Zephyranthes - planting and care at home, photo species


Zephyranthes pink. A photo

Zephyrantes (popularly upstart) (Zephyranthes) is a bulbous perennial plant from the Amaryllis family. In vivo, Cuba is the birthplace of zephyranthes. The flower is quite unpretentious, suitable for growing at home.

The size of this herbaceous plant can reach 40 cm in height.

It is a perennial plant. The flowering period can have a different duration: it usually occurs in spring and summer, in some cases the plant blooms all summer. The flowers are pink or white, appear rapidly and last only a couple of days, after which new flowers bloom just as quickly.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants of the Amaryllis family as wallota and clivia.

Growth rate is medium.
It blooms in spring and summer.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Beneficial features

For medical purposes, it is used due to the presence of biologically active substances in its composition: such as lycorin, neringen, hemantidine and others. There are even drugs that include marshmallows alkaloids: they are used to treat cancer, tuberculosis and diabetes. Also, its useful properties are used to treat liver diseases (abscesses, hepatitis, etc.).

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Temperature modeIn summer - no more than 29 degrees, in winter you can reduce it to 10-12.
Air humidityIt is necessary to maintain average humidity for comfortable growth.
LightingIt should be bright: when there is a lack of light, it stops blooming.
WateringDuring flowering - 1 time in 3-6 days. In winter, watering is limited or completely stopped.
PrimingThe best option at home for zephyranthes is fertile loose soil.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIt is enough to feed every two weeks with liquid fertilizer (with the exception of winter).
Zephyranthes transplantBulb transplants need to be done every year.
BreedingReproduction is carried out at the expense of bulbs and seeds. Flowering occurs after 2-3 years.
Growing FeaturesWatering stops in winter during the dormant period when the plant loses its leaves.

Care for marshmallows at home. In detail


Zephyranthes white. A photo

The duration and beginning of this period are different: it depends on the particular plant, as well as on environmental factors. Peduncles can appear simultaneously with the appearance of leaves or a little later. The newly blossomed flower quickly fades - in just a couple of days, but each bulb of the plant contains several peduncles: due to this, it seems that the upstart blooms constantly. This is especially noticeable when several bulbs of a plant are immediately in the pot.

After flowering has ended, the peduncle needs to be cut, and subsequently unscrew after drying. Individual parts of the plant that have dried should be removed immediately to prevent infections.

Temperature mode

During the period when the Zephyranthes houseplant grows intensively, the optimum temperature for growth and flowering will be 25-28 degrees.


Spraying is recommended in hot and dry weather to prevent drying out of foliage and flowers. For this, a fine spray is used. For spraying marshmallows in room conditions, it is best to use soft, warm water.


A flower pot is best placed in the southeast or southwest, as the plant is light-loving. But one should not allow direct sunlight to fall on the foliage: in this case, it is better to clean the pot with the plant away.


The soil must be moistened regularly: watering is carried out immediately after the topsoil dries. A lot of water can also not be poured into the pot: this can provoke rotting of the bulbs.

Temporary cessation of watering (about a week) can cause flowering, and when it has come, it is recommended to water the flower more often.


As a container for a flower, a small pot is best suited: several bulbs are planted in it at the same time.

A wide and deep pot should not be taken, since in this case the flower will not bloom for a long time.


You can cultivate it at home in loose soil with a neutral environment filled with nutrients: for this, a mixture of humus, sod land and sand is suitable. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pot, which should be about two centimeters in thickness. The capacity in which the flower will be located is filled with soil to half of the total volume.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

After the dormant period has passed and indoor marshmallow gave the first leaves, you need to start fertilizing the soil. Feeding is carried out with mineral fertilizers, which contain a complex of essential nutrients. Fertilizers need to be administered once every two weeks, during flowering, this should be done a little more often - once every 10 days.


Immediately after the plant is purchased, transplantation is not worth it. This should be done if the onion in the container has occupied all the space and you need to pick up a larger pot.

A transplant is best done in the spring. Before this, it is necessary to treat the plant from dry leaves, dried scales are removed from the bulbs. If they show signs of decay, then these areas must be cut off, and the remains immersed in a fungicidal solution for half an hour.

It must be remembered that for transplanting marshmallows you need to use only healthy bulbs that have their own root system. Only in this case can we expect further growth of the plant and its flowering in the future.


After the zephyranthes has blossomed, the peduncle is cut off. 5-7 cm should be left from its initial length. After this remaining part dries, it must be carefully unscrewed.

All other dry parts must be removed immediately, thus preventing the occurrence of diseases in the plant.

Rest period

The moment of the smallest growth of homemade marshmallows falls on the winter-autumn time. It manifests itself in the fact that the leaves begin to slowly dry, wither, and then fall off. Watering during this time is recommended to stop, and it is advisable to rearrange the plant in a dark and dry place, where the air temperature will be approximately 12-15 degrees.

Growing Zephyranthes from Seeds

This plant can reproduce using seeds. In order to get them at home, you need to make cross-pollination. Seeds are suitable for further sowing into the soil after 2 months: this time they ripen in seed boxes.

It is better to sow the seeds obtained immediately after their collection in the soil, which is optimal for cultivating a plant from the Amaryllis family.

Reproduction of marshmallows by children

To do this, you need to get the bulbs of marshmallows. A separate bulb should have its roots: only in this case will it take root in new conditions. It is permissible to plant up to 10 bulbs in one bowl, but it all depends on the size of the container. Further care for young Zephyranthes at home does not differ from adult plants.

Diseases and Pests

  • Zephyranthes doesn't bloom - this may be due to the wrong choice of containers for flower maintenance, the flowering process is also negatively affected by excessive lighting or lack of light, high humidity and excess fertilizer;
  • rotting meadows - this happens due to excess moisture with frequent watering. To save the flower, the plant needs to be transplanted into a new pot, having previously removed all affected bulbs and treated with phytosporin to prevent repeated rot.
  • leaves turn yellow - from a lack of fluid, they dry out. To correct the situation, you need to establish a watering regime.
  • red rot - a fungal disease in which decay of the root system of the plant occurs. Healthy bulbs should be kept in a preparation called Maxim for 30 minutes, after which they should be urgently transplanted into another container with new soil.

Pests that can cause illnesses: amaryllis mealybug, spider mite, soft false scutellum, whitefly.

Types of homemade marshmallows with photos and names

Zephyranthes grandiflora (Zephiranthes grandiflora)

The plant reaches a height of up to 40 centimeters. Leaves are narrow, 15-30 cm long. During flowering, blossoming flowers of bright pink color, orange stamens can be observed. Flowering can continue from early spring to early winter.

Zephyranthes snow-white, or Zephyranthes white (Zephiranthes candida)

The plant extends strongly up: it can reach three meters. Bulbs in diameter are about 3 cm. Flowering most often occurs in summer and early autumn: flowers are white, about 6 cm in diameter.

Zephyranthes pink, pink (Zephyranthes rosea)

This species is distinguished by the presence of purple-pink flowers. Flowering begins in spring in April.

Zephyranthes versicolor

It has an interesting color of flower petals: they are creamy white with brown-red edges. Flowering is observed from January to March.

Zephyranthes powerful (Zephyranthes robusta)

The bulb of this species is 4-5 cm in diameter. Flowering often occurs in the spring-summer period, and the dormancy period begins in the fall. The petals of the flowers are long, have a soft pink color. Corolla in diameter is 5-6 cm.

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