and soon collect and eat? But various pests visit it: thrips, a fire-bomb, a grain of corn, etc. However, they hit peas in the later stages: in the technical ripeness of the pods, nobody touches them. Therefore, if you harvest in time, you can not think about different small competitors.

A harvest must be done on time: he pings very quickly, literally in a couple of days changing from delicious grains to actually yellow and coarse seeds. It is better to monitor the condition of the pods every day, so this variety should not be planted by those summer residents who visit the garden only on weekends. If too many peas were collected at once, and canning was not included in the plans, you can simply freeze it and then add it to soups or side dishes.

Video: early peas in the garden

Early Pea Reviews

Last year, I planted pea seeds - Aelita "early vegetable peas 301", as it is written on the packaging - this is an excellent treat and healthy high-protein product ... In one pack there were about 25 peas, of which 24 were sprouted, that is, almost 95% germination, and that’s just great. The plant itself was long enough, somewhere around 1 meter in length, so we tied it to the rods so that it would not rot immediately on the vine. We already ate the first crop at the end of June, and this is early, because other types of peas that were ripened only in early August were planted with it. The pods themselves are large, about 8 centimeters, but the peas in them are 0.5 cm in size, but they were so juicy that we all ate it. When peas were planted. they thought that we would freeze for the winter, but could not save, they ate right from the root.



I prefer to plant hulled varieties. Early: Summer 10, Nord West. Mid-season: Zhegalova, and, very productive mid-season: Favorite. They are all sweet. Never soak, you can overexpose and the peas fall apart into 2 halves. I SOOT IN A WET LAND, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AS LAND WILL ALLOW.

Lyudmila Volkova


I love the Ambrosia sugar pea variety and I always plant it, and it is never wormy with me, but very tasty and sweet.

Margarita Karih


I took a look at the network, chose those where the “brain” one occurs: Adagum, Atlant, Vega, Viola, Sunrise, Emerald, Emerald, Kelvelon Wonder, Excellent 240, Early 301, Early Mushroom 11, Sugar - 2, Three, Tropar, Anniversary peeling , Fragment. There are many more varieties, where in the description - "half-brain", "wrinkled" and "strongly wrinkled" - I think they can also be preserved.



Video: O. Ganichkina about growing peas

Peas Early 301 - a great well-deserved variety, intended primarily for the manufacture of canned peas. But its immature cereal grains are good and fresh, and they are loved by both children and adults. Growing peas is very simple, and the feeling of joy from eating it “right from the garden” is indescribable.


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